Chapter 29 - Preview

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The rain was still hammering against the window that evening as they curled up on the sofa. Chappo had quickly made himself absent when he realised what they planned to watch. Troy drew Abi tight against him as he reached for the control.
"You sure you're sweet to watch this?"
He asked.
"Are you?" Abi asked, knowing it would be hard on him to see the accident. Troy shrugged.
"Ben's prepped this episode. We'll see it how it will be screened. It'll include when the crew snuck in behind my parents back to see me in the hospital." Abi continued.
"I'm not sweet, but we need to do this." Troy hit play.

Osher's voice commentating made the footage feel a little surreal. It began with Abi and Bisho's hair show down. Abi laughed out loud.
"Wish I remembered that!" She exclaimed.
Then it cut to her surfing with Box.
"You were improving heaps." Troy said quietly.
The actual collision hadn't been caught on camera but the cameras had captured Box hauling her onto his surfboard and heading back in, the blurring doing little to hide the blood running from the back of her head to his board and the water.
"Ouch." Abi winced.
Troy just hugged her tighter, his grip almost hurting.

The footage of the guys triage of her on shore was a little close for comfort. Abi couldn't remember any of this. She was more upset by the stress and worry on her friends' faces as they treated her than she was for her injury. Troy was shaking beside her. She looked up to see him crying and reached across to pause the video.
"Hey." She said as he wiped at his eyes, embarrassed. "I'm right here. I'm okay."
He pulled her onto his lap.
"Sorry." He mumbled into her hair. "Press play."

Abi watched herself be carted off into the ambulance, a pale Maxi jumping in beside her. Then she saw the footage of the guys reeling in shock. Hoppo comforting a sobbing Kerrbox. Beardy sat on the steps with his head in his hands. Dunno and Azza silent and withdrawn in the tower. Bisho scrubbing her blood off his hands in the medical bay, tears rolling silently down his face. There was also footage from the camera in the Bronti lifeguard office showing Whippet, Mouse, Christian and Troy pale and motionless over the radio then Troy and Christian racing out of the office as they found out where she was going.

It cut to Hoppo updating the team on Maxi's phonecalls. Explaining how serious the head injury was and the stunned silence of the guys that followed.

Some interviews followed from a range of lifeguards, all talking about how she was part of the team so quickly. Many red eyed as they talked about the accident. So many nice things being said that Abi found herself crying at the acceptance she had found from this new crazy family. Troy paused the video again.
"They love you, Abs." He said as he hugged her.

Then came a scene from the hospital. Abi asleep tucked into a hospital bed. Troy was beside her, looking exhausted but relieved as Whippet briefly updated the crew that the operation had been successful and she'd responded better than the Doctors had expected.

That was followed by her awake and lucid in hospital talking to the camera but clearly struggling with the words as Troy sat holding her hand.

That clip made them both shudder.
"I was so scared I'd permanently damaged my language skills."
"The Doctors kept saying how amazed they were that you overcame the speech issues so quickly. It got a bit confusing when you mixed languages for a bit there."

There was one final montage of Mouse hugging her on Bondi beach and crowing her name, Maxi spinning her around and the buggy cam capturing them sitting in the buggy together then Troy running off for a rescue. That ended with her surprised expression as she opened the package Hoppo gave her. Then Hoppo was on screen talking
"Abi's been an unexpected addition towards the end of the Season. One we didn't even know we needed until she started helping and made communicating with tourists so much easier. She's been invaluable down here every morning volunteering her time. Her accident had a really big impact on all of us. We're stoked she's pulled through. Next year she'll be an official part of the team as our Interpreter and hopefully help keep the lads in line."

Abi was crying again. Troy turned off the T.V. and let her curl into his chest.
"That's going to break my parents." She laugh-cried into his shirt.
"And my Mum." He chuckled. "You going to give Ben the go ahead?"
"Yeah. If you're okay with it?"
"Yeah. Not sure I'll watch it again tho. Seeing you injured was not sweet."
"It's just surreal, watching something happen that I don't remember."

