Chapter 16 - Lifeguard Challenge

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The last 5 days had flown by. Troy had thrown himself back into work and training. The limited free time he had he spent with Abi. They had grabbed lunch together when they could, and she'd borrowed Chappos bike to join Troy on some of his early morning training runs. Abi had also been in demand for her translation skills on the beach. As most of her classes were afternoon and evening, she'd taken to spending her mornings volunteering her time at Bondi.

As evening approached, the crowd on the promenade was bigger than Abi expected. She and Caitlinn squeezed their way through as they made their way to the Lifeguard Tower.
"Abs!" Troy shouted from the crowd of milling lifeguards. She jogged over and was engulfed against his strong bare chest.
"All ready?" She asked.
"Just need a good luck kiss." He smirked and ducked his head, kissing her.
Wolf whistles erupted behind them. Troy just gesticulated at them as he continued the kiss. Abi giggled and pulled away, blushing.
"Where's our good luck kisses Bambi?" Maxi shouted.
Abi smiled as the bouncing young man approached. He pouted at her her and laughing she pecked him on the cheek.

Hoppo called the rabble to order. Abi spotted Gina stood against the lifeguard Tower and headed over to join her. (They had met up for a coffee a few days ago. It had been reassuring to talk with her just as Whippet had said it would be.)

The first runners set off. Soon after that, the 2nd group followed. Abi cheered loudly as the third group went and Troy disappeared off down the promenade. She joined Gina in cheering the next group as Whippet, Maxi and Deano raced away. Finally, Harries and a lifeguard Caitlinn named as Bisho headed off.
"Now we wait." Gina said,"Matt's on the radio and doing commentary for the film crew, so if we stay around here we'll know what's going on."
"I can't get used to the cameras." Abi groaned.
"Whip thinks they caught you a fair few times on the beach. I stay well clear of the tower to avoid the cameras."
"I'd forgotten about the cameras when I offered to help. Feel like if I'm not working, then I'm helping with translations down here at the moment. I am really enjoying it. It's much more rewarding than teaching at the language school."
"I know Whip really appreciates it."
"Deano too." Another lady said. "Hi. I'm Lily. Dean's wife."
Abi introduced herself and Caitlinn. They were soon getting along well and laughing at tales of their lifeguards antics.

           *          *       *       *        *
Watching Chappo rib Reidy and Reidy bouncing impatiently, Troy joined them in the third group. Pounding along the pavement, he pushed himself to keep up with Chappo as Reidy soon pulled ahead. They gained on several from the 2nd group and as they reached the slope down to Tama they overtook Tom and a few others from the first group.

The waves weren't too bad at Tama and he used a rip to make the swim easier. Whippet and Deano passed him as they entered Bronte Bay, both catching a wave and coming into shore at the same time. Heart pounding, Troy found his feet and chased after them, grabbing his board and rushing back out. He glanced back and saw Reidy emerging from the waves and realised he'd overtaken him at some point in the swim.

Paddling for all he was worth he powered out of the bay and towards Bondi, arms burning with exertion.

                     *    *    *    *
Boards could be seen rounding the point. Abi and the others made their way onto the sand to cheer on the approaching lifeguards. Caitlinn was beyond excited next to her.
3 boards were visible battling for first place, another 2 were a little further back. A board length behind them another appeared.
"The front runners are getting close now. Who's in that first 3? It's close. It'll come down to who catches a wave." Matt Dee was saying. "One of them's Harries, recognise that hair anywhere! Is that Whip? Maxi's in the mix too."

The three leads came closer, all trying to catch a wave.
"Deano and Chappo are behind them, but that looks like Gonzo closing in on them. Harries got the wave! Whippets on it too! Maxi missed it! They're neck and neck. It all comes down to the run up the beach. Harries gotta have this."
Abi found herself shouting for Whip with Gina, whilst still keeping an eye on Troy as he gained on Chappo out the back.
"And Harries wins! Whippet a close second. Maxis finally got a wave! He's a safe third."

