An Attack and a Kiss

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Davina P.O.V.

When I woke up in the morning, I was sure that everything had been a dream. Except that I was still laying in the clothes that I had worn last night.

Strange, how had Carlisle gotten me into the house? How had they even known which house was mine?

I felt a bit pleased that Carlisle hadn't undressed me. That showed he truly was a gentleman. I was lucky to have him.

I remembered what happened last night and when I stood up, I fell to the ground. Holy shit I was sore. I climbed out of my clothes, wobbling to the shower, washing my body, keeping my hair in a bun so it stayed dry. Stepping out of the shower, I noticed the bruises that decorated my legs. There were also two large bruises- one on each arm- where the guys hands had pressed down.

Looking out the window at the drizzle, I decided today was a long-sleeved day.

Stepping into the closet, I saw that all of my clothes were hung up, the shoes put on the shelf. The knee-high boots that had been ruined were no where to be seen- a new, unscathed pair sat there instead.

Well damn. I was going to have to thank Carlisle for doing this. I hated shopping and I hated putting clothes away.

I pulled on a pair of black jeans and a blue sweater, pulling on the heeled pumps. I curled my hair, letting most of it hang down my back while a few curls framed my face and down my front.

I grabbed my Hufflepuff backpack, making sure my Shakespeare essay was complete, and then went downstairs to find something to eat for breakfast.

Opening the refrigerator revealed the leftovers from last night, confirming that it wasn't a dream.

There was a sudden knock on the door. I quickly took out the carton of eggs, setting it on the counter before hurrying to the door, wondering who was there so early in the morning. Was Sam picking me up?

Opening the door revealed a very handsome doctor. I smiled easily before my eyes fell to his tie which was just a little crooked.

"Good morning Davina." He said in that oh so fucking sexy voice.

"Good morning Carlisle." I said, feeling elation as his name rolled off the tongue. I reached out, grabbing his tie so that I could straighten it. "Don't vampires have impeccable perfection?"

He chuckled lightly. "Usually. But I also had no idea what time you were leaving at so I wanted to get here and make sure you ate something."

I looked up at him and got caught in his- not quite gold eyes at the moment- more like buttercup, before pulling his tie a little so I could capture his lips with mine.

I had never really liked taking charge, but at that moment, his tie in my hand- the moment was to great to miss.

One hand settled on the small of my back, the other, fingers wrapped in my hair, pulling me to him.

His lips were cold, marble like, but they shaped around mine, capturing them. The kiss was intoxicating and I pressed into it as much as I could, trying to get more of him. His hair was soft and silky between my fingers and I finally pulled apart to get air.

As I caught my breath, unsure what to say, I said, "Would you like to come in?"

He chuckled, "Of course."

I stepped back, letting his tie go, heading for the kitchen, cheeks red. Oh dear, I really hoped he liked it.

I set about making eggs while he looked around the kitchen quietly.

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