Davina P.O.V.
I had gone all the way to Oregon to feed. Apparently there was a large American Black Bear population and since I only needed one anyways- it seemed worth it. And it was. I found that the Black Bear did taste a little bit better than the mountain lion. But in my surprise, when I hunted a herd of deer, they tasted even better than the carnivorous animals.
I experimented with the different tastes- bunny, deer, cougar, and black bear. The bunny and deer honestly tasted better.
I wondered why. Carlisle had explained that to vampires, carnivorous animals like bears and wolves and big cats and such were better to the taste because of being closer to the human population in terms of blood.
So why?
It was falling dark and I knew I had to get home so that Carlisle didn't worry. I wondered if Jacob was still at the house or if he had gone back to the pack yet to let them know of her illness.
If Carlisle had let him in. I wondered if Bella's sickness was so bad that Jacob could spread it too.
I started home.
Carlisle's P.O.V.
Jacob sat in the living room with the rest of us. Davina was still out and I was nervous, wondering if she was still at La Push, back at the cottage, or out hunting. The cottage was the only good option, though I wasn't entirely sure if Sam would harm her or let her be harmed if she was still in La Push.
"Sam's lost the element of surprise," Jacob explained. Leah had apparently joined the 'pack' with her brother Seth. She knew what Sam was planning. "and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not going to come at you head on."
I was leaning on my knees, sharing the couch with Esme and Marcel. Bree was standing far away from Jacob, still scared of the wolves.
Edward was standing nearby, his eyes crazed.
"He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity." Jacob continued.
"We won't get through without a fight." Emmett said behind me, standing near the windows alongside Jasper.
"No fights." I whispered, looking over my shoulder at him. "We won't be the ones who break the treaty."
"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind." Jacob said.
"Not in ours." Esme said, tightening her grip around Marcel's hand.
I wondered just how close they were. Were they between the cottage and the main house?
"Carlisle, no one's hunted in weeks." Emmett said.
"We'll make do." Esme said.
"You've done us a great service, Jacob." I said. Lord growled inside of me, not agreeing. He still wanted to rip Jacob's head off. "Thank you."
Jacob nodded.
I hesitated and then asked, "What about Davina? If Sam is close and she's still at the cottage, she's separated from us."
Jacob hesitated and then shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "He was banking on her being away, she had told us she hadn't been to the main house in a week. I don't know if he'll attack or allow her to be attacked if she tries to come here. I wouldn't think so, but if you have a way to contact her, tell her she'll have to stay there and stay in, you should."
My heart clenched at the idea of being so far away from her but I nodded, getting up and leaving the room to leave a message on the cottage house phone.
I Believe- Carlisle Cullen Twilight fanfic
FanficDavina Mikelson is not your average girl. Moving to Forks from Kentucky after a tragic incident in her past leaves her hard and suspicious against everyone. Wanting to become a doctor, she attempts interning at the Forks hospital, against her brothe...