Chapter 15 - Flatmate

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Chappo had arrived home just after 7 to find Abi sat on the sofa with Troy asleep, curled on the sofa with his head in her lap. The beautiful blonde looked up as the apartment door shut.
"Hey darl." He whispered.
She waved at him with a tired smile.
"There's pizza." She pointed towards the small dining table.
Chappo grabbed the box and sat on the floor opposite the sofa. Nodding his approval at the pepperoni pizza he discovered inside.
"How long's he been out?"
"About 20 minutes. How was the beach?"
"I was at Bronte today. A few bluebottles but quiet overall. How's he been doing?"
"Better than I expected after last night."
"It'll hit him on and off for a while. I'm real glad he's got you, darl. You'll have helped him heaps by just being there for him."

Chappo chatted casually with Abi for a while, getting to know Troy's girl better. Around an hour later, Troy stirred and woke.
"You were sparko mate." Chappo laughed, as Troy sat up groggily. Chappo masked a smile as his flatmate sleepily pulled the attractive girl closer to him. Abi snuggled comfortably into his side.
"Let's watch a film."
Chappo and Troy began a friendly argument about what to watch. Eventually, the three of them settled down to watch Jaws...much to Abi's amusement. 

Chappo got up to make popcorn as the movie ended, leaving Troy and Abi to select the next film.
"No, no way! That's like a Christmas movie in England." He heard Abi protest.
He heard hysterical giggling and looked up to find Abi curled up on the floor, determinedly clutching a dvd case whilst Troy tickled her relentlessly. She lost the battle eventually, and Troy emerged victorious, waving the DVD case out of her reach in triumph. Chappo was relieved to see Troy joking around again.

Having lost the battle, Abi wandered over to the kitchen and grabbed some beers. They returned to the sofa together, and Troy soon joined them. Armed with the control, he stuck his tongue out at Abi and hit play. Die Hard came on screen.
Chappo whispered in the blondes ear, loud enough for Troy to hear. "Totally a Christmas movie."
Troy just rolled his eyes.

The movie wasn't even halfway through before Abi fell asleep on Troy's shoulder.
"Got yourself a keeper there." Chappo said, nodding towards the sleeping girl.
Troy looked down at the blonde head resting on his shoulder.
"Really think I do." He murmured.
"Good on ya mate." Chappo replied turning back to the movie.

Both the lovebirds were asleep by the time the movie ended. Chappo grabbed a blanket and carefully threw it over them before heading for bed.

He found them both awake and giggling together in the kitchen early the next morning. Troy was leaning in for a kiss, Chappos presence unnoticed until Chappo playfully shoved him aside to reach the fridge. Troy elbowed him in the side as he passed. Chappo grabbed the orange juice and poured 3 glasses. Abi pushed a plate of pancakes and berries towards him.
"You can stay over as often as you like if you make brekkies like this Bambi." He told her through a mouthful of pancake.
She saluted him with her glass of juice as she leant against the counter beside Troy.
"I'm meeting Whip for a surf this morning if you want to join us." Chappo said. "Bambi could do with the practise."
"Wanna?" Troy asked her. "I can drive you to get your things first."
"I've got my stuff with me. Had a feeling you might want to surf." Abi replied.
"Perfect. Go get ready. We're meeting Whip in 10." Chappo said, shoving his last forkful of pancakes in his mouth and firing off a text to Whippet.

The ❤️birds are joining us. Grab a spare board from the club 4 Bambi.

The surf was up at Bronte and even this early in the morning, there were plenty of surfers already out. Whippet was waiting for them out front of the surf club.
"Waves might be a bit big for you today, Bambi."
She quickly agreed as she watched the waves with wide eyes.
"I'll sit this one out." She said.
Troy offered to stay with her. Chappo was pleased to see she didn't hesitate to turn down his offer and encouraged him to go and surf. Troy tried to argue, but she gave him a playful shove.
"Go. Have fun."
He ducked in for a quick kiss then ran to catch them up.

Chappo and Whippet exchanged a look of approval as they headed for the waves. The three paddled out and found Mouse and Matt Dee already beyond the breakers. With 6 footers crashing into shore, they soon became competitive, slicing up the waves with tricks and some impressive wipe outs.

Eventually, the five off duty lifeguards returned to shore and headed towards Abi, who had watched their performance from the beach. They were arguing about who had performed the best as they approached.
"Hey Bambi. You be judge. Which of us won?" Whip said as he flopped onto the sand beside her.
"No fair!" Cried Chappo."She's biased." Indicating towards Troy, who'd sat behind her and pulled her towards him.
"Oh no! Don't get me involved. Save it for the lifeguard challenge!" Abi pleaded as she reclined back against Troy. She looked at Mouse.
"Hi. I'm Abi." She smiled at the unfamiliar lifeguard, offering her hand to shake.
"Mouse." He replied, taking her hand and kissing it. "Stoked to meet ya Bambi."

The groups easy conversation and banter continued until several had to head off for work. Chappo, on the same shift as Troy, offered the lovebirds a lift to Bondi. At the beach Abi gave Troy a reassuring hug then headed off back to her apartment to prepare for her classes. Chappo clapped Troy on the shoulder and guided him towards the tower.

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