The Council Meeting

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Davina P.O.V.

I spent much of the next few days, getting used to being back in Carlisle's house again. I hadn't wanted to move back in, not till we were married. The last time I had moved in, they had left a few months afterward. It was just a bad sense of deja vu.

I also spent quite a bit of time on the Rez. Especially with the council meeting coming up, I was helping Emily buy and plan the meal for the night. Mostly hotdogs and burgers. I would also make chili. We were thinking ten or fifteen bags of potato chips- family sized- might be enough. And maybe four pizzas. No, six.

Emily was going to call for pizzas. I told her I would make homemade ones. It would be faster and cheaper. Oh! And Chicken wings! Spicy ones at that.

But those, I called from Larosa's because those were the best kind.

On the day of the council meeting, Emily and I spent the majority of time cooking at our separate houses. Carlisle was my guard throughout the day, watching me and making idle conversation while I cooked.

"Everything is going to be alright." I responded. Carlisle- well really Lord- had spent a lot of time in the house, running circles in my bedroom like an idiot- though I never thought about him like that of course- trying to get the scent out of my room.

"So Alice has the wedding set for next Wednesday." Carlisle said softly. "A complete week from now."

"I've never been more nervous." I said, a lump in my throat.

"Why?" Carlisle questioned.

"It feels like a bad time to have a wedding." I admitted, "What with the possibility of vampires in Seattle, this rouge vampire, and also Victoria. I feel like Alice is rushing this wedding. But at the same time, I can't wait to be married to you."

Carlisle smiled softly, running his finger over the edge of one of the wine glasses I had set out. I didn't drink alcohol, but I used them as flower holders, soil in the bottom, small seeds placed in them. Small flowers to grow inside of them.

Like snow globes with tops.

"Will you take my last name?" He asked.

"Most definitely." I said with a small smile. "Davina Cullen. It has a nice sound to it."

"Marcel told Alice he'd come." Carlisle said.

"Yeah, I heard." I said. "I still haven't told the werewolves though. I probably should've done that a long time ago. What about the Denali clan?"

"Tanya, Kate, Carmen, and Eleazor will be coming. Irina will not." Carlisle said. "They have a grudge against the werewolves for killing Laurent. Apparently he was Irina's mate."

I stared at him incredulously, "Do they know that the reason Laurent is dead is because he was trying to kill me?"

Carlisle's eyes flickered and then he said, "It's been mentioned."

I scoffed, turning back to the fourth pizza. I had given two to Emily so that she could cook them there. My oven really only had room for two pizzas at a time.

The Chili sat in the crockpot, staying warm. I had a box that was filled with chip bags on the kitchen island. The ice that would go into the cooler and the drinks were in the freezer and fridge.

The pizzas were the last thing and I then ordered the wings so that everything would be done at the same time.

"We'll have to put the honeymoon off for a little while." Carlisle added. "Till Victoria is finished. I can't leave them here to defend themselves."

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