Chapter 42 - Right to Remain

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The next morning, Troy and Abi tried to maintain poker faces as Maxi blearily staggered over to the kitchen. Troy threw a tracker bar and bottle of water at him.
"Come on. Early shift, we've got to go or we'll be late!" Abi declared, turning away to hide her smile as she dragged him out the door.

The three of them strolled down the quiet streets and reached Campbell Parade before Maxi noticed some people staring.
"Urghh! I must look hungover." He sighed.
"I think you look very daper this morning." Abi held back a giggle as Troy jabbed her gently in the side.
"Daper? What weird pommie words that?" Maxi muttered.
"Oh! Maxi! Let's do a video for Insta! Troy you film it!"
Maxi, loving his Insta fame, latched onto this idea eagerly. Troy had to cough to cover his laugh as he began to walk backwards to film them walking down the promenade.

Mouse was already opening the shutters and Chappo was in the tower checking the med kits when the three arrived at the tower. On seeing Maxi's curling sharpie moustache and glasses Mouse paused but quickly covered his mirth with a cough.
"Morning." He called out, then lent over the railing and shouted down to the tunnel. "Box! We're all here."

Maxi had walked first into the tower, Troy still filming behind him. Chappo looked up from the med kits and failed to contain his chuckle.
"Have a good night, Maxi?" He asked.
"How can everyone tell I'm hungover this morning?!" Maxi whined. Abi barely contained a hysterical giggle behind him. Sat by the desk they waited as Mouse and Box joined them. A seasoned prankster Box didn't show any surprise as he leant back against the railing and briefed them all on the morning ahead. Only when Hoppo arrived and took in the scene before him with a roll of his eyes did Box show any sign of cracking.
"Got a little something on your face there Maxi." Hoppo said gesturing vaguely to Maxis face.
Maxi frowned as Abi stifled another hysterical giggle. He headed down to the medical bay, the others following behind. Troy caught the moment he realised he'd been pranked on camera as Abi and the others finally broke into laughter.
"Bambi!" Maxi roared, torn between seeking immediate revenge and scrubbing the pen from his face.
"I'll help you set up the flags Mouse." Abi volunteered and dashed out of the tower.
"That was sweet." Mouse was still laughing as he swung himself into the rhino. "He'll never scrub that off!"
"I've got make-up remover. I'll give it to him in a bit."
Mouse snorted.
"Remind me never to mess with you Bambi."

It was another hour before Abi gave Maxi her make-up remover and he was finally able to remove all the sharpie. By then, Troy had also told him of their plan to move in together and have Maxi take Troy's old room.

When Whippet walked in at 9am he found Troy and Maxi watching the water whilst Abi worked at a laptop on translations for some new safety signage Hoppo wanted on the beach.
"The lovebirds are getting a love nest!" Maxi told him. It took Whippet a moment to understand the statement. But then he clapped Troy on the back and ruffled Abi's hair.
"About time." Whippet crowed. "In other news, Gina and I got engaged."
Abi screeched in delight, nearly knocking her chair over as she leapt up and hugged Whippet. When she released him Troy shook his hand in congratulations before turning back to the water. Maxi grabbed a radio.
"Central to all lifeguards on Bondi, Bronte and Tama. Whippet finally put a ring on it!"
Responses of congratulations poured in.

* * *

The post had arrived when Abi returned from her morning shift at Bondi. A large brown envelope with official Australian stamps filled the mailbox and filled Abi with nervous excitement. She quickly pulled it from the box and dashed up the stairs, barely closing the door to the apartment before she opened the large envelope.

Within was a letter and several other documents. Abi read the letter and slumped onto the sofa. She placed the papers on the small coffee table and knocked on Caitlinns bedroom door. There was no reply. Abi picked up the letter and read it again.

Dear Miss Heath

We have reviewed your case for application for permanent residency in Australia. Due to your current finances and job category, we are unable to offer residency at this time. However, an extension of 2 years has been granted to your working visa. Should your circumstances change, please submit your application again. Please find enclosed documentation that validates your extended working visa.

Many Thanks
Australian Department of Immigration.

Abi shut the documents in a drawer in her room before heading for the language school. She was distracted the entire time by her disappointment. Caitlinn and Sam drew it out of her during their break.
"How do I tell Troy?" She worried.
"Just tell him. It's still 2 more years than you did have. And you can apply again."
"It just doesn't feel fair on him. We're about to start looking for a place together. Then, in 3 years, I could be back to living on the other side of the world."
"It's not fair on either of you." Caitlinn said. "Make the most of these 3 years and keep looking for ways to gain that residency."

Jazz met them at the end of their teaching day and together the 4 girls walked down towards the beach and met up with the lifeguards at the Bucket List. Troy was engrossed in a conversation with Chappo and Brad. Abi gave him a quick peck on the cheek then made her way to the bar.

There she spotted Gina and for a while her disappointment was forgotten as her friends excitement and happiness pushed it aside. She admired Gina's engagement ring and talked weddings until Whippet appeared to steal his financee away.

Making her way back to the group of lifeguards with beers for her and Troy she lent into his side and listened to the guys conversation about the latest antics on the beach.
Brad was laughing at the video of Maxi from this morning. When it only raised a half smile from Abi she was met with small frowns from the three lifeguards and Troy took her hand and pulled her out to the quieter seating outside.
"S'up?" He asked as he pulled her down beside him on a sofa.
Abi looked down at her hands as she updated Troy on her immigration news.
"Permanent residency would have been great." He said, placing a hand on her knee. "But you've still got 2 more years than you did have Abs. We've got time to research it properly and try again."
"What if I don't ever get it? Perhaps us moving in together is a bad idea Troy?"
"No!" Troy replied, his voice surprisingly sharp as his grip on her hand tightened for a moment. "Abs, it's even more reason to move in together. We've got to make the most of this time. Look, if you'd not gotten this news would ya be doubting moving in with me?"
"No." Abi replied instantly. "I just don't want it to hurt too much if I have to go back to England."
"Too late for that Abs. I said before that I'd do the long distance relationship if I had to. At this point I'd probably follow you to England." Abi half laughed.
"You'd hate the cold and you'd have to live in Cornwall to get any decent surf."
"Then we keep working on a way to keep you here. And we start looking for an apartment together tomorrow like we planned, yeah?"
"'Kay." She replied as she leant into his side.
He brushed a kiss against her hair.
"Love you babes. Let's go celebrate Whip and Gina's engagement."
He pulled her up with him and together they returned to the party.

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