10th Doctor x Reader for A-B0SS

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You've got a swimming pool and you didn't tell me!" The Doctor heard from one of the halls of the TARDIS. He smiled to himself and yelled back, "I did tell you!"
"No you didn't!"
"I'm telling you now!"
You always explored the TARDIS on days in when you just needed to relax. These days usually came after saving a planet or alien race from its impending doom. The Doctor saw you speed into the console room and felt you grab his hand. "We're going swimming," you stated. The Doctor could have easily pulled away, but he loved when you became dead-set on doing something and dragged him with you. He was usually the one doing the dragging, but when you came into his life, no one was better for the job than you.
You counted the doors along the hall and came to the one you hoped had the pool in it. "Yes!" You exclaimed in triumph when you opened the door and it revealed a huge pool, complete with a diving board, twisty slide, and bathing suits. You silently thanked the TARDIS for not switching the rooms around and dragged the Doctor to where the bathing suits were. He was completely happy just being with you doing whatever made you happy.
"This one alright?" you questioned, throwing a light blue bathing suit at him.
"Of course," he answered, amused by your quest to swim. You grabbed a bathing suit and turned back to smile at him before heading off to another door that was some sort of changing room. He waited patiently for you to change. When you opened the door, the Doctor found it hard to look away. Of course, of all the bathing suits the TARDIS had, you had to pick the small white one that tied on the sides. You knew exactly what it did to him and laughed. "Go on, or are you going to swim in that?" you motioned to his outfit that would be way too heavy to swim in. He scratched the back of his head and turned to get changed.
When the Doctor reappeared, you didn't see or hear him. You were waiting by the edge of the pool when you felt his hands against your back and before you had time to react, he pushed you in. Water splashed everywhere, but it soon calmed to nothing, you staying at the bottom of the pool.
"(y/n)?" he asked when you didn't come up. He got on his hands and knees and looked for you, panic spreading through his body. You jumped up just in time to pull him in with you, his arms and legs flailing as he tumbled in. You laughed at the Doctor when he came up, who didn't look at all amused. He lightened up, though, because he couldn't stay mad at you.
"Revenge is sweet," you stated, prompting him to swim toward you and lift you over his shoulder. "Yes, it is." You screamed playfully as he threw you into the water again, this time in a deeper end. The Doctor chuckled when you came up and spit water out at him. You ducked under the water again, swimming over to the Doctor and popping up in front of him.
"I win," he stated victoriously.
"I never surrendered! You can't win until I surrender!"
The Doctor grabbed you and brought you closer. "Surrender, then."
"Nope," you grinned, kissing his nose then squirming out of his grasp. Both you and the Doctor swam for hours until you were both tired and waterlogged. You never surrendered, so he and you agreed on a tie.

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