Epilogue Again

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Time passed. We watched Marcel and Esme get married. Then Sam and Emily. Jared and Kim. Paul and Rachel. Embry and Bree. We watched our children grow- and as I was part werewolf, Carlisle and I had a few more children added to the list.

We had discovered that my human quirks extended to pregnancy. I had a set of twins who we named Jessie and James. And then we had a singular child who I named Lorenzo.

We traveled quite a bit, moving to different states, even different countries. Marcel always helped with military arrangements.

We didn't hear from the Volturi that often, but I knew we probably crossed their minds.

Sam quit his transforming and started to age again, growing old with Emily. Jared and Paul were attempting to quit too.

Seth, Leah, Jacob, and Embry traveled with us for the most part. And as Caroline and Samuel got older, it was hard watching them fall in love with Seth and Leah. Well, for Carlisle it was. For me, I knew it was just a thing.

Carlisle and I spent an unordinary amount of time on Isle Davina. It was our safe space and I was even thinking about building a few more homes. For the family, of course. Small cottages that would dot around the main house.

Carlisle and Esme helped me with the project, which naturally meant Marcel was helping too. We all worked quickly, furnishing each house to every couple's tastes. I even made two for the wolves.

That was where Carlisle and I were now.

Our newest baby, Wanda, was fast asleep in her crib in the upstairs room. I wouldn't normally have named a child such a blatant, obvious name, except that a few hours after she was born, her hands glowed red and she started to lift things. So Wanda it was.

I really hoped her future husbands name wasn't Vision.

Carlisle and I were both naked, having calmed down from a very heated, but quiet love fest. His cool arms were wrapped around my body, resting on my now flat stomach. He brushed my hair away from my neck in order to rest his chin there.

"I love you very much Davina." Carlisle said suddenly.

"I love you too." I whispered, squeezing his hand.

Carlisle shifted in the bed, rearranging his hold on me, tucking me into his body. I grinned a little as I felt his member against my back. It was still throbbing, still wanting to continue.

We waited a moment and then I asked, "Carlisle, they- Aro will come again, eventually, won't he."

It was a statement, not a question.

Carlisle sighed, rolling me on top of him, my cheek pressed to his pec. His arms encased me tightly. "Eventually, they will."

"I am sorry. I know you never wanted to think badly of the Volturi." I whispered.

"I suppose there is corruption in every Government." Carlisle whispered.

I propped myself up on my elbows and said in a worried voice, "They'll come for me specifically. To collect me."

Carlisle nodded, his golden eyes darkening black before becoming yellow again. "I know. And I'll protect you. I'll never leave your side."

I sighed, shaking my head, "I'm sorry. I guess. . . well I'm worried. And I haven't been for almost- what? Twenty years now? It just. . . hit me."

Carlisle brushed long black curls back from my face. "Well, ever since you met us, there has never been a dull moment in our lives. Several vampires and armies have tried killing Bella and you. I suppose it would be weird if there was a lull in all that."

He grinned.

I smirked. "Your lives would've been so much easier if neither of us had moved to Forks."

Carlisle smiled, lifting a thumb to my face, brushing my lips. "Hmm, easier, yes. Full of love and joy? No. You make my life complete Davina."

"Hmm." I murmured as I moved my hand teasingly towards his cock. "Well let me help you make it a little more complete, shall I?"

Carlisle kissed me passionately, moving his hands down to my hips, gripping them with a tightness that rivaled only Lord's.

"You shall love."

And so we disappeared under the sheets again.

And they lived Happily Ever After

The End

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