Whippet dropped to his back on the sand as Harries bent almost double breathing heavily and shaking Whips hand. Gina was jumping up and down cheering beside her.

"Deano's heading in now. Chappo and Gonz are battling it out for 5th just beyond the breakers."

Abi watched as Deano ran up the beach. Behind him Chappo and Troy caught the same wave. Abi yelled her support and Caitlin joined in, the 2 of them almost drowning out Matts commentary.

"It's gonna be close. Gonzo's got motivation to get here first though. There's a beautiful bird waiting for him. Can't you cheer him on louder Bambi?" Matt took his eyes off the race to give her a wink.

Troy reached the shore just before Chappo and dug deep to race up the sand. He crossed the line with Chappo a board length behind him. Both fell to their knees, gasping for air. Troy pushed himself to his feet and made his way to Abi, wrapping her in a hug.
"Top 5. You are superhuman." She told him and kissed him enthusiastically.
"Cameras." Caitlinn coughed, interrupting them and bringing them back to reality.

They moved apart blushing, but Troy quickly took her hand and dragged her with him as he gathered with the other guys. She tried to linger behind him, but Maxi appeared and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, drawing her into the semi-circle that was forming. Other lifeguards greeted her warmly as they gathered. She felt eyes on her and turned to see Hoppo looking at her quizzically. Kerrbox drew his attention, passing him the trophy and Hoppo officially announced Harries as the winner.

The group exchanged banter and brags.
"The beers are mine this year." Chappo called out to Reidy.
"Next year I'll get ya." Maxi told Harries with confidence.
"Tom's cleaning the toilets for another year." Laughed Mouse.

Abi watched them all quietly, really taking in their relationships. She could feel the close family-like bond they had. Then the family slowly grew as family and friends joined them on the sand. Abi was still holding Troy's hand as he talked with Jake and she chatted with Whippet and Gina.
"Troy." A voice called and Abi turned as Troy released her hand to hug an older man tightly.
"Hey Dad." He said before turning to Abi with a grin, taking her hand again and gently pulling her forward.
"Dad, this is Abi."
Abi wasn't prone to shyness, but she certainly felt shy and anxious now.
"It's good to meet you, Mr Quinlan." She managed to get out.
"Call me Quincy, sweetheart." He pulled her into a hug. Abi froze for a moment before hugging the man back briefly. He seemed to take pity on her, chuckling as he stepped back.
"It's good to meet ya too love. Troys talked lots about ya."
He turned his attention back to his son.
"Y'all be off to the Icebergs in a bit. The 2 of you got time to grab some dinner with ya old man?"
Troy glanced at Abi, who looked a little startled but nodded.
"Sure. Let us help the guys pack up first."

They all pitched in to help put the boards away in the tunnels. Troy dashed off to grab a shower. Abi smiled nervously at Quincy.
"Thanks for being there for Troy the other day. Some of the things lifeguards encounter can be difficult to handle." He told her. "Takes strength on your part to support him like you did."
Abi hugged herself. "I hated seeing him blame himself when it wasn't his fault. He's doing better now though."
"And you doing okay?"
Abi was surprised by his concern.
"It shook me a bit to see him so upset but yeah, I'm good. The guys kept an eye on me as much as they did him."
"Hoppo's built a good team."
"Were you a lifeguard?"
"For a few seasons when I was young. I help at Bronte Surf Club still. Troy said he's teaching you to surf."
"I'm very much a beginner. I grew up in a non-coastal county in England."
Troy reappeared and slung his arm over Abi's shoulder, smiling at her apologetically.

Tucked into Troy's side Abi listened to father and son talking about the lifeguard challenge as they walked along the promenade and found a cafe on Campbell Parade. Once seated, both men dragged Abi into the conversation and she began to feel more relaxed. By the end of their quick meal she was feeling comfortable in Quincys company.

Back on the parade Troy's father pulled her into a hug.
"You have to come over for dinner soon. Mary's keen to meet you Abi."
"Will do Dad." Troy said, hugging his father.
"Proud of ya, son. Don't ya forget it." Quincy clapped Troy on the back and headed off towards the carpark.

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