Chapter 4 - Lunch

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Abi woke before the sun had risen and thought over everything that had happened the day before.

She had been greeted at the door last night by Caitlinn bouncing and screeching. "You went out with a lifeguard. I am SOOO jealous!"

She really hadn't been trying to catch a lifeguard. She'd just tried to help. After her last disastrous relationship, in England, she'd decided to swear off men for a while. There was just something about Troy though. He seemed a real contradiction, confident in his job, but shy and bashful. He'd not been ashamed to show some vulnerability and had genuinely seemed concerned for her. Plus, every time she caught him looking at her last night, she'd felt butterflies, and her heart rate had picked up every time they'd touched. She closed her eyes as she threw her head back on the pillow... she was in trouble.

Knowing she wasn't going to get back to sleep she got up and threw on a pair of running shorts and sports bra, shoving a t-shirt over the top and hopping to the door as she wrestled on her trainers.

The sun was rising as she reached the promenade. She paused to watch as it appeared to set the ocean on fire. Then she took a ramp down to the beach and slipped across the soft sand until she reached the firmer damp sand where she preferred to run. She ran, watching her feet pound the sand, until she was startled from her thoughts by her name being called.

Abi looked up to see Troy a short distance away with a shovel in 1 hand. A little behind him, another blonde man stood, holding a flag, with an amused smirk on his face.

Abi slowed to a stop beside Troy and bent over out of breath.
"Couldn't you wait to see him again?" Laughed the man she didn't recognise.
"Yeah...sweaty...mess...was...the look I was hoping to impress with." She panted.
The man laughed.
"Whip!" Troy warned, using the shovel to fling sand at his colleague. He only laughed more before pulling himself together, coming closer and offering his hand.
"Nice to meet ya Abi. I'm Ryan or Whippet."
"Whippet?" Abi asked as she shook his hand.
"Yeah Kerrbox's fault. I was a skinny nipper and the name kinda stuck."
Abi laughed. Whippet flashed her another charming smile before returning to placing his flag.

Troy smiled at her shyly, and Abi found herself unable to look away and smiling back. She blushed when she realised she'd been staring too long.
"I should finish my run." She said, gesturing along the waters edge.
"Still okay for lunch?" Troy asked.
"Looking forward to it. I'm paying this time." Abi replied before continuing her run.
"Get your eyes off her arse and get back to work!" She heard Whippet shout.
"Whip!" Troy almost whined with embarrassment.
"You are totally whipped mate." Abi heard Whippet say gleefully as she jogged on, giggling to herself.

As the morning wore on Abi thought she might be totally whipped too. She kept glancing at the clock and the hands seemed to be barely moving.
"Would you stop!" Caitlinn eventually snapped."You're not going to make the time go faster. Let's bake some cookies. We need you in those lifeguards' good books so I can have my pick of them."
Abi rolled her eyes but helped her new friend bake an insane amount of cookies. By the time they were boxed up, the clock hands had finally moved, and it was time to change and go.

Abi tried to ignore the nerves as she walked down the promenade towards the tower. She'd opted for some denim shorts and a floral off the shoulder top, her hair down. She was trying to make a good impression after her earlier sweaty mess. She sat herself on a bench outside the Pavilion and sent Troy a text to let him know she was there.

It wasn't long before the promenade door to the tower opened and Troy stepped out, walking towards the Pavilion. Abi rose from the bench and waved. He began to walk in her direction, but was stopped briefly when a woman called his name and approached him. They had a short conversation and he shook his head firmly before turning away, his face serious. He made his way over to Abi and she impulsively gave him a quick hug. He froze for a moment before hugging her back and kissing her softly on the top of her head.
"What was that about?" She asked as she stepped back.
"That's one of the producers for Bondi Rescue. She asked if they could film us and interview you about yesterday's resus."
"Oh God! I guess I'm going to be in an episode after yesterday." Abi gasped.
"Yeah, sorry about that. But it'll just be background stuff. You don't have to do an interview, and I'm definitely not letting them film our lunch date."
"Thanks." Abi said. "I need your local knowledge again for a good cafe."
Troy took her hand, but she pulled away. He looked disappointed for a moment until she picked up a large box from the bench.
"Almost forgot! Caitlinn, my flatmate, and I baked cookies for your team. She's a bit of a fangirl I'm afraid. I'd never even heard of Bondi Rescue until she made me watch a few episodes."
Troy's face lit up at the mention of cookies. He took the box from her and tucked it under one arm before taking her hand again. Together, they strolled down the promenade.

