10th Doctor x Reader: A Jealous Timelord

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"(Y/N)! Happy birthday!" The Doctor called, running into your room on the TARDIS.

Thankfully, you were used to him doing this and were dressed as the Doctor entered your room; the first time that he'd done that you had thrown your pillow at him and huddled down at the bottom of your bed until he left.

It probably didn't hurt that the TARDIS seemed to like you and would warn you when the Doctor was coming.

"Happy birthday!" The childish doctor yelled again, giving you a tight hug.

You had no idea when it had happened but during your trips with the Doctor; you'd fallen for him.  Hard.  He was sweet, protective, had a great sense of humour and had this side of danger to him that drew you in.

There had been many moments that you were going to tell him how you felt about him but the moments either passed with him in another woman's arms or saving worlds or you simply losing your nerve and not wanting to wreck the strong friendship you had with the Doctor.

"I have a surprise for you!"

You raised an eyebrow – "Does that mean we have to run?"

The Doctor looked at you with an affronted look, "Not today!  Who do you think I am?"

"A Timelord from the planet Gallifrey?  You know Doctor, now's a bad time to be having a mid-life crisis."

The Doctor picked up a pillow and threw it at you, "And after I went to all the trouble of getting you these."  He pulled out a piece of paper.

You walked closer to him after you caught the pillow in mid-air, "The instructions that I wrote for you on how to use a microwave?"

The Doctor looked sheepish, "Wrong paper.  I meant to show you these!"  With a flourish, the Doctor pulled out two concert tickets to your favourite band.

You were wide eyed for a moment before it sunk in, "Thank you! Thank you!"  You squealed, hugging him.

The Doctor didn't say anything and held you.  A few moments later, he coughed and pulled back, "Well, we'd better get going then."

*Time skip*

You were having the time of your life (and after travelling with the Doctor for quite some time that was a lot for you to say).  Somehow, you'd managed to lose the Doctor in the crowd and as you tried to find him, you were working up your nerve to tell him how you felt about him.

When you found him, your heart sank.  The Doctor was chatting animatedly with another woman (like that's a surprise).  Praying that he didn't notice you, you slipped back into the crowd and after a few deep breaths; you relaxed and enjoyed the music.

You walked over to the refreshments stand after the concert had finished and were patiently waiting in line when the guy in front of you turned around and accidentally spilled his drink on you.  "I am so sorry." He apologised, trying to find a serviette.

"It's no big deal." You replied. It truly wasn't – the stain wasn't all that big and it would dry in time.

"I'm Tom." He introduced himself.

"I'm (Y/N)." You replied.

"I'm so sorry about spilling my drink on you."

"That's alright.  I've had worse.  One time a car came past me and splashed me with mud."

"That wouldn't have been good." Tom said between snickers.

"It was like being covered in chocolate cake; without the flavour.  And yes, I can tell you that the flavour wasn't nice."

Tom laughed and you found yourself laughing as well.

"So why are you here tonight?" He asked.

"Well it's my birthday..."

"Happy birthday." Tom interjected.

"Thanks and a friend got me these tickets."

"If your friend doesn't mind, would you like to come and get something to eat with me?  I know this great little place."  Tom asked.

"Thanks for the offer and yes, he does mind." A familiar voice replied, "She's coming with me."

You looked up to see the Doctor standing next to you, with his fists balled.

"I think it is her choice whether she chooses to come or not." Tom replied.

The Doctor forced a smile and before you could stop him, punched Tom. 

"Doctor!" You yelled angrily before storming off to where he had parked the TARDIS.

The TARDIS must've picked up on your emotions because with a sad whoop, she opened the doors and you ran to your room, slamming the door behind you.

The Doctor entered your room quietly, "I'm sorry for screwing up your birthday."

You didn't reply and he sighed, making his way over to you.  With a bit of manoeuvring, your head was buried in his neck.   "Once there was a Timelord who was an idiot..."

Despite yourself, you laughed, "I like this story.  Keep going."

You didn't notice it but the Doctor smiled when he heard your laughter.

"This Timelord had seen war, love, peace and many, many other things but when he came across the stunning beauty known as (Name), he froze.  She wormed her way into his two hearts from the moment they met and ever since then, she's occupied a place in both of them.  She's been the one to calm me down, make me laugh and she's an amazing woman.  She's intelligent, resourceful, witty and has a great sense of humour."

"This Timelord or Doctor as he goes by now realised how much she meant to him but he was a coward.  He would never tell her how he felt and tried his hardest to make sure that she was happy.  Until one night, when he saw (Name) talking to another human and laughing.  The Doctor realised that although he wanted (Name) to be happy, he wanted her to be happy with him.  Not this other human."

You looked up at the Doctor who was frowning slightly.

"If that's your way of saying that you love me – great news, I love you too."

"Really?!" The Doctor's face lit up.

"Yes, just no more punching humans."

The Doctor pouted but that disappeared when you kissed his cheek, "So where are we going now?"

*Extended ending*

"Why did you punch him anyway?  I would've thought you'd snipe at him until he left." You commented, leaning on the controls.

"Timelords don't handle jealousy well." The Doctor muttered.

"I noticed."

"I punched him because it seemed like the appropriate thing to do."

"You've been watching too much TV again."

"Maybe.  There's something I've been itching to try out.  Do you know where we can get a pair of ACME roller skates and some superglue?"

"No Doctor."

"But it looks like fun!"

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