Chapter 31 - Not so lazy day

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Abi was lounging in bed the next morning waiting for Sam to be done in the shower. A surprisingly spritely Maxi had stuck his head round her door, thanked her for letting him crash and reminded her to meet him at Bronte at 8am.

Checking her Instagram Abi saw the photo Chappo had taken of her last night. As usual the Bondi fans had already added lots of comments.

Jo329: Wish Maxi was my pillow.
Reidy: Whips workouts are taking their toll.
azzagraham: How many Disney characters can she embody?
LifeguardHarries: azzagraham she's our princess.
MrsTQuinlan: They look a bit cozy. Has Bambi moved on to Maxi?
Bondifan107: Heard she'd been hurt. Hope she's feeling better.
Lifesabeach23: Oh no! What happened to Bambi?
Bondifan221: The season has only just introduced her and I love her.
Lifesabeach: How many lifeguards does she need?!
Meg7932: Bambi rocks!
TroyQuinlan: Miss ya babes x
LifeguardMaxi: TroyQuinlan Miss ya too babes.x

Abi typed:
AJHeath: crispyrider1 Am I drooling?! I will get revenge! AJHeath: Bondifan107 I'm on the mend thanks to the support of family and the boys.

The shower shut off and Abi scrambled in order to beat Caitlinn to the bathroom.

Soon she was jogging the cliff path to Bronte. Quinn and Maxi were waiting for her by the pool. Maxi bouncing on the spot in his budgy smugglers.
"My eyes Maxi!" She exclaimed shielding her eyes as she came to a stop beside them.
"They'll be less to look at in a minute." Quinn laughed from where he was stood in boardies and a wetsuit top. "Waters cold."
"Where's Jake?"
"Suffering a hangover. He'll be here soon."

Abi told Quinn about the bet with Reidy.
"It'll be a challenge to get to 13 minutes in time." He admitted but immediately dragged her into the pool and had her working on her form and technique. Jake joined them halfway through, looking worse for wear but soon ploughing through the water like a fish.
That session they cut another minute from her time.
"Keep it up daily. Twice a day if you can and you might make it." Quinn said as he pulled himself from the water. "It's mostly stamina and refining your technique now."

From there Abi jogged back to Bondi and met Deano for a gym session on his day off.
"You look like you've already had a work out." He greeted her.
"Swim session at Bronte. Jogged there and back." She panted.
"Are you pushing a bit hard Abi?"
"I don't think so. It's not making my symptoms any worse and I think I'm actually fitter now than I was before the accident."
"I'm all for challenging yourself Darl. I trust ya to know your limits, yeah. Might do some breath work today and a bit of strength training."
Abi followed him into the gym and exited an hour later with her limbs already aching.

Climbing the stairs to get to her classes that afternoon hurt! Some of her new English language students watched her hobble into the classroom with perplexed looks.

When dinner break arrived Abi grabbed her phone.

S.O.S. Please bring dinner to my classroom. I can't move! Jogging, swimming and strength workouts at gym broke me!

LOL. Sam ordered pizza. We'll deliver.

Abi flicked through the most recent photos Troy had sent from Bali whilst she waited for the girls to join her. She smiled at the photo of him and his mates at the pool bar and at one of him surfing. He looked relaxed and happy. She sent him a text.

Miss you. Maxi was right Deano is more of a task master than Whippet!

Caitlinn barrelled into the classroom, weilding a pizza box. Sam followed behind tapping away on her phone.
Caitlinn looked at both of her friends staring at their phones.
"Urgghh." She groaned dramatically as she dumped the box on a table and flopped into a chair. "I'm third wheeling and your other halves aren't even here!"
Abi put her phone away and reached for pizza.

Later that night Abi had collapsed into bed with a pounding headache that painkillers wouldn't shift. Perhaps she had pushed a bit hard today. She stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep as the night crept on.

Suddenly her phone rang beside her. She sat up with a jolt and reached for the phone. Troys name lit up the screen as Abi answered.
"Hey Absssss." Troy slurred down the phone. Music blared in the background. "Miss you babe. Just wanna be dancing with you."
Abi suppressed a giggle at his drunkeness.
"You can take me out clubbing when you get back. I miss you too."
"Next year yous coming with me. S'not the same here, keep wanting to show ya things. Miss ya. Miss hugging ya, miss ya beautiful blue eyes."
"Troy you are so drunk!" Abi couldn't suppress her giggles any longer.
"Miss those giggles too." He slurred.
"Really love you Absss."
"Love you too. Since when were you a soppy drunk?"
"Since I met ya. They all say I'm totally gone on ya." He laughed down the phone. Then he was interrupted by a cacophony of voices heckling him good naturedly. One of those voices was suddenly louder as Abi could hear Troy protesting in the distance, his voice getting more distant.
"Abi? It's Joe. The boys have voted to confiscate his phone and get him drunker. I'll send photos tomorrow." He hung up laughing.
Abi rolled her eyes at the empty screen, placed her phone back on the side and eventually fell asleep.

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