Rock, paper, scissors?" 10th X Reader

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Rock, paper, scissors?" You lift an incredulous eyebrow at the Doctor's beaming face, "Seriously? Out of all the games in the universe you could have picked that would actually pass the time, you come up with rock, paper, scissors?"

He keeps smiling, "Well, yeah. If you'd prefer to go outside into your untimely death, the door's right there. Though to be honest, I'd rather you didn't do that."

You sigh, your legs swinging as you somehow balance yourself on your perch at the TARDIS console. The machinery next to you bleeps in what almost sounds like sympathy. Somehow the Doctor had managed to get you stranded in the pull of a Black Hole with just enough 'umph' (as he so gracefully put it) to get out after a few hours.

"Surely there's a games room or something in here, considering that it's 'bigger on the inside'." You roll your eyes as you tease the Time Lord. "Or there's got to be a game that the residents of some far off planet like to play. Rock, paper, scissors is so boring. And it doesn't even pass any time at all!" You raise your hands in exasperation as he just continues to smirk at you. 

"Well." He says, closing the distance between you in two long bounds, "The residents of Tebos love rock, paper, scissors." An arm either side of you cages you in between him and the TARDIS console, his face coming unnervingly close to yours as your cheeks flush. "So much so, that they use it to bargain and trade, though it is a little different than Earth's version. They can go from beggars to rich men just in one game. Lose everything, or win everything." He trails off into a whisper. You shiver slightly as he moves closer, only for him to use the strength in his bent arms to push himself away from you and flash you a dazzling smile as he does so. "So what do you say (Name)? Fancy a game of Tebos rock, paper, scissors?"

"What's the bargain?" You find your eyebrow arching once again.

The corner of his lips curl and his eyes flash with something beyond basic mischievousness. "Winner decides what happens next."

You hop off the console and take a few steps towards him, narrowing your eyes at him. "Fine. If I win, you tell me how to get to the games room and we do something else."

He just smiles as if he knows something you don't and the two of you prepare, the TARDIS releasing what sounded like a sigh of exasperation at the childish antics.

"On three?" You ask and he nods as your fisted hands face each other in the space between you.

"On three."


One bounce of the hands.


Second bounce.


Your hand unfolds into paper whilst the Doctor's remains in a fist; rock. Arms fly into the air and you cheer over your small victory, though the smirk on the Doctor's face has you instantly second-guessing. You try to remember any rules he mentioned beforehand. Nothing comes to mind.

'...though it is a little different than Earth's version...'

You wince as the snippet of the conversation came back to you, " exactly is the Tebos way of playing different?" You ask, and the Doctor's answering grin looks like it could split his face. You take a step backwards as he suddenly bursts into excited explanation, moving towards you, backing you into the control panel.

"Well," (and you're sure he's said the word so much that it doesn't even sound like an actual word any more, but the awe in his voice makes your face heat up anyway.) "They're quite brilliant really, they're like an even more cynical, intelligent and cold version of the Human Race, even when it comes down to game playing. The Teboins are a lot more realisitic than Humans. And since when, in reality," His arms move without him really seeming to notice, to cage you in against the machinery as he calms and absentmindedly muses, "has a piece of paper beat a rock?"

"Never." You squeak and he flashes a smile, his eyes suddenly captured by the movement of your lips and the shade of your cheeks.

"Exactly." He breathes, pauses and suddenly blinks owlishly as if he has just realised what position you're in. He makes no move to let you free from his arms though, and you lean back and support your weight on your hands behind you.

"So if you've won, which I assume you have from that explanation, you decide what we do next. Another round of rock, paper, scissors?" You smile sheepishly, your heart pounding and your face burning from the embarrassment of being so close to him.

"Originally yes." His voice is still that breathy tone that he only gets when he's really thinking about something and it makes you shiver underneath him, "But you see, now... I'd much rather do this."

And suddenly his hand is curled in your hair, pulling your head up and his lips are on yours and it's beautiful.

But you're shocked and confused and your eyes are wide open and drinking in the satisfied bliss that seems to be scrawled across the Doctor's face and you're wondering why the hell you aren't doing anything. So you do.

Your eyes slam shut and your hands fly to his crazy, messy hair that you had always wanted to touch. He groans in approval as you tug him closer to you and his other hand that was still on the console winds around your waist as he nips at your lower lip.

You curse the need for air as you pull away, lips swollen as the Doctor chases them and captures them again in a shorter but no less needy kiss.

You gasp as he suddenly moves to your neck, kissing and nipping every now and then, making you shiver and causing the hairs at the back of your neck to rise as you feel him smirk against your skin.

"W-What was that?" You breathe out as he rests his face against your shoulder, his breath ghosting across your collarbone which he finds himself planning to mark so, so darkly.

He raises his head up and stares you down for a few seconds before moving in so very close to your ear and letting his whisper of a voice tiptoe across it, hidden desire dripping from his words.

"Well you did say you wanted to do something else."

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