Wolf whistles sounded as they approached the tower. Whippet stood at the open door. Troy looked mortified.
"Shut up. She baked you all cookies." He said, flinging the box at Whippet. He fumbled to catch it and opened it with a grin.
"Knew I liked you, Abi." He said, giving her a salute as he stepped back in the door, stuffing a cookie in his mouth.
"There won't be any left by the time you get back." Abi giggled.
"I get something better than cookies." He smiled, then blushed as he realised what he said.
"I mean you... your company... urgggh Shut up Troy." He told himself, putting his free hand over his face.
Abi pulled his hand away.
"I'd rather have your company than cookies too." She reassured him with a kind smile. "Let's get lunch."

They sat outside a cafe on Campbell Parade and soon relaxed into easy conversation. Abi ordered a chicken sandwich and Troy ordered a chicken and rice bowl. He took her hand across the table again. His smile a little more confident this time. Their lunch was filled with casual chat and comfortable silences.

"Is the offer for surf lessons still open?" Abi enquired.
"Yeah, course. I'm day off Thursday if you're free?"
"Yeah, I'm on late afternoon and evening teaching sessions."
"You all right with early morning? The beach will be quieter."
"Early is fine by me. I'm an early riser."
"I noticed." He smiled.
Abi hid her face in the arm she had stretched across the table. "I really was a mess this morning. I only started running a few months ago."
"I didn't think you were a mess." Troy's hand moved from her own to gently stroke her hair. God, that felt good, Abi thought.
"Whippet did seem to think you liked my arse." Abi chuckled, sitting back up.
"I was hoping you didn't hear that." Troy muttered, going beetroot.
"He shouted it loud enough for the surfers on the waves to hear." Abi was giggling now. Troy smiled at her fondly and seemed to take a deep breath to gather courage before replying. 
"Fair dinkum I s'pose, he wasn't wrong."
It was Abi's turn to blush.

"Awww look at the lovebirds." A voice interrupted as 2 chairs were pulled up to the table and a spindly young lifeguard with curly blonde hair flopped into one of them, taking a slurp from a slushie.
"Maxi, leave them alone." A second new voice said with exasperation. Abi looked up and recognised the brown haired lifeguard who'd pulled the girl from the surf yesterday. He was stood further back, holding a coffee.
"But Chappo, they're so cute." The young boy cooed.
Troy rolled his eyes at the interruption.
"I apologise for this reprobate." Chappo said, leaning on the back of Maxi's chair and ruffling his hair. "But it's good to meet you. I wanted to thank you for your help yesterday. "
"You don't need to thank me. I was happy to help." Abi smiled.
"And you made us cookies." Maxi commented, bouncing on his chair like an excited puppy.
Abi watched him with amusement.
"I'm thinking you really don't need all that sugar kiddo."
Chappo and Troy laughed.
"Whip said we'd like you." Chappo commented.
"Now that you've interrupted our date, perhaps you could get to the tower?" Troy chuckled.
"Our shifts about to start, which means your lunch is over." Chappo said, pulling Maxi from his chair and dragging him away.
"Quickest lunch break ever." Troy sighed, finally releasing Abi's hand and reaching for his wallet.
"We agreed I'd pay this time." She reminded him.
He reluctantly put his wallet back and stood. Suddenly he leant over the table and kissed her cheek.
"I'll text you about Thursday." He said before dashing to catch up with the others.

Abi watched Chappo throw an arm over his shoulder, and Maxi make kissing actions as they strode down the promenade. Abi sat and finished her coffee, unable to wipe the smile off her face before getting up from the table to settle the bill.

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