Chapter 9-Not Quite Insta Official

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Drums pounded in Abi's head. Big marching band, booming drums. She groaned and buried her head under her pillow, but the drums continued.
"Never drinking again." Grumbled Caitlinn, as she staggered into the room and collapsed on top of the bed and on top of Abi.
"Urgggh. Get off." Abi struggled beneath her, eventually wriggling free.

Forcing herself to sit upright, she discovered a glass of water and some painkillers on her bedside table. Mid-reach for them she froze and flopped backwards onto the bed, 
"Oh fuck!" she said as Caitlinn squeaked in protest as it was now her turn to be flattened.
Caitlinn shoved her off. Sliding onto the floor, she swallowed the pills with some water.
"Oh fuck what?"
"I'd fuck Whippet but you wouldn't. There were definite sibling vibes between you two last night."
"I meant last night we saw Whippet....and Troy! Oh God! I was so drunk. What did I say? What did I do?"
"Don't worry, you didn't confess your undying love...I don't think... things get a bit blurry for me round about getting into our building. You did both admit you were worried the other was going to end it. You were very clingy, but you'd have fallen over if you'd let go. And I think he carried you up the stairs. Sadly, I think Chappo was a complete gentleman and may be another lifeguard I have to rule out after traumatising him with my drunken behaviour."

Abi keeled over onto her side on the carpet.
"I think I'm dying." She groaned. "The drums are getting louder."
"Uh! No! That's the door." Caitlinn said and rolled off the bed to answer it.
"Please don't be Troy. He does not need to see me like this." Abi mumbled to herself as she pushed herself back up to sit against the bed.

"Morning Bambi. Still not worked out how to use those legs yet?" Whippet laughed from the doorway.
"Sshhh! It's too early for your loud voice." Abi groaned.
"It's 11. Troy asked me to check in and make sure you were both still alive. I've brought breakfast."
"No food."
Whippet sat himself next to her on the carpet and opened a takeaway box containing an English breakfast.
Abi practically snatched it from his hands and inhaled it.
"I'm really sorry about last night Whip."
"You make an adorable drunk." He chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Text Troy would you? Let him know you're okay. He'd have been here himself if he wasn't on the early."
Abi staggered to her feet and found her phone.

I'm alive. Sorry I was so stupid last night. Whippet is dutifully performing his babysitting duties.

Glad u r ok. I finish at 2. Are you working or can I come over?x

Thankfully it's my day off. See you later.x

Deano reckoned our approach to Insta etc should be to not tag u yet but be open about something new happening. He called it PR and said the guys can build u up. U ok with that?

I'm good with that.x

I'll get it started.x

During this exchange, Whippet had left the room. Abi wandered out to find Caitlinn curled up on the sofa and Whippet in the kitchen, making himself at home.
"Right Bambi. Get yourself in the shower. I'll get coffee brewing, and then I've got to run."

In leggings and a loose t-shirt Abi settled onto the sofa, coffee in hand. Caitlinn looked up from her phone and reached over to pass Abi hers from the table.
"Go to Troys insta."
Troy's Insta had shared the video from yesterday, included their original caption and tagged bondirescuetv. Under it he'd commented: Thanks for capturing the moment #newbeginnings

The replies began
MrsTQuinlan: No! It's true!
Bondifans: Go Gonz!
LifeguardWhippet: Bambi found her legs and cost me $20.
Jo3792: Have the boys in blue given her a nickname? Who is she?
Lifeguard Maxi: Too much cuteness.
Reidy: Bout time mate.
Carla239: You could teach me to surf any day.
LifeguardHarries: She's a keeper.
Crispyrider: #NotQuiteInstaOfficial.

Troy drummed his fingers against the desk in the tower, shifting in his chair. Corey glanced away from the water briefly to watch his restless young co-worker. He'd known him since the boy was a nipper at Bronte and taken him under his wing when he inevitably joined the lifeguards. It was rare that he was restless and unfocused when on shift.
"Everything alright Troy?"
"This last half hour just seems to be taking forever." The younger lifeguard replied.
"Got a date with your girl?"
"Just going to go over and check up on her. She got pretty drunk last night."
"I could tell yesterday that you're proper into her. Mind on the job tho yeh."
"Yeah, sorry Core." Troy seemed to refocus his attention back on the beach.

As soon as Whippet turned up Troy was out of his chair.
"Thanks for checking in on Abi earlier."
"She was pretty hanging, mate. You heading over there now?"
"Yeah." Troy gathered his things and headed off.
Whippet settled in the chair Troy had just vacated.
Corey was quietly chuckling at the speed with which Troy had left the tower.
"What's his girl like?" Corey asked."I only met her briefly yesterday morning, she seemed sweet."
"She's a darl. Stands her ground when I rib her. Chips said she dealt really calmly with that resus, keeping the mum informed. Drunkenly confessed to me last night that she really likes him. She'll be good for him."

Troy took the stairs 2 at a time. The apartment door opened to his knock to reveal Caitlinn.
"She's crashed out on the sofa." The girl said quietly. "Come in. Can I get you a beer?"
"Just water, thanks."
Troy made his way into the living room and looked over the back of the sofa to find Abi stretched out, her head resting on her arm, eyes closed in sleep. He smiled down at her softly.
"Turns out she's a bit of a light weight." Caitlinn said as she passed him a glass of water.
"She was hammered last night." Troy chuckled. "What's jeskar di?"
"No idea. Did she say that when she was drunk? She speaks more languages than I do. Reckon she knows at least 10 near fluently."
"You were singing in a different language last night. Chappo had to fireman carry you off the sofa."
"Not my finest moment." She laughed.
"Too loud Caitlinn." Abi murmured from the sofa.
Troy moved round and crouched by her side, moving her hair out of her face.
"Hey sleepy head. How's the hangover?"
"Hey." Abi replied, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
"Sit up." He said, offering his hand and pulling her to sitting. Then he squeezed himself next to her on the sofa. She immediately snuggled into his side and he wrapped an arm around her.
"I'm really sorry about last night." She murmured.
"Sorry I made you worry Abs." He replied, placing a kiss in her hair. "I can only stay a while. I've dinner at my parents tonight."

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