Jacob's Declaration

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Davina P.O.V.

I was playing soccer on the beach in La Push with most of the other werewolf members. It was a relatively cloudy day, but it didn't make it any less enjoyable. It had been around two-ish weeks since I had become a vampire, two-ish weeks since Edward and Bella had gone on their honeymoon, and two-ish weeks where our triplets had gone from looking like newborns to looking like they were around four or five months old.

I kicked the soccer ball lightly, sending it towards Jared. I was really hoping to score a goal, but I had also promised not to completely use my vampire senses so here I was, missing scores and gritting my teeth, getting annoyed easily.

I did feel a little bad though. Jacob, Embry, and Seth were sitting on a log by themselves. Jared, Paul, Leah, and Sam were either playing soccer with me and each other, or kissing up on their girls; Kim, Rachel, and Emily. Quil was squatting by the waters' edge with Claire.

"Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash." Jacob's voice was quiet and I wasn't entirely sure that the werewolves could hear him, but I definitely could.

I knew immediately he was talking about Bella and I missed the soccer ball completely, hissing under my breath as Paul crowed.

"Or tripped and fell off a cliff." Jacob continued as I chased the ball, sending it back to Jared. I knew he was thinking about what the Cullens, my family, was going to tell Charlie.

"Keep it in play! Keep it in play!" Paul chuckled and I kicked the ball at his shins. A quick glance over my shoulder showed that Seth and Embry's faces were sympathetic towards Jacob.

Leah kicked the ball hard, sending it into Sam's hands across the beach. I nodded to her, smirking.

"At least I'll get one thing out of it." Jacob continued.

"No you won't." Sam called, pausing in the game, glaring at Jacob as I came to a stop completely, my face dropping. Sam looked at me before looking back at Seth, Jacob, and Embry, "Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe."

Leah came to stand by Jacob and I drifted closer. "Well, he's either going to kill her or change her." Jacob said. "And the treaty says. . ."

"I say, Jacob." Sam was using his alpha wolf voice now. "I say."

Sam looked at me and then at Leah before looking away, tossing the ball to Jared. I no longer felt like playing and neither did Leah.

"You know, if you wanted things different, you should've become alpha." Embry said.

I shot him a look and he raised his hands apologetically. "I don't mean about going to war, I just mean about the Bella decision."

"Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time." Jacob muttered.

"Jake, you really think you could kill Bella if she became a vampire?" Seth questioned. "I know I can't kill Mom."

"Neither could I." Embry said very quickly and I gave him a half- smile.

"No." Leah interrupted, sitting down on the other side of Jacob. I remained standing, staring out at the ocean. It felt like it was calling to me. "make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us."

"Ah shut up Leah." Jacob snarled.

"Jake." I chastised.

"Would you just get over it?" Leah demanded, "It's not like you've imprinted on her."

We all glanced over at the guys who had settled down, holding their girls in their arms. Well, Quil was still squatting next to Claire. But the others were settled in each others laps, arms around the neck, kissing each other, eating food, feeding each other. It made me long for Carlisle and I crossed my arms, almost hugging them across my chest.

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