10th Doctor X Bisexual! Reader

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In a whimsical blend of universes and time, you found yourself on a sunny afternoon walking through a bustling Pride parade, your heart filled with joy and celebration. Waving your bisexual pride flag high above your head, you reveled in the sea of vibrant colors and the sounds of laughter and music filling the air. Little did you know that an extraordinary encounter awaited you just around the corner.

As you turned a corner, you nearly collided with a man dressed in a dapper pinstripe suit and a wide, mischievous grin. It was the Tenth Doctor, portrayed by none other than David Tennant, but he seemed to have a touch of another character he had portrayed – Crowley from Good Omens. His eyes sparkled with a peculiar mix of excitement and mischief.

"Oho! Sorry about that! Sometimes, the dimensions get a bit wobbly, and I end up in unexpected places," he chuckled, tipping an imaginary hat in your direction. "But look at you! A proud, fabulous, and magnificent human being! And may I say, your choice of flag is absolutely smashing!"

Blushing at the unexpected compliment, you replied, "Thank you! I'm just thrilled to be here and celebrate Pride Month with everyone!"

"Well, my friend, you've come to the right person," the Tenth Doctor proclaimed, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "You see, I may have a bit of experience breaking the fourth wall and hopping between dimensions. How about we make this encounter a little more extraordinary?"

You couldn't help but be intrigued by the Doctor's proposal. With an eager nod, you watched as he snapped his fingers, and in an instant, the world around you transformed. The crowded parade disappeared, replaced by a surreal blend of Doctor Who and Good Omens scenery. Rainbows interwove with flaming ethereal wings, and peculiar creatures danced alongside celebratory humans.

"Now, isn't this just something?" the Tenth Doctor exclaimed, gesturing around with a twinkle in his eye. "A universe all our own, where we can be anything we want to be!"

As the music swelled, the Tenth Doctor took your hand, and you spun around together in a glorious whirlwind of dance and laughter. The air crackled with pure happiness, and the weight of the world faded away as you reveled in the freedom to be unapologetically yourself.

Amidst the jubilant chaos, the Doctor turned to you with a knowing smile. "You, my dear friend, are a force to be reckoned with. Embrace every aspect of who you are, and never let anyone tell you otherwise. You have the power to shape worlds and touch hearts."

The warmth of the Doctor's words enveloped you, and you could feel the strength and confidence surging through your veins. In this unique encounter, the Tenth Doctor and David Tennant's Crowley had come together to remind you of the magic and resilience within you.

As the day drew to a close, the Doctor whispered, "Remember, Pride isn't just about a month; it's a celebration of love, acceptance, and authenticity that should resonate every day. Carry that spirit with you, and let it shine brightly wherever you go."

With a final flourish, the Tenth Doctor bid you farewell, his eyes sparkling with mischief and kindness. As the dimensions realigned, you found yourself back in the bustling Pride parade, your heart ablaze with a newfound sense of pride and purpose.

Walking forward, you continued to wave your bisexual pride flag high above your head, surrounded by the vibrant and diverse community that had become your family. With the Doctor's words echoing in your mind, you were determined to make every day a celebration of love, acceptance, and the bound

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