[43] the chase

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"Yeeun? What's going on?"

"He's not breathing!"

Yeeun rushes to the limp body and examines him. He had injuries everywhere, with multiple blows on the back, ribs and head. She didn't have a pulse tracker, so she started fumbling around, trying to remove her Apple Watch from her wrist. She activates the pulse and blood oxygen application, placing the watch on his bloody wrist.

The door clanged shut, and the room was dark except for a small light at the entrance. 


Static. Yeeun tapped on her earpiece to reconnect, but it seemed like the connection was weak in the room.

The watch finished measuring, and the percentage was too low. She looks around to find any source of cross-ventilation but finds none. Yeeun gets up to open the door- but realises the door had been locked from the outside. She slumps onto the ground.

Wow, i'm done. I'm also locked in here.

She crawls back to Hyunjun's body and checks her watch. It was one minute from the stipulated time she was supposed to return to Keita's car. She mentally prays he would notice something was wrong.

The only thing left I can do is do perform CPR on him.

She performs the resuscitation routine, occasionally checking Hyunjun's pulse meter. There were no available AEDs near her, so she could only perform CPR, hoping he would regain consciousness. After a while, she could feel herself starting to feel giddy from the lack of oxygen in the suffocating room.

Tap tap tap.

Yeeun looks up at the door, pulling out a gun. The tapping stops.

Bright light fills her vision, and her eyes try to adjust to the alarming brightness. Fresh air enters the room, and she takes in less shallow breaths.

"Yeeun!" A female voice spoke,

When her eyes finally adjusted to the light, she could see Isa and Keita at the entrance. Isa was holding a defibrillator. 

"Don't close the door. It'll lock from the outside." Keita nods and holds the door open.

Isa rushes to Hyunjun and starts the defibrillator, attaching the pads to his chest. She was more trained in first aid, so Yeeun left the process to her. The first shock was administered, but Hyunjun did not respond. After a while, a second shock was administered. His eyes widened open, his mouth gasping for air. Yeeun immediately calls GWSN. Hyunjun was still weak, so Keita carried him to the entrance where GWSN waited. 

"Do you believe me now?" Yeeun asks as the trio watches the black van drive away.

Isa turned when she heard the question. She looks Yeeun in the eye before slowly nodding.

"Yoon convinced me."

"Where are the others?" Yeeun questions, 

Remember the file Sehun gave us before we left? It was a profile of the group, NMIXX..."

Yoon cackled as shots were fired behind her, but she still dodged them, swerving around the road with the brand-new Ducati motorbike she took from the hideout

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Yoon cackled as shots were fired behind her, but she still dodged them, swerving around the road with the brand-new Ducati motorbike she took from the hideout. Behind her were two girls who were also on their motorbikes. 

Yoon increased the bike's speed and sped her way towards a junction. She zooms past the road junction just when the traffic lights signalled from amber to red, causing one of the girls chasing Yoon to brake abruptly and the other to skid across the road, falling from the bike. Yoon pulls out her walkie-talkie.

"Jinni and Haewon down."

"Gotcha!" Seeun yells into the device as she speeds onto a street branching from the main road. She hides in an alley and pulls out a gun, waiting until the car drives past her. She emerges from the car roof and aims. 

The car enters the street and-


The car tyre deflates, causing that car to skid until it crashes onto a dead end.

"Jiwoo and Bae down!"

"Found Hyunjun and Yeeun with the Keita guy. Head to the headquarters once done."

"Roger that." Sieun grinned as she navigated through the noisy market, a short-haired girl and a girl with red hair chasing her from behind. She joined the crowd of shoppers and blended into the crowd. She continued staying low before making a turn to enter a restaurant. She made her way to the back door and exited, walking towards the motorbike she parked behind the shop. She started the motorbike and wore her helmet before speeding away.

"Lily and Kyujin lost me."

"Sullyoon is still on my tail. I'm on a building; Seeun, track my location." Sumin gruntled as she parkoured her way up a building, Sullyoon chasing behind her. She vaulted over a railing and ran across the low buildings until she stopped before a large gap between two buildings.

"Nowhere to run now, don't you?" Sullyoon scoffed, swiping her knuckle against her bleeding lip.

Sumin looks down from the building and sees a familiar incoming car.

"Oh no, I do." 

Sumin leaps off the ledge and lands in Seeun's car as Sullyoon shoots her but misses. Seeun closes the car's roof, and she stomps on the pedal, speeding towards their location.

 Seeun closes the car's roof, and she stomps on the pedal, speeding towards their location

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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