Chapter 34 - The Only Way Is Up

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Brad had seemed distracted when he'd gotten to the car and they'd all bundled in. He was certainly not paying attention when he agreed to let Maxi have control of the music, thought Abi, as Maxi sang along to "The Only Way Is Up."
"Were you even alive when this song was released?" Abi complained from the back seat.
Maxi just turned it up and sang louder, but only seemed to know the one line. Eventually, he turned around.
"I asked Mum for help with a climbing wall play list. That was her only suggestion."
Abi rolled her eyes.

A little while later, they pulled up at a group of large warehouses near Sydney Airport. Quiggers was waiting for them by the entrance to the climbing centre.

Before long, they were paired up and taking turns to scale the different challenges on the walls. The guys were surprised by how quick Abi was as she bolted up the wall. Soon, they were challenging each other to more and more tricky routes.

Abi was defeated by the overhang and hung their watching Quiggers use his greater upper body strength to swing up and over to complete the route. She abseiled back down to the ground and unclipped, swapping with Maxi. One of the centre staff approached her.
"Aren't you Bambi? The Bondi bird?" He asked in a London accent. She nodded reluctantly, as she continued to watch Maxi on the wall, and braced herself for questions about her personal life.
"Thought I recognised you all. I'm Tom. Can we grab a photo of you all for our website?"
"I'm sure that'd be fine." Abi replied with relief. "Our session ends soon so we could do a photo then?"
"Sure. Ask for me at the desk." The guy, Tom, disappeared.

It turned out that Tom was the owner and he was grateful for their permission to use their photo to promote the climbing centre.
"Lou!" He called to the girl on the desk. "Organise a free membership pass for Bambi and her boys." He turned to Abi. "Us Brits got to stick together in Oz." With a wink and a final thank you, he headed back into his office.

Changed out of their climbing gear and weilding their new membership passes, they said goodbye to Quiggers and headed back to the car. A brief race followed as Abi and Maxi tried to get to the front seat first.
"Alright kids! Chill!" Brad shouted. Maxi won with ease but conceeded the front seat to Abi with an exaggerated bow.
"Should have got Quigg to give you a lift." Brad grumbled as he started the car.
"Sorry Old Man." Maxi mocked from behind as he typed on his phone.
"I'm hunngggrrrryyyy. Can we get food? The airports just there."

Brad parked up and Maxi was soon dragging them through the airport, turning down food option after food option.
"Just pick something to eat already!" Abi exclaimed, then paused as she realised they were approaching arrivals. Sudden realisation hit her. "Maxi! Maxi? He didn't?!"
Brad chuckled quietly beside her.
"I didn't think Maxi would be able to stick to the deception." He commented.
"Bloody idiot didn't need to end his holiday." Abi said as she began to search the crowd. Suddenly, she was practically shoving people aside as she pushed her way through towards the familiar figure who was leaning on a barrier, beside his bag and surfboard, with a smirk on his face.

He wrapped her tightly in his arms as she reached him, flinging her arms around his neck.
"Hey Abs." He murmured into her ear.
"Bloody idiot." She admonished him through happy tears. "Love you."
Maxi interrupted them with a cough.
The couple ignored him and the Paps.

Troy pulled back a little from their tight embrace to run his fingers down her cheek and rest his forehead against hers.
"You sweet?"
"You didn't have to come home early."
"Did it for me as much as you. Surf was shit anyway."
"Bollocks. I've seen Joe's surfing photos from yesterday." She laughed softly. He chuckled with her and pulled her into a kiss.
"Okay. Enough PDA. Let's get you lovebirds back to Bondi." Maxi said, grabbing Troy's bag.

Abi reluctantly stepped out of Troy's embrace only for him to quickly pull her to his side as he clapped Brad on the shoulder in greeting. Brad picked up Troys surfboard. They continued to ignore the flash of cameras as they headed out of the airport.

This time, Abi willingly relinquished the front seat to Maxi and slid into the backseat with Troy. He pulled her into the middle seat and rested his head on her shoulder. She wriggled closer.
"Did you book a ticket home...?"
"Soon as I came off the phone to you." Troy said, not letting her finish her question. "Mum phoned me that evening. Gave me a right lecture."
Maxi twisted round in his seat.
"Worse than Whip?! Never seen him so mad."
"Think Whip was worse. But Mum wanted to phone Abs to reassure her. Took a lot to convince her to leave it. Shit! Abs have your parents seen all this?"
"I phoned Dad. He was pissed at the papers but not at you."
"If I'd been there Gonz you'd never have had this problem. All the girls woulda thrown themselves at me." Maxi was ever confident. Troy and Abi caught each others eye and cracked up.

Brad dropped them back at the Bronte apartment. Abi shot Caitlinn a text to update her.

Propping his surfboard carefully against the wall Troy then turned to find Abi sitting on the counter of the breakfast bar watching him.
"I really don't deserve you." He said as he stepped closer.
"I was thinking the same thing." She replied.
A huge smile spread across his face as he closed the distance between them. He kissed her eagerly, stepping between her legs to get closer to her. She pressed up against him and drew him impossibly closer.

Eventually he pulled away. She whined in protest until he lifted her and she wrapped her legs around him with a small shriek.
"We need less clothes on and to be somewhere Chappo won't walk in on us."
She was already pulling his t-shirt off as he carried her towards his bedroom.

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