Chapter 30 - Winter

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Winter had arrived. The beaches were quiet and the seasonal lifeguards were off chasing the sun or working other jobs. Abi had missed the end of season barbie, still too concussed to attend.

Abi had been back teaching classes for a month. Exhausted at first, she'd adjusted quickly and had continued her positive progress of recovery.

Whippet put her through her paces each morning with a personalised workout focussed on rebuilding the fitness she had had prior to the accident. Deano had joined this torture on the days Whippet worked the early shift.

Maxi and Jake then began dragging her to the pool several times a week. Bisho and Quinn often joined them, sharing tips on how to improve their technique. Caitlinn, ever eager to catch a lifeguard, had joined these swimming sessions for a bit, but soon became a spectator, preferring to sun bake as she enjoyed the view.

Troy had participated in all of it, an ever supportive presence. He'd been gone a week now, holidaying in Bali with childhood friends. Abi missed him but Whippet seemed to pick that week to increase the level of her workouts and with that and work Abi was often exhausted at the end of the day and just fell into bed ready to sleep.

Abi dragged herself out of the gyms changing room after another of Whippets gruelling workouts to find him leaning against the wall waiting for her.
"I swear you enjoy torturing me." She grunted at him as he threw her a mischievous grin and dodged her elbow as she attempted to jab him in the side, then followed him out of the Pavilion.
"We'll get you fitter than you were before."
"She already swims faster than she did." Maxi announced as he appeared beside them. "Reckon she'll not be far off 13 minutes by the time the lifeguard trials arrive."
"Maxi! Would you stop! I don't want to be a lifeguard."
"Bet you'd love to make the time though." Reidy appeared, seemingly out of nowhere.
"Do you all just lurk around stalking me?" Abi exclaimed.
Reidy laughed.
"Nah. Serious though, you'd be stoked to beat us."
"Reckon I could swim it faster than Tom by the trials." Abi responded, not able to contain her competitiveness.
"I'll bet ya can swim it faster than Tom and Matty." Said Maxi with confidence.
"Nah. Reckon you won't reach the time." Reidy countered.
"Case of beer says I'm right." Says Maxi.
"You're on." Reidy and Maxi shook on it.
"Then you'd better get me some breakfast and then join me at the pool if you've any hope of earning that beer." Abi laughed, grabbing an arm of each of the 2 men and dragging them towards a nearby cafe.
"Bye Whip."

* * * *
Abi hauled herself out of the pool and sat panting on the side.
"800m in 20 minutes." Reidy said.
"You've only got 5 weeks to cut the time down. That's a big ask. Reckon i made a safe bet."
"Regretting your bet Maxi?"
"You'll do it Bambs." Maxi was confident. "She's already smashed it down from 30 minutes."
Abi pushed herself to her feet. "Well I've got work. Swim at Bronte tomorrow morning Maxi?"
"Yeah Jake and Quinn too."
They headed off for the change rooms.

* * * *

Caitlinn had convinced her to join the language school staff at the Bucket List after work. Abi sat at a booth, nursing a beer as she listened to Caitlinn and Sam talking about Sam's new girlfriend.
"We should all go out next week." Abi suggested. "It'd be great to meet her."
Sam flashed her a beaming smile.
"I'll ask her when she's free."
"And at least I won't be third wheel with Gonz still away." Caitlinn added.
"You missing him?" Sam asked.
"Yeah." Abi replied.
"Ohhh you sure? That didn't sound too convincing."
Abi laughed. "I do miss him but he's been so protective since my accident."
"A bit smothering." Caitlinn added, having witnessed how he hovered over her.
"No, that's not fair Cait. My accident really scared him. He's needed to look after me to reassure himself. But it has been nice to know that I'm okay and able to function without him. I think his holiday might help him relax a little and be a bit less protective once he's back."
"Instead he's got the entire lifeguard service babysitting you." Caitlinn laughed.
"They're keeping a close eye on me but they're not there 24/7. Whippets taken the opportunity to really push my training without Troy worrying about me."
"I'm loving the Iceberg and Bronte pool sessions." Caitlinn chimes in.
"You got in the pool once." Laughs Sam. "Abi told me! Now you just go to perve at the lifeguards."
"Sam! Those mens abs are a work of art!"
Abi and Sam laughed.
"I can't disagree." Abi added.
"Knew you couldn't get enough of my body." Abi nearly jumped out of the booth as Maxi cackled behind her.
"Lurker!" She exclaimed, hitting him on the shoulder before pulling him into a hug. Abi looked up to see Jake, Chappo, Bacon and Dunno behind him.
"Mind if we join you." Chappo gestured to the booth.
Caitlinn eagerly made room. Abi noticed that Adriel picked the other side of the booth and avoided eye contact with Caitlinn. Sam caught her eye and raised her eyebrows in a question. Abi responded with a shrug.

Jake frowned when he saw Abi sipping a beer.
"Aren't you supposed to be avoiding alcohol?"
"Doctor said it's okay to have one." She pointed to the bottle to indicate that was her one for the evening. "Until my headaches go I'm not risking a hangover headache on top."
"They're as overprotective as Gonz." Caitlinn sighed. Jake looked chagrinned and Chappo laughed, having also born witness to Troys doting.

It was nearly midnight and most of the language school staff had gone home. The 5 lifeguards and 3 girls in the booth continued chatting and 7 continued drinking. The weird awkwardness from Bacon had quickly disappeared and he joined in the conversation as if nothing had ever happened between him and Caitlinn.
Abi watched Caitlinn closely and she seemed unbothered by that. Not that it should have surprised Abi. The number of one night stands Caitlinn had suggested he'd just have been another one off conquest. Abi watched the other 7 getting progressively drunker. At midnight Jake rose from the booth and announced he was heading home.
"Night Cinderella." Maxi called after him as he left.
Dunno and Bacon called it a night soon after. Abi was shattered and drifted off, her head falling onto Maxi's shoulder. Chappo snapped a photo and popped it onto insta #sleepingbeauty.
"I'd better get her home." Caitlinn giggled.
"We'll help." Chappo said as Maxi gently shook Abi awake.
"Time to go Bambs." He said and helped her from the booth.
Chappo tucked her under his arm and she sleepily leant into his side. Maxi threw one arm around each of the other girls and the 3 of them staggered drunkenly out of the door, following the more sober 2 in front.

Abi let them into their apartment block. Chappo helped guide Caitlinn up the stairs as Maxi and Sam staggered up giggling together. Abi helped Chappo get Caitlinn through the door. By the time they'd wrestled her into her bedroom they returned to find Maxi had crashed out and was snoring loudly on the sofa and Sam was taking photos of him.
"You want me to move him?" Chappo asked.
"Nah. He can crash for the night. Sam are you sleeping in with me or Caitlinn?"
"I'll crash in your room if that's okay?"
"Sweet." Said Abi.
"Look at you with the Aussie slang." Laughed Chappo. "Goodnight darl."
He slipped out the door and headed for home.

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