Chapter 28 - Returning to normal

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Two more weeks passed before Abi was given the all clear to be left on her own.

She moved back into her apartment with mixed feelings. Relieved she'd be able to have some space but missing the comfortable routine she and Troy had slipped into whilst she stayed with him.

Not that Troy gave her much chance to miss him. They returned to staying over at each others apartments most nights.

Last night they had had dinner at Troy's parents. A farewell dinner to her parents who were due to fly back to England today.

Rain was falling, hitting the window hard, when Abi was woken by her alarm. She pulled the covers tighter and snuggled deeper into Troy's chest. He murmured in his sleep and pulled her closer, slowly waking.
"Hey." She whispered, softly kissing his nose.
"Hey." He responded, lifting his head to catch her lips with his own. Her second alarm sounded, and they rolled apart with a groan, dragging themselves out of bed and preparing to pick up her parents for their morning flight.

Abis parents were stood in the foyer of the hotel waiting for them. Troy insisted Abi stay in the truck whilst he dashed out in the rain and helped load their luggage under the tarp of the truck. Her Mum slid into the seat behind her.
"Morning love." She sighed, clearly not looking forward to the flight home. Her Dad and Troy climbed in shaking the rain off themselves, to the protests of the 2 women.

The drive to the airport was oddly quiet. The impending departure dampening their moods.
At the airport Troy took charge of the baggage, leaving Abi to spend time with her parents. She walked towards the check in tucked in between them.

Trish dropped back and walked silently beside Troy for a while.
"I need to apologise to you before I leave." She eventually said. "I've been cold and aloof and I shouldn't have been. I can see how much she cares for you and how much you care for her. She's my youngest and knowing she's chosen to stay here, so far away, is really difficult. I blamed you for it when instead I should have accepted her decision. I'm sorry."
"I'll look after her" Troy said, before chuckling to himself. "When she let's me. You raised an incredible, strong woman."
Trish surprised him by sweeping him into a tight embrace. She pulled away smiling whilst he blushed and rubbed his neck awkwardly.

Too soon, their flight was called. Abi flung her arms tight around her Dads neck, dampening his shirt with tears. His own tears fell into her hair as her Mum hugged her close, adding her tears.
"You call more often." Her Mum said.
"So proud of you, love." Her Dad said, reluctantly releasing her.

Abi stepped back into Troy's waiting arms and watched her parents walk away through a blur of tears. Troy pulled her into him, and she buried her head into his shoulder sobbing. He guided her gently through the airport back to his truck. Abi fastened her seat belt and curled into herself, still crying slightly.

Troy drove with one hand whilst rubbing Abis arm soothingly with the other. Abi soon realised they weren't heading back to Bondi.
"Where are we?" She asked.
"Heading to Clovelly." Troy said. "Figured you'd need cheering up and it's about time I take you on a proper date."
He pulled up near Clovelly beach, donned raincoats and dashed through the rain to a fancy looking Italian restaurant.
The maitrede took their coats and ushered them to a small table towards the back of the restaurant.
"This sweet?" Troy asked, reaching across to wipe tears or rain from her face, he wasnt sure which it was.
"It's lovely Troy. Thank you."
"Should have done it sooner." He said.
"I don't need fancy wining and dining." She reassured him.
"But sometimes it's sweet right?"
He smiled at her.
"Yeah." She replied, chuckling. She took out her phone and snapped a selfie of them together. "Better evidence our first official fancy date."

Troy ordered drinks whilst Abi tapped on her phone. As the drinks arrived his phone dinged. He glanced at it to see an Insta alert.
"Take a peek." Abi smiled shyly.
He opened his phone to see the photo she had just taken with the caption:
Doesn't take a fancy lunch date to make me fall for this guy. TroyQuinlan
He grinned widely and looked up at her.
"You sure you're ready to be Insta Official?"
"Can't take it back now." She laughed and returned to perusing the menu.

Abi eventually ordered the Fettuccine Alfredo whilst Troy opted for pizza.
"Ben gave me a copy of the edit they created of your accident. Said you'd asked for it? He wants us to watch it and give our approval. If you're okay with it, they'll use it in one of the final episodes of the season."
"Sure. Shall we watch it later? The preview party is Friday isn't it? Maxi was very excited."
"You up for coming along?"
"Yeah. Think my head can handle it now."
"Just let me know if it's too much and we'll leave." Troy reassured.

The food was delicious. Abi loved that Troy never judged what she ate. When he suggested dessert she quickly agreed and selected the lemon cheesecake. Troy opted for a sorbet. They laughed when their desserts were placed in front of the wrong person and swapped, but not before Troy had stolen a piece of cheesecake.
"Don't tell Whip." He winked at her.
"Is he on a diet fad again?"
"Trying to convince us to join him on a big detox. Think I'll skip this one tho and try one after Bali to prep for lifeguard trials. Are you sure I can't convince you to come to Bali with us?"
"Yeah. It's a boy's away trip, you need that. Plus I can't take any more time off from the language school. Whip's offered to set me up some personal training so I can build my strength back up. So whilst you're off enjoying surf and alcohol he'll be torturing me instead."
"You've no idea what you've let yourself in for. Deano would have been a better option."
"Not according to Maxi. He says Deano's an intense task master."
Troy laughed. "I can stay and help if you need?"
Abi leant across the table and brushed her hand gently along his cheek and jaw line.
"I'll be okay, Troy. You came with me to the last check-up. I'm well on my way to a full recovery."
"I know. I...Abs I thought I'd lost you for a bit there." He cupped his hand over hers, holding it against his jaw. "It's been tough enough leaving you to go back to work."
"You didn't lose me. You're not going to lose me. My parents have gone back to England. They know I'll be okay now. You got me through it Troy. You stood by me through all of it. I can never thank you enough for that, but you don't have to babysit me anymore. You deserve a holiday."
Troy kissed the palm of her hand.
"I'll still worry about you."
"Caitlinn is like a mother hen at the moment and the guys aren't much better. I'd bet they're already sorting a rota to check in on me."
Troy snorted a laugh.
"See, they are, aren't they?"
"I might have asked them to."
"It's sorted then. I'll be fine and you are going to have an amazing time with your friends."

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