Chapter 41 - Sharks and Sharpies

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November was flying by. Today, Abi was watching as Maxi nervously paced outside the Pavilion, waiting to be called in for his interview for a part-time lifeguard position. Ignoring Troy's advice to give him space, she approached him just as he sat heavily on the step. She sat beside him and placed a reassuring hand on his knee.
"You've got this." She told him.
"If I don't, then it's over." He barely whispered.
"Maxi, you're good at this job. You've got this in the bag."
Her radio sounded with Brad's voice. "Bambi, can you come to 3rd ramp? Think the families Chinese. Need translation of some safety issues."
"On my way." She said, rising from beside Maxi. She ruffled his hair before running off towards 3rd ramp.

Back in the tower, after explaining to the Chinese family why it wasn't a good idea to let their children go in the water at Backpackers, Abi only had half her attention on the water. The other half was on Maxi in the Pavilion, and she kept glancing towards the promenade, keeping an eye out for him. Beardy called her attention back to the beach.

It wasn't long before Jake entered the tower. He leant on the back of her chair.
"Swap with you." He said. "Maxi's just out of the interview."
"And how'd you go?" She asked.
"Continuing traineeship." He replied.
Abi high fived him before hurrying out of the tower.
Maxi was on the phone, grinning from ear to ear. Abi sprinted across the promenade and launched herself onto his back, wrapping him in a hug and cheering loudly.
The camera crew laughed as Maxi nearly fell over in surprise.
"Sorry to interrupt Mrs Maxwell." Abi called down the phone, knowing who Maxi would be sharing his news with. "Just stoked for him."
Maxi ended his call as Abi jumped off his back.
"Told you you'd get it." She grinned at him as he lifted her and spun her round.

It turned out for Maxi that graduating from his traineeship didn't stop him being given the less pleasant jobs. Abi watched from the tower a few days later as he and Troy headed out to retrieve a dead shark. Terry and Whippet had ribbed Troy when he'd donned a pair of blue medical gloves but Abi noted neither of them volunteered to retrieve it. The shark drew quite a crowd and Abi manned the tower whilst the others dug a grave to bury the decomposing carcus.

Deano, Troy and Maxi returned to the tower post burial. Troy and Maxi shared a look then suddenly sprang up the stairs towards Abi. Abi saw them coming and leapt from her seat. She was out the door and racing down the promenade with the 2 of them on her tail.
"Don't you dare get your stinky shark hands near me!" She shrieked as she ran. She could hear Deano and the camera crews laughter as she ran. Others laughter joined them as the 2 lifeguards caught her and squashed her between them. She gagged as she tried to push them away.
"Ewwww you stink!" She said, finally managing to wriggle out from their grasp. "And now so do I!"
She retreated to the showers and eventually reemerged in a clean set of uniform.

Abi was back in the tower just in time for all hell to break loose as bluebottles were swept in and the tide turned. She left Whippet to watch the water and hurried between bluebottle sting victims.

Abi turned to see Troy helping a patient up the stairs to the tower.
"Oxy Abs." He called as he practically dragged the man up the last few steps. Abi abandoned the bluebottle victims for this more urgent case, clearing the bed and preparing the oxygen as Troy tipped the man onto the bed.
"What happened?"
"Swept out by a rip. Climbing the ladder by time I got there. Taken in sea water." Troy updated her as she placed the oxygen mask over the man's face.
"Ambulance Whip!" She called up "Problems breathing. Likely water in the lungs."
"Hey mate." She reassured the patient. "We'll get paramedics to come check you out."
"You got this Abs?" Troy asked.
She nodded.
"I'd better get back to the beach. Late dinner, I'll pick you up from the language school." He pecked her quickly on the cheek and headed back out.
"Cute couple." The man on the medical bed commented, the oxygen having worked its magic.

Abi saw the man off in the ambulance, then clocked out and dashed for a shower before practically running to get to the language school on time.

By the time classes were done she was exhausted. Quickly changing in the staff toilets into her green butterfly sleeved dress and slipping on ballet pumps that matched, Abi headed to the Spanish classrooms. Caitlinn was waiting for her and took her bag of clothing.
"Are you sure you don't want us to walk you home first?" Abi offered again.
"No, it's fine. Ben and Pierre are going to walk me back. Go enjoy your date with Gonz."

