10th Doctor x Reader: Swimming pool

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Doctor?" you said walking into the control room.

"Yes, Y/N?

"So far I've seen a library a movie theater and a ballroom, dose the Tardis have a swimming pool?" you asked.

"Of cores! Would you like to go swimming?" you asked had already eaten lunch 2 hours ago.

"Yeah, I haven't been in a pool in forever!" you exclaimed.

"ok,you go to the wardrobe and pick out a swimsuit,then go in your room and I'lll pick you up.ok?" he said smiling.

"ok." you said running towards the wardrobe.

~The Doctor's POV~

"wholly Tadis of Gallifrey!" I yelled.

The Tadis beeped back,telling me to watch my mouth.

"I'm sorry girl...I'm so sorry but it's just that Y/N my Y/N, she's never seen me in swimtrunks before...she'll probably be too shy to follow me to the pool, or she'll pass out due to a nose bleed, some girls do that you know."

The Tardis then told me That Y/N would be fine and even if she did pass out I could catch her.
"What would I do without you?" I said smiling.

~Your pov~

You looking through the Tardis's wardrobe for the perfect two piece swim suit Shure you were a little shy about the Doctor seeing you in a two piece but you were also shy about him seeing you in a dress. You quickly selected an F/C one and hurried back to your room to put it on.

When you were all ready to go to the pool you heard 3 knocks on the door.

"coming!" you called as you grabbed a beach towel and opened the door, you saw the Doctor wearing some custom Tardis swimtrunks a pair of 3-d like sunglasses were perched on top of his head but his chest was covered up with a white towel, was he really that shy about showing you his chest? The Doctor...the man who could easily defeat Cybermen and many other aliens was shy about letting you, his girlfriend see his chest! It didn't make any sense.

He extended his hand and led you to the pool, and like the ballroom it too was amazing, the water was clean and clear, you tested the water with your big toe, it wasn't cold at all, you walked down the mini staircase and into the water, and you then turned around and saw the Doctor, Towel still covering his chest.

"Doctor? Are you coming?" you asked.

"I'll be right there, go have fun." he said as you looked around, there were a few pool accessories. Goggles, floats, pool noodles the whole shebang, you quickly swam over to get a F/C pair of goggles out of a floating basket when a pair of arms encircled around you.

you turned around a bit and saw the Doctor, towel finally removed from his chest, you didn't see what he had to be shy about, he wasn't overly muscled like people who took steroids and he didn't have some kind of weird goo oozing out of him like some of the aliens you saw, he was perfectly fine.

"Why were you so shy about showing me your chest?" you asked as he looked away.

"I though you would be too shy...or faint from a nose bleed."
You rolled your eyes.

"Doctor have you been reading the comments on my reader inserts again?" you asked as he swam away from you.
"and no one actually dose that anyway!" you screamed as you swam after him.

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