10th Doctor X Reader: Dork Dad

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tenth Doctor imagine with the reader as his daughter from Gallifrey.

"Why don't you ever use the stabilizers? They're there for a reason!" You shouted at the stupid old man giddily running around his TARDIS control console as you tried your very hardest not to fall on your ass.

"Oh, come on, (Y/n), what fun are stabilizers?"

"It's fun not falling all over the place like an idiot."

"When did you become such a grump?"

"I'd say probably 120 years ago after a supernova nearly killed me."

"Oh, you're so dramatic," he laughed at you.

The funnyman with the sandshoes and trench coat who now stood opposite of you, was none other than the infamous Doctor, savior of billions, an enemy to, even more, a.k.a. the oncoming storm. Also, he was your dad.

Life aboard the TARDIS was chaotic and odd enough as it was, what made it even more chaotic and odd though was your dad. He was one of the strangest Time Lords you'd ever known, but of course, he was your favorite. You were a daddy's girl after all. You couldn't remember your mother, having run off with your dad, escaping Gallifrey, when you were very young nearly 500 years ago.

Being a Time Lord, your dad had been through many faces. There was his first, the old one that you almost missed in a weird way; his fourth one, you had liked his scarf; his war face, that'd been a hard time for both of you; his "ninth" face, he was the one that had the big ears; and then this one, the handsome one. Out of all his faces, you think you liked this one best of all. It was so fun to be able to say 'This is my dad!' and throw people into a shock. Before this face people would always just assume that he was your grandad or boyfriend or something.

You yourself had only been through a handful of faces, but you were quite happy with the one you had right now.

"Out of all the Time Lords on this ship, I don't think you're the most qualified to fly this TARDIS," you sat yourself down on the bench as he did a diagnosis check.

"Oh? And what makes you think you're better off flying her?"

"I passed my TARDIS test."

He gave you a sideways look.

"Alright, but who stole it."

You huffed and crossed your arms.

"I could have stolen my own TARDIS... I would have been fantastic."

"I don't doubt that sweetheart," he smiled proudly.




"You? Undercover?" you laughed at your dad as he rocked back and forth on his big feet. "Please, that'll be a disaster."

"How? It's just Earth, I'm good with humans. I've been on Earth millions of times, I know humans."

"Dad, you're about as good at being human as you are at flying a TARDIS."

"It's not like I have to pass a test to be human," he muttered and ran a hand through his hair.

"But if you did, you'd fail that too."

"What's your point? You always make fun of me when you're trying to get something."

"Let me go too," you bat your eyelashes and put on your best puppy dog eyes. "I'm great at humans!"

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