Then next day, Carl sat in her car with her head bowed as she began to think of Dylan.
" I didn't meet with him yesterday but I need to see him today. " She said to herself.
She took a deep breath remembering the time she brought her office workers on her date with Dylan.
"Has Sarah started getting interested in Dylan?" She asked herself and shook her head.
"No, it can't be." She concluded. "My Dylan can't leave me for her."
She looked at her back and smiled seeing Joel car.
"He is so nice and I am determined to make his love life work with Kamela even though they haven't said anything about it." Carl said to herself.
She began to drive her car.
Minutes later, she stopped her car and made a turn with Joel following behind her.
She got off her car and walked into a shop.
Joel walked into the shop with her wondering what she was there to get.
"Hello Miss, what do you want?" The lady selling asked.
Carl pointed to a sweet which she knew Kamela likes.
"Alright Miss." The lady said.
"Can you also get another one packed?" Joel asked and the woman nodded.
She packed the two and gave one to Joel and one to Carl.
"Here is my card." Joel said but the lady shook her head.
"Miss has made payment for the both." The lady said.
"Alright." Joel said putting his card back and they both left for their car.
They drove to the fashion house and Carl was happy.
"Next week is the fashion week." Carl heard another lady say to Sarah who nodded.
"We all would put on our fashionable customs." Sarah said and they both laughed.
Carl nodded smiling.
"I am going to invite Dylan here and I hope he should come." She said smiling to herself.
She walked to her office and before entering the office, she turned to Joel.
"Give this a also to Kamela." She said pointing the sweet she had brought to him and he looked at her confused.
"Thank you Miss." Joel said.
"I must confess, you look cute with Kamela." She said then walked into her office.
Minutes later, Carl received a phone call from her father.
"Oh Dad, how are you doing over there?" She asked.
"Doing great." Her father said. "Will be back next two week."
"Wow Dad. I can't wait to see you again." She said.
"Always being a darling daughter." Her father said and she smiled.
"I will always make you happy." She said and her father sniffled.
"Alright, I do want to see you and your love when I am back." Her father said.
"Alright Dad, we will surely be present to welcome you back." She said.
"Alright." Her father said.
They spoke on other things and ended the call.
"I should put a call across to Dylan." She said smiling.

So in love
Romance"I would have left him, but I can't get him off my mind. I have tried many times but still I can't. I have the money and all. I am also beautiful but he chose to betray me with that slut. We have been dating for two years and I even told my friends...