10th Doctor X Reader: Claustrophobia

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You tried to recall exactly what led you to be here in this moment. Your brain churned to remember where this all started and how the hell you ended up here. If you recall correctly... it began with a question.


"What's going on, Doctor?"

You weren't quite sure what was happening. One moment he had been leaning on the console and you against the railing of the TARDIS, laughing about a joke about something that was barely important at all and the next you were sent almost to your feet from the sudden jolt. Your hands had gone to grip tight onto the edge of the railing you had been close to and the strain of white had begun to appear around your knuckles as the shaking continues. It had been worse than normal, the movements. You had long ago memorized the familiar rocking of the TARDIS but this had been different. The Doctor hadn't been laughing out in vigor this time. He had seemed almost serious. Yes, between the shaking and the rumbles, you were quite sure his face had been serious.

The shaking had stopped a good three minutes later and your hands hurt from holding on that tight. If you were a betting person, you would have sworn the TARDIS had gone through hurricane, tornado, and earthquake all at once. Now, however, the rocking settled down and left you a bit unsteady on your feet.

You pride your hands from the railing and glanced at the man next to you who was staring much to intently at the TARDIS monitor. "Doctor?" You remembered saying. "What's wrong?"

He hadn't answered. Instead he had glanced at you and then moved towards the door, long brown trench coat blown slightly behind him from the breeze of his movements.

You watched him intently as he had opened the door and poked his head out only to shut it immediately after. There seemed to be a very confused expression on his face and his mouth was open in a puzzled expression. You could have sworn you heard him mutter something along the lines of "Where did you take us, old gal?"

Your hands stuffed into the pockets of the hoodie you were wearing and you jogged down the stairs of the TARDIS console, moving to stand next to him. Your head had tilted to the side and you lean against the side of the door, shoulder supporting your weight. "Come on Doc, what is it?"

He finally glances at you and the perplexed look on his face persists. "It's nothing."

"Nothing? Of course it's something," You answer with a frown. Was he attempting to hide whatever was out there?

"No, I mean... it's actually nothing." He pulled open the door to reveal the darkness ahead of them. It was absolutely dark out there. No light shining to illuminate whatever was out there. It was just... darkness. The Doctor had meant nothing very literally it seemed.

One hand had come out of your pockets to scratch the side of your face. "Are you sure it's nothing though... You didn't take us here right? I don't think we would just be jolted through time to nothing." You move forward quickly, pushing his arm away in order to pull open his trench coat, fiddle around for half a second as you look for something. You responded to his surprised "Hey!" by giving a quick "shush" as you pulled out his sonic screwdriver. It was the closest you had to a flashlight after all without going to go find one in this giant place.

You knew the vague concept of how this thing worked but it wasn't any scanning technology that you needed. You just wanted the light that it provided. You remember lightly pushing the Doctor to the side and holding onto the edge of the TARDIS door as you point the sonic out into the darkness.

The light didn't provide much but it was enough to see that there was a floor to this darkness and the outline of walls several feet to the left and right of you. The distance ahead could only be seen two or three feet in front of the TARDIS but it seemed like enough for you. Enough that you, still grasping the door firmly with one hand, were willing to touch the floor outside with the side of your sneaker.

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