Chapter 8 - After Work Drinks

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Classes had ended, and Abi and Caitlinn had stopped for a drink in a bar on their way home. Abi sat watching the Insta video of her and Troy surfing, whilst waiting for Caitlinn to get their drinks in. The video was of them together on the paddleboard with her successfully standing. She knew she shouldn't read the comments but couldn't resist. They were mostly positive comments. Some about surfing skills, some about them as a possible couple, some asking who she was. A few were negative. Most of those seemed to be fangirls who were disappointed that he seemed to be taken and were lashing out by insulting her. She thought she'd find those comments more hurtful than she actually did.

Caitlinn tutted when she returned and realised what Abi was doing.
"They're not that bad." Abi shrugged them off.
"Don't let them get in your head." Caitlinn warned. "So what did he decide to do about the post?"
"I don't know. He's not text."
"Ahhh. This calls for shots." Caitlinn bounced off back to the bar.

Many shots later, the girls staggered out of the bar. They were nearly home when a familiar voice called out.
"Abi!" Abi turned to see Whippet with his arm around a pretty blonde woman. She stumbled towards him and he caught her before she fell.
"Easy Bambi. You've had a big night huh."
Caitlinn bounced over, giggling but less affected than Abi.
"She's been drowning her sorrows in drink." She giggled.
"Your surfing wasn't that bad." Whippet laughed.
Abi jabbed him with her elbow.
"S'not that." She slurred. "That stupid Insta post spooked him and now he's not text me."
Whippet smiled down at the drunk girl before looking at his girlfriend.
"Gina, help me fix this and go get them, would ya?"

Whippet's girlfriend disappeared back inside the bar they had just exited.

"He's not been ignoring you. It was manic at work, so he jumped in to help out and this evening I dragged him out for drinks with us, Chappo and Deano. We threw some ideas around about Insta, dragged him out of his own head. He planned on texting you when he got home."
"Oh." Abi giggled into his chest.
"You're proper gone on him, hey Bambi?" He said fondly.
"Yeah, I'm in so much trouble." She continued to giggle.

Whippet turned her to face the bar. In the entrance were Troy, Chappo, the pretty blonde and a man with curly dark hair.

Troy smiled at her fondly, then groaned as Caitlinn shrieked "lifeguards" and hurled herself at Chappo and Deano. She released them quickly, as they looked at each other a bit bewildered, then she glared at Troy.
"No hug for you Gonzo. Radio silence is not okay. I had to feed her shots!"
She pointed her finger at him accusingly. Chappo burst out laughing.
"Alright firecracker. Think you fed yourself some too." He steered her away from Troy.

Abi had hidden in Whippets chest again in embarrassment. Gentle hands took her shoulders and turned her round.
"Hey Abs." Troy said, tilting her chin up so she'd look at him. "Promise I was going to text you soon as I got home."
"Thought the Insta post had made you change your mind." She hiccupped.
"It made me worry you might not want to deal with all that shit and that you might change your mind. We're a right pair huh." Troy drew her into him and she hugged him tight.

The others had a conversation that Abi didn't follow from her position tucked under Troy's arm.
It wasn't until Whippet squeezed her shoulder and said
"Night Bambi. Wouldn't wanna be you in the morning."
That she realised he and his girlfriend were leaving and the curly haired man was also going.

"Let's get you home." Troy said, carefully steering her down the pavement. Chappo was walking in front with Caitlinn.

Abi remained silent as they walked, concentrating on not falling over her own feet and snuggled comfortably into Troy's side. Troy and Chappo chatted but the conversation passed Abi by.

Caitlinn managed to find her keys to get into the apartment block and staggered up the stairs with Chappo just behind her in case she fell.
Abi made it up the first 2 steps but then stumbled back down. Troy steadied her.
"My feet won't listen." She drunkenly whined. Chappo snorted with laughter up ahead.
"How much did you drink?" Troy chuckled, as he picked her up bridal style and carefully made his way up the stairs. She snuggled into his chest.
"You smell good." She hummed.
"I'd translate that as a skinful." Chappo said as he held the door open for them. He helped Caitlinn unluck the apartment door. She drunkenly pointed to Abi's room but the words came out in Mandarin.
Sleepily Abi replied.
"Girls. Neither of us know what you're saying." Chappo said as he searched the kitchen cupboards for glasses.

Troy carried Abi into the room Caitlinn had pointed to and placed her gently on the bed. Chappo came in, placed a glass of water on the bedside table and left again to round up Caitlinn, who was now stood on the sofa, singing loudly in Hindi.

Abi curled up into a ball and seemed to fall asleep. Troy found a thin blanket and lay it over her. Abi stirred and opened her eyes.
"Jeg elsker dig." She mumbled before snuggling under the blanket.

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