Chapter 25

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The following day, Carl wore her cloth, she remembered the last day.

"I am so happy that I will be saved." She said to herself.

Few minutes later, her phone beeped and immediately the door bell rang.

She picked up her phone and saw that it was a text message from Joel.

"Miss, a man called Mr. Judaman said he is here for you." Kamela said rushing to Carl's room.

Carl nodded her head.

"Do let him in and let him know that I am coming." Carl said and Kamela nodded.

Carl was not to pay Joel for his service as he told her not to.

"You may come in." Kamela said getting down the stair and he entered the house.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"She would be here soon." Kamela said and he nodded.

Few minutes later, a tray which contained some plates was brought to him.

"Do enjoy your meal." The woman said dropping the food but Joel shook his head.

"I already had something to eat." He said and the woman nodded.

She bent to pick up the tray and walked away with it.

"I am sorry for keeping you in wait." Carl said as she walked down the stair.

Kamela looked at Carl and greeted her.

"Get all the workers together." Carl said.

"Alright Miss." Kamela said taking a bow.

She walked everywhere to call the workers and they all stood together in a room.

Done telling all the workers, Kamela walked to the living room.

"Miss, we are all gathered." She said and Carl nodded.

"Alright, you can go to join them while we come." Carl said and Kamela nodded and ran back.

Csrl looked at Joel and nodded.

"Follow me." She said and Joel nodded.

"Alright Miss." He said and followed her to the room the workers had all gathered.

Tjey entered the room and all the workers greeted Carl.

They all looked at Joel thinking he is one of the workers who Carl wants to introduce.

"Goodday to you all. You might be wondering why I called you all here. I called you all to introduce to you Mr. Judaman." Carl said taking in a deep breath. "He isn't going to be a worker as you all are but he will be working personally for me as my guard."

Carl looked at the workers faces.

"Alright Miss." They all said.

"He is going to be living very close to this house and he is going to be the first to come to the house." Carl said.

"Alright Miss." They all chorused and she nodded her head.

"You may all go to your duty post." Carl said and they all left.

She turned to Joel.

"Let's go." She said and they left.

Getting out of the house, Carl saw another car been packed and looked at Joel.

"That's my car, Miss. I will follow you." He said and Carl nodded.

Carl entered her car while Joel entered his.

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