[38] turned backs

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When STAYC arrived at the rendezvous, a helicopter landing on one of the highest buildings in Seoul, a chopper was already there, waiting on the girls' downfall. The wind blew their hair everywhere, and the constant ringing noise from the propellers filled their ears. The helicopter's door opened, and Dami and Chan exited the aerial vehicle, clad in coats. Dami had her shades on while Lee Chan twirled his gun around his slender hands. 

"Good to see all of you! Let's make this quick, eh?" The two siblings pulled out their guns and pointed at them. 

"We'll give you a choice. Join us, or surrender the disk. Drop the guns and kick them away."

Isa's eyes darted around to look at the members, and whatever happened next made her heart drop.

"Yeeun, what are you doing?"

The sound of a gun reloading was heard, and the next moment, a gun was pointing straight at Isa's head.

"I've waited for this moment my whole life," Yeeun spoke menacingly. "Drop the guns and kick it away, won't y'all?"

Yeeun walked out of the washroom and walked towards the subway platform

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Yeeun walked out of the washroom and walked towards the subway platform. She felt a hand tug on her jacket, and the next moment, she was flung into a closet. Something cool and sharp was pressed on her neck. The voice spoke, and she instantly knew who it was.

"Jang Yeeun. If you don't want your loved ones to die, you damn well shall listen to my orders the next time we meet. I'm watching you."

Yeeun was flung out of the closet, and the first thing she did was touch her neck. There wasn't any blood, but what was inflicted on her was as deep as a gash.

 There wasn't any blood, but what was inflicted on her was as deep as a gash

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The sound of guns clattering on the floor was heard.

"You cooperated well, eh?" Dami snickered. Yeeun kept a blank face. She pulled out the disk from her pocket and handed it over. 

When Sumin saw the disk, she immediately panicked. She took out the one from her pocket, and it was the decoy they used previously. She muttered a curse and glared at Yeeun. Yeeun, Dami and Lee Chan turned around and made their way up the helicopter. With a blast, the chopper propelled itself upwards and drove away.

Their own best friend, their teammate, betrayed them. Sehun's words started ringing in their ears. 

Trust no one...

Yeeun watched intently as Dami examined the disk

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Yeeun watched intently as Dami examined the disk. Lee Chan was piloting the helicopter; he flipped a few controls before steering the chopper around to take a detour.

Remember the plan. When they reach a lower ground, shoot them and-

Yeeun didn't feel anything in her pocket. Her gun, which was supposed to be in her pocket, was gone.

"What do you take us as? Idiots?" Dami scoffed, pulling out Yeeun's gun from her side and twirling it around. "I can't believe that your agency sent a bunch of teenagers to their operation."

Well, I'm doomed. 

She sat in her seat uncomfortably, worried that they would attack her. Blood rushed to her head rapidly, making her feel too giddy. She could feel her hands start sweating. But one thing that kept her from fainting, was her anger after hearing Dami's words.

"And who the hell are you to evaluate our skills?"

Two whooshes were heard before Dami and Lee Chan were mysteriously shot dead. Yeeun swiftly seized the helicopter controls. Radio static was heard from the helicopter's speakers.

"Jang Yeeun-ssi, you still owe me your guardian's letter for your absence from a year ago~"

Yeeun felt that the voice was especially familiar. WAY TOO familiar to not recognise it.

She looked out the window and saw someone in a leather jacket—the sleeves were rolled up— Chrome Hearts glasses perched on his head, a sniper in his hand.

Yeeun felt like she was on the brink of madness. 

Her mortal enemy was back from the dead.

"TERAZONO KEITAAAAA!" Yeeun screamed into the radio. 

"Lady, I know you're talking to a— well, supposedly dead person, but you need to calm your ass down and not scream like a madwoman."


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