Chapter 21 - Bondi

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Bondi was getting colder and the beach quieter. The lifeguards were often zipped into their hoodies unless doing a rescue. Abi often laughed at them for this as she continued in shorts and t-shirts.

There were still plenty of backpackers and Abi kept busy with translating and megaphone announcements. She was also giving H some lessons in Mandarin.

Her own lessons in Japanese and the chance to interact with Japanese tourists on the beach were helping her progress quickly in the language.
Abi didn't think she'd ever been so busy nor as happy. The only shadow over things was that her family were so far away.

Heading down to the beach after her Japanese lesson, Abi stuck her head in the tower to find Azza and Dunno watching the water.
"Just grabbing a radio. I'm on the beach if I'm needed." She shouted up as she checked the charge on the radio on the side in the med bay, tucked her bag into a cupboard then headed down to the sand with radio, towel and a book.

She positioned herself just South of the middle flags and took the opportunity to sunbake. She'd not been laying there long when someone landed on her, causing a squeak of surprise to escape.
"Bambi." Maxi crowed as he rolled off of her and lay in the sand beside her. "Where's Gonz?"
"He's surfing with his brother today at Bronte."
"So you're all mine?" Maxi winked at her. She flicked sand at him whilst rolling her eyes.
"You're supposed to be working. Have you heard from Hoppo yet about next season?"
"I'm on my break! Hop's decided to keep our traineeships going over winter and decide next Summer. It's like slow torture!"
"But great that you'll be working over winter."
"Yeah." Maxi sounded serious for once."I just really need a position. Hoppo had to pull a lot of strings to give me a 3rd year of the traineeship. It'll be my last chance and I don't know what I'll do if I don't become a lifeguard."
Abi rolled over to look at her friend. "Maxi, you're a great lifeguard. I'm sure you'll get a position."
"Reckon he'd give you a traineeship if you asked for one."
"I haven't got the waterskills. It takes me nearly half an hour to swim 800m!" Abi laughed. "And I don't want to be a lifeguard. Languages are what I love."
"Still, think you're down here so much we should be paying you."
"I'll just keep letting you all buy my drinks when we go out." She laughed.
"Bondi Central to Bambi." The radio chirped.
"Bambi here."
"Can you head to South End? Bisho and Beardy have an Asian family keep going in the rip and can't get the safety message through to them."
"Copy Central. Heading that way now. See you later Maxi." Abi gathered up her things and headed South.

Down at South End Abi quickly discovered she wasn't going to be much immediate help. The family were Korean.
"We finally found a language Bambi can't speak!" Exclaimed Bisho.
Abi mentally added Korean to her list of languages to learn some phrases in.
"Either of you have your phone?" She asked. Beardy passed his over.
She used Google translate and listened to the Korean translation. Quietly practising the phrasing a few times. Then she jumped onto the back of the rhino, grabbed the megaphone and repeated the translation. The family moved out of the water and headed for the flags.
"How do you do that?!" Bisho threw his hands in the air dramatically.
"Languages just stick in my head." Abi replied modestly.
"Hair care can't be everyone's talent." Beardy mocked him. Abi reached out and ruffled Bisho's hair.
Beardy's mouth hung open.
"Run!" He shouted at the same time as Bisho screeched: "You did not just do that!" Abi leapt from the rhino and sprinted along the beach.

In the tower Dunno was watching South End when he saw Bambi ruffle Bisho's hair.
"She didn't!" He exclaimed.
"What?" Asked Azza and Kerrbox at the same time, their attention caught by the disbelief in Dunnos voice.
"Bambi just messed up Bisho's hair."
Kerrbox, who'd just dropped in on his day off, cackled and grabbed binoculars.

They watched as she sprinted up the beach zigzagging between tourists. But Bisho was far quicker and soon caught her. He threw her over his shoulder and waded into the water before dumping her in. She surfaced, spluttering and laughing before splashing him, managing to get his hair.
"Girl's got balls. I need to get her involved in pranking Whippet!" Kerrbox exclaimed.
Azza could barely hold his binoculars for laughing as he radioed the lifeguards on the beach to update them on the chaos.
Bisho appeared to give up on revenge, flouncing back to South End. Bambi was now making her way up towards the tower.

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