Hurt 10th Doctor X Reader

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Allons-y!" The Doctor yelled, taking your hand and bolting in the opposite direction of the imminent detonation, but his hand slipped from yours as your ankle twisted and you began to fall, the explosion forcing you down the rest of the way. Your palms scraped the pavement and your head cracked against the hard surface as smoke and flames encircled your body. You coughed once before your lungs filled with ash and your eyelids slammed shut.

"___________!" He screamed, looking back at the cloud of smoke. He took a deep breath and held it as he ran back for you, discovering your unconscious body lying on the ground. His eyes welled with tears as he picked you up and carried your limp form back to the TARDIS as quickly as he could.
Stumbling into the console room, he set you on the ground before rushing to the console and getting both of you to safety. With no time to grieve, he rushed around searching for something that would save you, anything. He tore a panel from the floor and began digging around, barely able to see through his wet, stinging eyes.

As your consciousness returned to you, you realized that every inch of your body ached and burned. You were almost numb from the pain, and you weren't sure how long you would be able to endure it.
"Nhhhh..." You moaned as your head rolled to the side and your eyelids parted slightly. You could see a very blurry Doctor frantically searching for something in a trunk that he pulled up from under the console.
"__________!" He yelled your name as he rushed to you and took your head in his hands, "Oh, no no no no no don't do this. Stay with me, ____________. You're going to be fine. I'm going to save you. I promise, alright? Just- stay with me. Please." He took one hand away from your head to wipe tears off of his cheek to discover that his hand was already covered in your blood, and he tried not to panic as he picked you up and carried you to your room and set you on the bed sitting up before bolting to the medical wing to get supplies.
"Okay." He said, out of breath with arms full of medical paraphernalia, "Oh good you're still awake. I know you're hurting, but I know I can save you, __________." He dumped his pile of supplies on the bed next to you, and practically climbed on top of you in order to dress the wound on the side of your head.
He pulled on his brainy specs and parted your hair around the wound and took a good look at it, "It doesn't seem to have cracked the skull," he said, "I'm going to dress the wound but you might still have some internal bleeding. I know I can fix that if I could just find-" his voice trailed off under his breath and you could tell that he was displeased with himself. He went to work on your head and then inspected the rest of your exposed skin for injuries, wrapping your scraped palms and checking for broken bones. You could barely see him even though he was standing directly in front of you, you had a lot of trouble breathing, and your head was pounding and throbbing more than you could have ever imagined possible.
The Doctor lifted one of your eyelids and inhaled sharply at whatever it was that he saw. Your eyes rolled backward and your eyelids slammed shut as your head bobbed to the side and he took it in his hands and propped it up against the headboard.
"Stay with me, ____________." He cried, "I'll be right back. But I need you to stay awake, alright? Please. Don't leave me. Please.." His voice trailed off as he climbed off of you and tripped as he ran out of the room. You tried so hard to stay awake but your consciousness was slipping quickly. You were almost gone when you heard a resounding "oh yes!" come from down the hall. In a matter of seconds The Doctor was back in the room. You couldn't see him, but you could hear his rushed footsteps and feel his presence next to the bed, standing over you.
"Okay." He sighed, completely out of breath, "I've got a small canister of nanogenes that I saved from a very long time ago. They're going to heal you, but they're probably a bit rusty and there aren't that many of them so it might take a while, but it will work. I promise. You're going to be okay. And I'll be right here watching over you in case anything goes wrong. Which it won't. But I'm going to be right here if you need me."
"Doctor.." you strained.
"Yes?" He replied.
"Open the canister."
"Oh! Right, yes. Here we go." You heard a slight squeaking noise and soon felt a sort of tickle on the scrapes on your palms. It didn't hurt, per se, but you could feel the scrapes healing and the tickle feeling moving up your arms and spreading throughout your body. The Doctor helped you lie down and pulled a chair up to your bedside. He sat down and began to watch you, praying that you would be alright as you faded into darkness again.

