The following day, Carl woke up early in the morning and walked to her bathroom to have her bath.
When she was done, she got dressed and walked down the stair.
" Good morning Miss." She heard Joel greet her.
"How are you doing Joel?" She asked and Joel answered positively.
Melinda walked to her with a cup of tea.
"Where is Kamela?" She asked.
"She is busy making the meal." Melinda said.
"Why isn't she out yet?" Carl asked but Melinda remained silent.
Seeing Melinda's face, Carl ran to the kitchen dropping the cup of tea on the table as she feared that what happened to her when she was little had happened to her.
On reaching the kitchen, she saw Kamela's head bowed.
"Kamela!" She called holding her.
Kamela broke down and hugged her.
"Miss!" She called.
"Yes Kalle." She said and Kamela began to cry.
"What's wrong?" Carl asked pulling Kamela to face her but Kamela shook her head.
"You can let me know." Carl said but Kaela didn't say anything as she wept on.
"Joel?" Carl asked and Kamela shook her head.
She flipped her head back and looked at Carl.
"I love someone else." She said and Carl didn't understand.
"You really don't love Joel?" Carl asked and she nodded her head.
"But he loves me." She said.
"You told him that?" Carl asked but she shook her head.
"Let's tell Joel?" Carl said and Kamela hugged her.
"You are the best." Kamela said giggling.
Carl walked out with Kamela who tried not to look at Joel.
"Joel!" Carl called.
"Yes Miss." Joel answered.
"Can I speak with you?" Carl asked.
"Yes Miss but I will like to speak with Kamela." He said.
Kamela walked behind Carl fearing to look at Joel.
"Alright Miss, you may go on." Joel said.
Carl pleaded on Kamela's behalf and asked Melinda to excuse them.
"Alright Miss." Melinda said and left them.
Carl went to take her sit beside Kamela while Joel sat away from them.
"I am sure you feel that she only sees you as a friend." Carl said but Joel shook his head.
"Do you love her?" Carl asked and Joel pursed looking at Kamela.
He hated the fact that he told her that he loves her.
"Joel, do answer me." Carl said and Joel nodded.
Carl told him that Kamela was in love with someone else.
"Alright." Joel said.
"Where does he stay?" Joel asked.
"He doesn't stay there anymore and I don't know where he stays." Joel asked.
"Do you still get in touch with him?" Joel asked.

So in love
Romance"I would have left him, but I can't get him off my mind. I have tried many times but still I can't. I have the money and all. I am also beautiful but he chose to betray me with that slut. We have been dating for two years and I even told my friends...