Chapter 39 - Short staffed

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A week later, Abi was enjoying a rare day off. Troy had left for the early shift and she'd had breakfast with Chappo before he'd headed off to Bronte. She was sat on their sofa reading Japanese anime when her phone rang. Hoppo's name lit up her screen.
"Hey boss." She answered.
"Sorry to phone on your day off Abi. We're down a lifeguard and none of the guys can cover. Could you come in and cover the tower?"
Abi rolled her eyes at the empty room.
"Sure. I'll be about half an hour."

Abi strode into the tower half an hour later to find Beardy and Ben sat in the tower. She checked the rota and frowned. It was covered in changes with most of the morning shift now marked as finishing early and a full contingent of lifeguards signed in for duty.
Abi turned back to the desk to find Beardy watching her with an excited grin on his face.
"Hop called me in saying you were short staffed. Clearly, you're not. What's going on?"
Beardy gestured out the window. Just below the tower a group of lifeguards were stood or sat with paddleboards. Troy stood leaning on his paddleboard and held her swim bag up to her.
2 hands landed on her shoulders.
"Time to get back on the horse Abi. Boys are going to take you out for a paddle." Beardy said. He guided her out the door and stood at the top of the steps as she reluctantly made her way down to the sand.

Hoppo and Troy were waiting at the bottom of the steps. Behind them, all in boardies and ready with boards, were Whippet, Maxi, Azza, Chappo and Deano.
"Gotta get back out there, Abi." Hoppo said, clapping her on the back. Abi glared at him. Troy beside him looked a mixture of hopeful and concerned as he offered her her swim bag.
"I'll take you out on my board." He said, almost shyly. Abi was reminded of their first surf date when they had both been so nervous. She couldn't help but smile at him as she took her bag.
"I hate you all." She said with affection, as she headed into the tunnel to change.

When she emerged, Troy slung his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to his side. Abi could feel herself shaking slightly. Troy clearly felt it to as he placed a comforting kiss to her hair.

The 8 of them walked down to the water. Most of them jumped straight in. Whippet ruffled her hair as he passed. Deano gave her a wink. Hoppo paused beside them.
"If you don't get on that board, you don't stay on my beach." He said, his tone half joking, half serious.
Then it was just her and Troy left in the shallows. She took a deep breath.
"No more excuses." He said."You can do this."
Abi nodded and Troy waded into the water, then gestured for her to jump on. She did so. Troy settled behind her, paddling the board out.

The waves were minimal today, barely 1 foot. Abi was glad of that as she closed her eyes and just held onto the board, feeling the small waves wash over them as Troy paddled them out. When the waves stopped crashing over them Abi opened her eyes.

They were beyond the swell. The other 7 lifeguards sat quietly on their boards, drifting leisurely in the calmer water. Abi pulled herself up to sitting and Troy immediately did the same, pulling her close to his chest and resting his head against hers.
"You sweet?" He checked in.
Abi only nodded, feeling the movement of the board beneath her, Troy pressed against her back and looking out at the beautiful ocean. Why had she been avoiding this? It was breathtaking out here.

Azza paddled up beside them.
"You all good?" He asked her.
"Yeah. Thanks guys."
They all smiled at her and drifted a little longer.
"Now's the fun part!" Maxi called across as he turned his board and paddled back to the swell. Some of the others turned and followed him.
He was the first to catch a wave and surf back in. His "Yew!" could be heard from where they floated. Chappo and Deano caught the next wave and raced each other back to shore but were beaten by Azza, who seemed to appear from nowhere.

Abi smiled as she watched them. Troy placed a soft kiss on her shoulder.
"Can't stay out here all day Bambi. There's only one way back in." Whippet said.
Hoppo paddled up alongside them.
"Whip and I will be right with you." He reassured.
Abi nodded and dropped back down onto the board, not letting her nerves get the better of her.

Troy paddled for the wave. Abi found herself grinning as they caught it and were pulled back to shore. She jumped off, smiling from ear to ear. Troy was quickly beside her, sweeping her into a tight hug.
"Have we got another board? I want to go again but do it myself this time."
Troy grinned at her and high fived Maxi, who appeared beside her with Troy's surfboard.
"Yeeeeew! Pay up Chips." Troy shouted across at Chappo, as Abi enthusiastically took the board and headed back into the surf.
"Damn it! First the swimming now the boardriding!" Chappo exclaimed.

Abi was paddling out through the surf as Troy and Whippet raced in after her. They caught up with her easily, both smiling at the look of exhilarated effort on her face.

Catching a wave in Abi rose to her knees.
"Yeeew!" She yelled and could hear the lifeguards on the beach laughing at her before cheering her on. Maxi met her in the shallows and Troy soon appeared at her side.
"You bet I'd want to go again?" She asked them.
"Course Bambs. You're tough. Nothing gonna hold you back for long." Maxi said as he slung his arm around her. Abi glanced at Troy. He nodded his agreement with Maxi's statement as he smiled softly at her, his eyes shining with pride and full of belief in her.

They went out again and again until Abi's arms felt like jelly. Troy dragged the boards up the beach as Abi leant heavily against the underside of the tower. Deano leant against the wall beside her.
"Not so bad, ay?"
"That was amazing. Thanks for the intervention."
Deano grinned at her.
"Hoppo organised it."
"I owe you all a drink."
Hoppo was dragging his own board back into the tunnel.
"Hotel Bondi?" He suggested as he passed.
"Sure. Spread the word. See you there after shift end."
Troy reappeared from the tunnel.
"We need to shower, eat and change. Hotel Bondi at 7." She told him.

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