They reached the buildings exit to find Troy chatting with Ben and Pierre outside. Troys smile of affection as she walked out the building made her stomach flutter. He was dressed in black jeans, with a white t-shirt under a dark navy jacket. He had grown his hair out and it was tied back loosely, blonde strands escaping already . He greeted her with a soft "Hey" and a peck on the cheek. Then they waved goodbye to her colleagues and headed towards Bondi Road.
Troy slipped his arm around her waist and drew her close.
"Love that dress on you." He murmured.
"Love you." She replied. She felt his rumbling laugh of satisfaction
as much as she heard it, tucked into his side.
"Just us tonight. That okay?" He asked.
"Always." Abi responded."I love the guys, but it's nice to have a night out, just us."
"I'll make sure we do it more often, yeah. Before they really do steal you away."
It was Abi's turn to laugh.
"They wouldn't want me."
"You really have no idea how beautiful you are, Abs." Troy pulled her tighter. She laughed off his comment.
"And I don't want them." She reassured him.

Troy took her to a tapas bar just off of Bondi road. They managed to get the last small table, tucked into a corner. Ordering margaritas and a range of tapas to share they sat in silence, holding hands across the table whilst listening to the hubbub of the bar. Abi never felt uncomfortable in their silences. She continued to love the connection she felt with Troy, the relaxed comfort of it. He'd so quickly become her safe place, where she could just be herself.

When their tapas arrived they dug in, chatting about their days. Troy noticed which dishes Abi returned to and pushed them closer to her. They'd finished their food and were savering more margaritas when Troy put his down and took both of her hands.
"Maxi's talking about moving out, but his Mums not too stoked about it." He told her. "Chappo and I thought she might be sweet if he moved in with another lifeguard so Chappos going to offer a room to Maxi."
"But Chappo only has 2 rooms." Abi said. Troy released one of her hands to run his hand through his hair.
"I'm going to find a place to rent in Bondi." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Wondered if...if you wanted to rent it with me?"

He was looking at the table and avoiding her, giving her time to think and bracing himself for the rejection. She had a rent-free apartment with a good friend, why would she want to have to pay rent? Why would she want to move in with him?
"I'd love that." She replied softly. Troy lifted his gaze to her own to find her smiling fondly at him.
"I think half my wardrobe is at yours anyway and Chappo and Caitlinn say they rarely see just one of us."
He leant across the small table and kissed her fiercely before pulling back, a wide grin brightening his face.
"We better ask Bisho to help us find a place then." Abi said.
Troy pulled out his phone and immediately sent a text.
Abi laughed at his eagerness.
"Let's head back to Caitlinns."
"Not yours anymore?"
"Apparently not for much longer."
He smiled as he pulled her from her seat.

They were laughing together about Whippets latest prank on Box as they walked through the apartment door. Caitlinn shushed them.
"Maxi's crashed out on the sofa. Turned up drunk. Think he had a row with his Mum."
Abi sighed and shared a meaningful look with Troy. He headed for the living room to check on his mate.
"Maxi wants to move out of home but his Mum doesn't want to let go." Abi explained to Caitlinn. "Troy's going to offer his room at Chaps. We think his Mum would accept that."
Caitlinn was suddenly bouncing beside her.
"Oh my God! Gonz has totally asked you to move in with him, hasn't he?!" She excitedly whisper screeched.
Abi grinned at her, then looked guilty. Caitlinn read her expression easily.
"Don't worry about me. The school will just place a student or another staff member here. Not like you're leaving me with rent to pay. Plus, I just won a bet with Jake! He said Troy wouldn't have the balls."
Troy returned to where they were still whisper talking in the corridor.
"He's sparko."

Abis eyes suddenly lit up and she dashed into the kitchen, rummaging in a drawer.
"What are you doing?" Troy asked warily as she emerged, holding a sharpie and crossing to the living room.
"Revenge for shark stink!" She said as she carefully drew a moustache and glasses on the deeply sleeping young lifeguard. "I've not forgotten you need pay back too."
Troy looked from Maxi to her with concern but couldn't contain his grin as Abi took a photo and posted it to Instagram #sweetrevenge.

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