You know you love me. (Tenth DoctorX Reader)

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"Doctorrrrrrr" You groaned laying on the floor of the TARDIS.

"Yes (Y/n)?" He asked walking into the room. You noticed he had a tux on.

“Oooooo fancy~!” You said sitting up.

He smirked and leaned on the railing of the stairs. “What’s wrong?”

"I'm bored! But I don't feel like running from danger...."

"Would you rather die?” He asked chuckling.

You laughed. “No. Let me rephrase that. I don’t feel like getting in trouble and having to run because something is trying to kill us.”

“Say, how about going to the 1800's? They have great balls. And-”

You cut him off by giggling madly and he rolled his eyes. “G-Great balls?” You managed to gasp still giggling.

“The dresses from that period are nice." He finished. “Honestly (Y/n) you’re such a child sometimes.”

You got up and  grabbed his hands pulling him once around the control board. “Yeah but you know you love me” You said teasingly. “Besides I can’t dance”

The Doctor smiled. "Well go to the clothes room find a dress put it on and meet me here."

“You know you want me Doctor~!” You sang. 

“Is it possible flirting is genetic with you and Jack?”

“Like father like daughter I guess!”

“Go get dressed I’m teaching you how to dance!”

You grinned and shook your head walking out of the room. "Alright but I'm telling you I'm probably horrible at it."

“There comes a time when every lonely girl must learn to dance”

“You got that from the French girl!” You called walking into the dressing room. You started look through the dresses, surprised that he had so many. Though you weren't into girly stuff you liked wearing dresses on occasion. You found a (f/c) one and put it on. And the dress didn't have a hoop skirt. You and the Doctor went to the 1700’s once and in order to get into this event you both had to look like you belonged. You ended up having to wear a corset with a hideous dress and the entire time you felt like you were choking. 

You walked out and the Doctor stared at you. 

“Don’t laugh!” You demanded. 

“I’m not laughing. Believe me I’m not. Wasn't going to either….Ready?” He asked tearing his eyes away from you.

“I guess so. What type of ballroom dance are we going to do?” You asked curiously walking up to him. 

“Wellllll….” He said licking his lips as he thought for a moment. “The waltz. Popular dance during that time period.”

He grabbed your hand and placed it on his shoulder while placing his free hand on your waist. He then took your hand in his and smiled encouragingly. 

“So to start we step in a box formation. To the left.” He explained moving his foot.

You copied his motion and jumped back as you stepped on his foot. “Sorry.” You quickly said.

He laughed. “It’s alright. Don’t worry you’re learning there is bound to be a few mistakes here and there.”

“So a box to the left? Like left down right up?”

“Pretty much”

“Wow. Dancing is easy.”

“Welllll once you get the hang of it yeah. Looks like you've got it pretty well since you're able to talk and dance properly at the same time.”

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