10th Doctor x Reader:You Don't have to be alone parts 2

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Two months had passed since you started traveling with the Doctor, and what a two months they had been, you had seen about a dozen different aliens, traveled to many historical dates in history and had ran more than you did in gym class, but you were still Curious about your traveling companion. Why did he not want to answer when you asked him why you shouldn't want to be alone? Alien or not he had to have a family on some planet? Right? Why was he so protective of you as if he was going to lose you any minute? And why he never told you his real name? Tomorrow you would go to the library and find out.

You woke up early the next morning and walked around the Tardis, eventually you found the library, the library happened to be one of your favorite rooms in the Tardis, it was so much better than the public library back home, it the shelves were filled with thousands...no...millions of books, it was as if the Tardis held every book ever written, when he first showed you the library the Doctor told you that you could look through any of the books except for the ones on the far left corner, he didn't give you a reason why they were off limits, they just were, and if you wanted to find out anything about the Doctor they would be the first place you would have to look.
you quickly found a thick volume entitled "The History Of The Time War." reading it was simple because the Tardis's telepathic field had gotten inside your head, allowing you read and understand  foreign languages, you read that millions of years ago  a race of humanoid aliens called the Time Lords once lived on the planet Gallifrey ,until a hostile alien species known as the Dalek's attacked, the Time lords had lost not a single one had survived, not even the planet Gallifrey had made it through in one piece.

The Doctor was a Time lord, the last of the Time Lords, his home, his family and all the people on his planet were gone, he knew the true definition of loneliness.

you then read another book from the "restricted" section about Time Lords, you read that Time Lords didn't age they Regenerated, meaning they took on a completely different form if they were terribly hurt, you closed the book not caring that the Doctor didn't tell you his name, you now knew why he was so protective of you, because you would eventually leave him one day and  he would still be around, still traveling through time and space still doing what he did now because he had nowhere to go.

You cried softly, not wanting the Doctor to find you breaking the rules since you woke up so early you were kind of sleepy so you dosed off in the chair.

The Doctors P.O.V

"F/N? F/N? Where are you?" I asked I had just opened the door to her room and found her bed empty, what was she doing up? Back on earth it was 5:00am she should be sleeping,

I then checked the library and found F/N's sleeping form curled up in a ball on one of the big fluffy arm chairs then looked at the book shelf on the far left corner and noticed 2 spots were empty glanced back at F/N and saw the 2 "missing " books were sitting on a table  next to her.

I picked her up and looked at her face; tears had streamed down her cheeks.

"Oh F/N you didn't have to cry for me." I whispered as I kissed her forehead.

I walked out of the library and began searching for F/N's room

"Bedroom, bedroom ah....bedbedoom!" I silently exclaimed when I saw the door creaked open walked in and gently placed F/N on the bed then covered her up with a Tardis blue blanket as I was on my way out I heard F/N

You're P.O.V



"I'm sorry."

"For what F/N?"

"About the Time War....I'm sorry."

"It would have been so much easier if I told you all of that information at the beginning, that way you wouldn't have to go looking for it, you see F/N I was alone...I was alone for what seemed like an offly long time, but I was never alone for long, my travels have helped me meet new people, new companions that accompany me on my travels, met you didn't I? Another lost soul who needed to know that they didn't have to be alone."



"I'd like to stay with you as long as I can? Would that be ok?"

"That would be great! or as my previous regeneration would say ,"that would be fantastic!"

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