10th Doctor X Non-Binary Reader-Date Night at Barcelona

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The TARDIS materialized with a wheezing, groaning sound and the Doctor bounded out, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Hola, mi amigo! Ready for our date night?"

You grinned up at him, admiring the way his brown suit fit him perfectly. "Definitely! So, where are we going?"

"Ah, that's the fun part!" he replied, grabbing your hand and leading you towards the console. "I've programmed the TARDIS to take us to the most romantic spot in the universe. And don't worry, it's non-binary friendly!"

You laughed at his enthusiasm, feeling your heart swell with affection for the Time Lord. As the TARDIS whirred and beeped, the Doctor chattered on in a mixture of English and Spanish, his excitement infectious.

Finally, the TARDIS landed with a soft thud and the Doctor whisked you out onto a balcony overlooking a beautiful cityscape. "Welcome to Barcelona!" he exclaimed. "The perfect place for a romantic dinner under the stars."

You couldn't help but be impressed by the Doctor's planning. As you sat down at the table, he produced a bottle of wine and poured you both a glass. "Salud!" he said, clinking his glass against yours.

As you ate, the Doctor regaled you with stories of his past adventures, making you laugh with his witty asides and funny impressions. He even broke the fourth wall a few times, winking at the camera and speaking directly to the audience.

But just as he was in the middle of a particularly amusing anecdote, the Doctor suddenly winced in pain and clutched his side. "Ow!" he exclaimed, looking directly at the camera. "Sorry about that. I think I just pulled a muscle from all the running."

You couldn't help but giggle at his dramatics, but you were also a little concerned. "Are you alright?" you asked, reaching out to touch his arm.

The Doctor gave you a dazzling smile, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, I'm fine. Just a little theatrical flair for the audience. You know how it is."

You rolled your eyes, but you couldn't help but be charmed by the Time Lord's antics. As you finished your meal and the stars twinkled above you, you felt a warm sense of contentment settle over you. This was a perfect date night, full of romance and laughter and the joy of being with someone you loved.

And as you gazed into the Doctor's bright brown eyes, you knew that there was no one else you'd rather be with.

Request @holasoyvivii sorry for late request

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