10th Doctor X Reader: Dance, Dance

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"But where are we going?" You whined with a pleading face, earning nothing but a slight chuckle from the man in front of you. He was currently busy with pressing various buttons on the console of the Tardis and for a moment you weren't sure if he even knew himself, where you were going this time.

"It's a surprise." The doctor shortly turned around to face you, a wide smirk on his face.

"But I don't like surprises!" You exclaimed, dropping yourself on a close box, still complaining, although the Tenth had already turned around again.

"Oh, you know that you love them! You are just so impatient! Humans, always so eager, no time to wait for anything." He sounded a bit annoyed, but you could see his face in the half-dark and you would've sworn that he actually smiled.

Whatever this big surprise was, he was at least as excited about it as you.

The day before he suddenly had this idea, you had seen it in his face. Even after asking him about it with pleading eyes, he refused to tell you. You knew it had something to do with France, he got the idea when you told him about an excursion there when you were in school, but you just couldn't guess what exactly he was planning to do!

"But"...you started another try. "Wherever we are going... if you don't tell me, I can't change my clothes to suit the surroundings. I might as well shock somebody to death." Again his only response was a slight chuckle.

"Well, I don't ever pick special clothes when we go visit other times either, and I never shocked anyone to death."

You rolled your eyes in growing annoyance.

"Yeah, I saw this back in Egypt anno 500 before Christ. Nobody was the least confused about your clothes."

"Nah that was one time!"

Suddenly you heard a familiar sound and felt that the Tardis started moving... you would finally going to find out what was your destination!

When you opened the door, your eyes widened in excitement and you could feel your heart beating faster, fearing that it might literally jump out of your chest.

In front of you, you saw a big castle, surrounded by an enormous garden. Its windows where enlightened and all around the building were standing expensive looking carriages. You now had an idea what was going to happen and a slight squeal of happiness escaped you when you were confirmed a second later: In front of the castle there were standing various people, all of them looking rich and of big importance. They were wearing the most impressive and extravagant dresses and suits you had ever seen...and they were wearing masks. You turned around in excitement, seeing the Tenth coming at you with an expectant smile.

"Doctor...is this a masquerade ball??"

"Y/N L/N...welcome in Versailles Castle. France in the year 1667!"

He looked at the people who passed by in the distance for a moment, before he looked at you again.

"Well okay...maybe we should change our clothes...this one time."

Some twenty minutes later you had changed your jeans and the shirt against a beautiful old dress out of the Tardis' clothing room. It was a wide, blue cotton dress, white patterns were all over the whole dress and the arms were decorated with lovely white ribbons. For what you were used, it was too showy...but for this year it was perfect!

Once you had completed your outfit by putting your hair in an elegant dot, you waited in the main room of the Tardis for the Doctor.

He took remarkable long and you already started becoming impatient.

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