* * *

The Preview Party was taking place in a private room at the Icebergs. Abi dressed up in a navy jump suit with plunging neck line. Caitlinn did her hair for her, carefully braiding it to one side to conceal the regrowth from her operation site.

Troy picked her up after his shift, dressed in jeans and a black button up shirt. He took in her outfit with wide eyes and placed a kiss on her cheek.
"Just say if it's too much and you need us to go." He said as they walked through Bondi.

Most of the lifeguards were already there, beers in hand when they arrived. Abi spotted Bisho and couldn't resist going over and ruffling his hair. Dunno laughed beside him.
"You watched it then?"
"Can't believe I can't remember that! Sorry Bish, had to do it so I actually remember."
Bisho was fussing with his hair but smiling at her as he drew her in for a hug. She hugged each of them and moved away.

Then she hunted out Beardy, Azza and the other lifeguards who'd given interviews, giving them all brief but tight hugs before moving on. Nothing needed saying as they hugged her back, realising she'd seen the episode. Whippet scooped her into the tightest hug.
"You're one of us Bambi. You've a whole gang of protective brothers now."

Troy reappeared at her side with a beer and passed her a mocktail. Box waved them over and gave up his seat for Abi. She hugged him tight before accepting the offered seat.

Abi enjoyed the preview evening, getting to watch the first episode of the season in full and seeing snippets of the others. Watching a clip from the little girls resus brought tears to her eyes and resulted in Troy pulling her from the chair into a strong hug. Teasing "awwws" echoed around them.

After the viewing the lifeguards sat around laughing and joking. Beers were plentiful, though none of them would let Abi have one. She was supplied with mocktails and never had to leave her seat. When Troy was pulled away by Maxi, Hoppo settled into the chair beside her.
"How'd he cope watching your accident?" He asked quietly.
"Pretty shaken up." She replied. "Glad they didn't include any of that in the preview clips."
"Ben didn't think any of the guys would cope too well seeing it. Expect they'll all watch it when it's screened though. You sweet?"
"Yeah. I'm doing better."
"Concussions can take months to fully heal. Don't push yourself. Get yourself settled back to teaching your classes before you spend too much time on the beach with us."
Abi nodded reluctantly. Hoppo smirked at her when he saw her reluctance and her desire to get back to translating on the beach.
"Ahhh, I'm never gonna get rid of ya now, am I?"
"You're the one who offered me a consultancy contract." She replied with a small smile.
"It's seasonal darl. Can always cancel it." Hoppo deadpanned.
"You'd have a mutiny on ya hands." Matty appeared beside them and lounged on the arm of Abi's chair.
"We'd all be competing for her if Gonz hadn't snapped her up."
Abi blushed.
"No accounting for taste." Hoppo replied as he got up, patted her on the shoulder and drifted over to another group.
"Was that a slight to me or Gonz?" Abi pondered and Matty roared with laughter.

The party continued and Abi found herself flagging but sat comfortably in her chair she stayed quiet and let Troy enjoy his friends company. Her head began to nod and Troy and Whippet were quickly by her side.
"Time to get home to bed." Whippet chirped. Abi failed to stifle a yawn as Troy helped her up. Suddenly dizzy, she gripped his arm tightly.
"Easy." He said, holding her steady. When the world stopped spinning, she stood more upright.
"Good to go now." She said, falsely cheery.
"You should have said you were tired." Troy sighed.
"I'll drop you both back." Quinn said, appearing by her side and taking her other arm supportively. She pretended not to notice his fingers on the pulse point on her wrist as he checked her over. "I was heading off anyway."
"Thanks, Quinn."

Both men walked closely beside her as they left the Icebergs, ready to offer support if she needed it. Troy helped her into Quinns car before sliding into the back with her. She rested her head on his shoulder and was immediately asleep.

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