Chapter 15

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 The following day, Dylan wakes up and walks to his mirror. 

 "I should get to the interview very early today." He says. 

 A thought crosses his mind and he feared the outcome of the interview. 

 "What if she doesn't accept to give me the job knowing that I am her son whom she left long ago?" He asked himself. 

 He walks to his bed and thinks for a while. 

 "I should get dressed and hope that the outcome is nice." He says to himself and walk into his bathroom to have his bath. 

 Minutes later, he was done having his bath and walked to his room where he takes out the cloth he was going to be putting on for the interview. He kept the cloth on his bed and wiped his body then wore his undergarment. 

 A smile crossed his face as he thought of the excitement of his getting the job. 

 He picked up his cloth and wore it. 

 "This is going to be great." He said to himself. 

 He walks to his mirror picking up his hair brush and brushes his hair. 

 He then walks to the area he had kept his shoe and wears it. He walked to his handwatch and wears it. 

 "Perfect for today." He says to himself then carries up a book. 

 He walks to the living room and picks up his phone and key then walks out of the building with a cap on. 

 He wasn't ready to be the attention of any girl and only wanted to take it off whenever he gets to the company. 

 Within half an hour of him walking, he arrived the company. 

 He had to walk to the company in order to be able to save so if he doesn't get the job, he can still have enough. 

 Getting into the building, he was greeted by the receptionist who asked him what he wants. 

 "I saw an advert last night saying the company needs contract worker." He said. 

 "Oh, that's right." The lady said and pointed him to where he is to sit. 

 Dylan went to sit where he was directed until he was called in by the secretary. 

 He walked into the secretary office. 

 "You are Mr. Dylan Jay?" She asked. 

 "Yes I am." Dylan said replying her. 

 The lady nods her head and looked at a book before nodding again. 

 "You can go in." She said pointing to a door. 

 Dylan looked at the office and could only pray that his mother won't recognize him as he has his father's feature. 

 He stood by the door and it scanned him before allowing him enter. 

Immediately his mother saw him, she opened her mouth in shock but had to hide her expression. 

 "Do have your sit." She said and Dylan had his sit. 

 "What's your name?" She asked. 

 "Dylan !" Dylan replied. 

 "Dylan...? " She asked. 

 "Dylan Jay." He said. 

 The woman looked at him and shook her head recognizing him. 

 "Your age?" She asked and Dylan rolled his eyes. 

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