Chapter 46 - Christmas Day

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Abi bounced out of bed with an energy Troy wasn't awake enough to share. He hid his head under a pillow in the still dark room.

"Urggghhh. Abs how are you so excited to be working the early for Chrissie?"
"It's Christmas Day!" She exclaimed as if that was all the explanation needed. "And its my first Bondi Christmas."
"Brace for the chaos." Troy groaned as he reluctantly removed the pillow from his head.

He could hear the coffee machine turning on and then the radio playing Christmas songs. Abi sang along, badly out of tune, which made him chuckle and recall the Work Christmas do where they'd discovered she loved karaoke but was terrible at it. He dragged himself from the bed, throwing on a t-shirt and emerging to the sight of Abi dancing and singing, possibly even more out of tune than before, as she prepped morning coffee. He smiled fondly at her and slipped into the bathroom.

When he returned, dressed in his lifeguard gear, Abi was on the laptop talking to her parents. Troy leant on the back of Abi's chair.
"Merry Christmas." He wished Trish and Derek, who were on the screen in hideous Christmas jumpers.
"Merry Christmas." They called back. He placed a gentle kiss to the top of Abi's head and retreated to the kitchen, letting Abi talk to her parents undisturbed.

Abi eventually finished her video call and dashed to the bathroom to prep for work. Troy checked his watch. They still had enough time.
He settled himself by the tree and waited. Abi soon reappeared and seeing him sat smiling by the tree quickly came to sit on the floor with him.

Troy held out a small present and watched as Abi eagerly ripped the wrapping off. She let out a little shriek of delight on finding the simple rose gold sea turtle necklace inside.
"Spotted it at that Christmas market last weekend." He said as he helped her fasten it round her neck.
"It's exactly the one I fell in love with." She said, kissing his cheek. "Your turn." She pulled out a flat box from the pile.

Troy opened it carefully. A smile creeping onto his face when he saw his favourite designers logo printed on the shirt box and discovered a shirt from the new collection inside.
"And now these from my parents."
Abi pulled out 2 squishy parcels that had arrived last week.
They opened them at the same time and Troy held up a hideous woolen Christmas jumper with a bemused look on his face. Abi looked delighted with her matching hideous jumper and laughed at his expression.
"It's a Christmas tradition." She giggled.
"Your parents do remember it's Summer here right?"
Abi laughed harder. "British family traditions don't flex for the climate apparently."
They threw the jumpers on, snapped a quick photo and sent it to her parents before wrestling themselves out of the thick wool.
Troy passed her another present. He couldn't contain his smile as he watched her bouncing on the spot with excitement.
"You're spending too much time with Maxi." He laughed.
"It's Christmas!" She repeated before ripping open the envelope he'd passed her.

He watched as her expression changed to awe and she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms tight around his neck.
"Promised I'd take you there for a date." He said.
"But tickets for dinner, VIP tour and an actual Opera! Troy, that's amazing."
"Glad you love it babe."
Abi released him and sat back on her heels giggling.
"You've gotta love me if you're enduring an Opera."
"Cors. Tho I'm dragging you to a rave to balance it out."
"Deal." She said as she reached under the tree to pass him his final present.
He carefully unwrapped the present, placed the glasses case gently to the side then bowled her over with his hug.
"I got the right ones then?"
"Yeah, been covetting those for ages." He said then sighed. "We gotta get going babe."
"First Bondi beach Christmas." Abi smiled, rushing towards the door.
"You won't be so excited when you face the reality of the crazy." Troy chuckled, placing his new designer sunglasses on his head and following her out.
"Troy, it's not light yet! Take them off before you fall down the stairs." Abi pulled his glasses off and raced down the metal stairway. He gave chase, pinning her against his truck and retrieving his glasses by distracting her with a kiss before pulling away and unlocking the truck.

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