Meeting the Doctor

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Carlisle P.O.V.

I didn't have any immediate fears when the ambulance was called for Forks High School. For one thing, it wouldn't be any of my kids. For another, it wouldn't be Edward's or my mate as they would've protected them.

That was when Alice called my phone, "Alice, what is it?"

"Edward is forcing Bella to go to the hospital and Davina passed out."

My heart clenched. I hadn't even met the girl yet and I was already reacting to the fact that she had been hurt. My alter ego- Lord- was trying to emerge now.

"How?" I asked.

"Tyler's van skidded on ice. Bella's fine, though the shock of Davina getting her out of the way made her hit her head when she landed in the truck. And Davina got hit by the car. Just her leg though, and maybe her hip. I don't know, she seemed fine. There's no blood, just a few scratches on her leg. Jasper mostly saved her from her leg being crushed. But Edward thinks there might be internal bleeding."

"Thank you Alice." I said, trying not to sound affected by the news and hung up.

I hurried to one of the nurses, "We have three patients coming in from the High School. One sounds to be in more critical condition than the other two. I want her moved to a separate room and prepare to test for internal bleeding."

"Yes Dr. Cullen." Nurse Courtney said.

She was probably my favorite nurse. She had a no nonsense attitude about her and probably the only one not affected by my looks. She was also rather happily married with two kids and completely focused on her work.

The rooms are prepared as Tyler is rushed into the hospital on a gurney, conscious, with an oxygen mask on his face and some blood running down his forehead. Bella is sitting up, looking absolutely mortified at the attention the nurses were giving her.

And then there was the girl laying down. My heart- had it been able to beat- would've started pounding faster. As it was, adrenaline seemed to course through my veins and I almost felt hot. Burning hot.

I had never been completely sure what my soulmate would look like. Before I had changed the kids, I had assumed she would also be blond, probably crystal blue eyes- if she was human- or red eyes if she was already a vampire.

But after the kids started finding their soulmates, I thought she might have brown or black hair. For as Emmett had dark hair, Rosalie had light. And where Alice was dark, Jasper was light.

Davina's face was pale, not as pale as ours, but not dark either. Her black hair framed her face even with the hurried position she had been placed in. The blue and green highlights were faint now, as though the dye was fading and needed to be redone.

I quickly hurried after her into her room. "Run the tests Courtney." I demanded.

"Yes Dr." Courtney said, "I'll alert you when they're done."

I took one last look at my soulmate and made it, with difficulty, to the opposing room where Tyler and Bella were.

It was very hard to pay attention to Bella- who seemed completely fine- and Tyler- who was mostly fine- when Davina was in the other room. Lord continued to growl aggressively at Tyler for being a reckless driver, but I made sure not to show it on my outer ego.

Although Bella was definitely trying to gauge a reaction from me, telling me how fast Jasper had dashed across the parking lot when none of my children had been anywhere close to her and Davina. And Edward too.

I tried to keep my cool with that, but I knew she knew I was distracted and I didn't play it off as well as I could've.

Finally I made it to Davina's room where Nurse Courtney had the results. "There's a little internal bleeding between the ribs and hips. It's not serious and would probably clear up on it's own with rest. The leg on the other hand is more damaged. There are cracks in the right fibula and there's pressure on her lateral malleoulus."

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