What Great Fun

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Davina P.O.V.

Bella rang my phone and I picked it up. "Hey Bells, what's up?"

"Um, a group of us are going to watch 'Face Punch' and I wanted to know if you wanted to come." Bella said hesitantly.

"Who all is going?" I asked, knowing I'd be with kids younger than me.

"Mike, Eric, Angela, Jessica, and Jacob." Bella said.

"Sure, why not." I said, trying to focus on my class for med school.

"Great." Bella said and hung up.

I went to bed with a thundering headache.

The headaches were the worst part of being away from Carlisle. The pain of losing our love had faded. It was to be expected. I didn't deserve love and I should never have expected a happy ending. The stomach pains and all the other nasty side effects from the first week had gone as well. But the headaches were constantly there, especially at night.

The next day, I dressed really cute for the movie. I wore black leggings and a thin white button up shirt. I had tan pumps to wear with it along with pearl earrings and fixed my black hair back with a white bow. I did light makeup with a little mascara and declared myself done. I grabbed my purse which was brown and pink and made my way out to the car.

Sam had offered to drive me to the theater, which I accepted, and then told him I would get a ride home with Bella

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Sam had offered to drive me to the theater, which I accepted, and then told him I would get a ride home with Bella.

Upon arriving, dropped off on the block, kissing Sam's cheek in good-bye, I found that Mike and Jacob were in a sort of standoff and Bella was just coming back with four tickets.

"Jessica bailed and Angela got the stomach flu. So Eric's taking care of her. So it's just the four of us." Bella offered.

Great, now it looked like a double date. Well- I'd take Jacob. Bella could have Mike.

"Great!" Jacob said, looking between Bella and I.

"Great." Mike said less enthusiastically.

"Great!" I smirked.

"Okay." Bella said and led the way into the theater.

The theater was packed with people. We sat Mike, Bella, Jacob, and then me. I found about twelve minutes into the movie that this was a bad idea. The constant shifting of scenes, loud noises, yelling, and flashes was making my headache pound out of this world.

I closed my eyes, leaning my head on Jacob's arm. I honestly felt like vomiting.

Nearing the end of the movie, Mike looked over at us and said, "Okay, I think I'm gonna throw up."

He was up out of his seat, leaving the movie theater before we could register his words. Bella and Jacob stood too which made me get up as well- thankful- and followed them out of the movie theater.

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