You woke to the sound of sobs coming from beside your bed. Your eyelids were heavy and your body still ached, but it was not as bad as before. You turned you head to see The Doctor leaning on his knees with his elbows, holding his head in his hands.
"Doctor?" You addressed him, your voice hoarse.
He picked his head up. Shiny streaks of tears lined his cheeks and his eyes were puffy. His mouth hung open as he took a deep breath in and he looked at you.
"__________?" He asked incredulously, as if he didn't believe you were talking to him, "_________!" He repeated as fresh tears streamed down his face: tears of happiness.
"Hi." You said, managing a smile.
The Doctor exhaled into a laugh, "Oh, _________. I thought for sure I had lost you."
"You're not getting rid of me that easil-" your voice cut out and you coughed. The Doctor took a glass of water from your bed table and helped you sit up so you could drink. He pressed his lips to your hair as you took a sip.
You passed the glass back to him and he placed it back on the table before drying his face with the sleeve of his shirt, which was rolled up to his elbow. You were now conscious enough to notice that he looked like absolute hell. His tie was half undone and his hair mussed as if he had done nothing but run his hands through it in frustration while you were out.
"How long have I-" you began to ask.
"You've been unconscious for two days." He said from behind his hands as he ran them down his face, "I even lost your pulse for a few hours. I knew the nanogenes would take a while but I never counted on this. I'm so sorry."
"Doctor," you began, "I'm alive. And I'm alive because of you."
"But you almost died because of me as well!" He cried, his eyes welling up again, "If I hadn't brought you there, if I hadn't let you fall, you wouldn't have been-"
You weakly reached out a finger and pressed it to his lips.
"Doctor, please. I'm going to be fine, and that's all that matters."
He took you by surprise when he wrapped his hand around your wrist and nuzzled his face into your palm, gently pressing his lips against it.
"Doctor...?" You practically squeaked, "Wh-"
"I love you, _________." He whispered against your palm, "I love you so much, and I only realized it during these past two days when I thought I'd lost you for good."
Without saying anything, you slid your hand from his cheek to behind his neck and pulled him to you, gently pressing your lips against his. He tasted sweeter than you could have ever imagined, and his lips were soft and warm as he pulled away and immediately tried a different angle, slipping his tongue between his lips so he could gently lick yours between kisses. He placed his hands on either side of you as he climbed onto the bed with you. You shifted to make room for him and pulled your blankets aside so he could stretch out beside you, neither of you taking your lips off of the other.
He took one hand and dragged it from your cheek to your neck, over your breasts and finally landing at the warmth between your thighs. He started rubbing you slowly and you moaned against his lips before you slid one hand into his hair and allowed your tongue to slip between his lips and felt his gently lap at yours for a moment before he opened his mouth and swirled his tongue around yours and put a bit more pressure between your thighs, concentrating his middle finger on pressing against where your clit should be beneath your clothes. You tightened your fist in his hair and used your other arm to pull him on top of you, half untucking his shirt in the process.
You parted your knees and you could feel his hard length press against you as he wrapped his arms around you and trailed his kisses down to your neck. You dragged a few nails down his back and a sharp exhale escaped you, causing you to cough again.
"Are you alright?" He said, his voice was husky and you could feel him smiling against your neck.
"Yea-" you coughed again. The Doctor rocked back onto his knees and reached for your glass of water. You took a few more sips before you felt comfortable enough to speak again, "Sorry."
"Oh, there's plenty of time for that," he said, "I'm just happy to have you back." He placed a hand on your cheek and ran his thumb back and forth for a moment before kissing you again.
"Oh," he began as he pulled away, "I just realized you didn't tell me you love me back." His left eyebrow arched and his lips pursed as he waited for your response.
"Of course I do." You laughed, "I have for a long time."
"Say it." He pressed as his eyebrow went a bit higher.
You smiled as you sighed, "I love you, Doctor. Ever so much."
"Good." He nodded.
You laughed at him as he smiled and leaned in to kiss you again.

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