The following week, Carl packed her hair looking at the mirror then she went to wear her makeup.
Satisfied with her look, she wore her shoe and walked down the stair.
" You really look cute, Miss." Melinda said.
"Yes, thank you Melinda." She said and walked away.
Kamela walked out with two cup of tea and handed one to Joel while the other to Carl who smiled looking at the both of them.
Melinda smiled pulling Kamela with her and they walked away.
"Miss, I must really say, you look beautiful in this." Joel said and Carl smiled.
. "Thank you so much Joel." Carl said. "We should get going."
Her house workers were also meant to be in the fashion show with them so as to make themselves known but Joel advised that they should stay home for their security.
"Over there." Some people said as Carl got down from the car.
Her workers all clapped seeing their boss walk out.
"She looks so beautiful." They said.
Naomi walked close to her and greeted her.
"Miss you are welcome." Naomi said admiring Carl's dress.
"I guess everything is prepared?" She asked.
"Yes Miss." Naomi replied.
They all walked to a corner and Carl gave them some instructions on how to kickstart the program.
An hour later, many people arrived and Carl looked at each of them in search of Dylan.
Finally, she caught sight of him and smiled.
Dylan walked to her and smiled.
"You look stunning." He said.
"You also look cool." Carl replied admiring his outfit.
"Alright, let's gather together." Sarah said into the microphone as the people got many.
Suddenly Carl felt a hand touch her shoulder. She turned to look and saw her mother.
"Mother!" She called hugging her.
"How are you dear?" Her mother asked.
"I am fine, mom." She said smiling.
Her mother looked at the man who also greeted her and smiled.
"You look like a model." Mrs. Robin said. "I guess I have seen you before."
Carl smiled putting her hand across Dylan's neck.
"His name is Dylan, the one I went on a date with." She said and her mother laughed.
"Oh, your boyfriend." Her mother said smiling.
"I will be going soon but I just thought of coming to make you feel happy." Her mother said and she smiled.
"Alright Mom." Carl said.
They spoke for some time then her mother left.
Carl looked at Dylan and smiled.
"Come on. Let's be sitted." Sarah shouted into the microphone as she jumped.
"Who is she?" Dylan asked pointing to Sarah.
"Her name is Sarah. She is one of the best workers I have. She has rejected being promoted but I would do everything in my power to get her promoted." Carl said.

So in love
عاطفية"I would have left him, but I can't get him off my mind. I have tried many times but still I can't. I have the money and all. I am also beautiful but he chose to betray me with that slut. We have been dating for two years and I even told my friends...