Chapter 60

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  The following day, Carl walked out of her room with a smile on her face. She walked down the stairs and Melinda couldn't help but ask what was her source. 

" You look happy, Miss. What is the source of your happiness? " Melinda asked. 

 "It's all because..." She was saying when she realized what she was about to say. "Do not worry." 

 She placed her hand on her chest. 

 "What is this about?" She asked no one but herself. 

 "Can I still be in love with him?" She asked herself and shook her head. 

 "I just behaved like that because I do not hate him." She said to herself. 

 She thought for a while and walked to a couch. 

 She was given a cup of tea which she drank then rested a bit before going out. She walked to the car and drove to the fashion house. 

 Getting to the fashion house, she walked out of her car and could feel her phone beep. 

 She walked into the fashion house and brought out her phone before heading to her office. She saw that it was a message from Dylan. 

 "You look beautiful today." He wrote. 

 This made her smile as she looked back. 

 Her eyes met with Dylan staring at her. She took her face off him immediately. 

 "Why is he staring at me?" She asked herself not expecting a reply. 

 She immediately walked into her office and was greeted by both the receptionist and Naomi. 

 Entering her office, she remembered that Sarah was to be celebrating her birthday. 

 She took up the telecom and spoke into it. 

 "Is Sarah in the fashion house, if she is then she should come into my office in the next one hour." She said and ended the call. 

 She looked up and smiled. 

 "He said that I look beautiful today." She said smiling.

 An hour later, She heard a knock on her door. 

 "You may come in." She said and Sarah walked into her office with a smile on her face. 

 "Good morning Miss." Sarah greeted and Carl nodded her head smiling. 

 "You may have your sit." Carl said and Sarah nodded. 

 She sat on the chair which Carl pointed to. 

 Carl placed her hand on the table looking at Sarah happily. 

 "Have any idea why you are here?" Carl asked and Sarah shook her head. 

 Carl smiled looking at Sarah. 

 "Happy birthday." Carl said and Sarah smiled happily. 

 "Thank you, Miss." Sarah said. 

 "I would have loved to celebrate you but I came unprepared." Carl said and Sarah smiled. 

 "You do not need to do anything for me, Miss." Sarah said and Carl smiled. 

 "Considering the fact that I once relieved you of your job due to something you knew nothing about, I am meant to celebrate you." Carl said and Sarah took a deep breath. 

 "You have given me a reward for being faithful to you when you got to know the truth by promoting me." Sarah said and Carl smiled. 

 "I love your spiral." Carl said looking at Sarah then brought out an envelope which she handed to Sarah. 

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