10th Doctor x Reader: Tied Up Smut

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This is for y'all simp and thirst over 10th doctor (David Tennant) so please don't me love y'all from 𝔍𝔞𝔠𝔨𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔪𝔶

Ugh! This bloody tie!" The Doctor scoffed from his place hunched over the console as he tossed his tie over his shoulder; his trench coat and suit jacket were tossed in a heap over the railing and he had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. He ran his forearm over his brow before continuing his work on whatever part of the console he was attempting to fix. He had told you what it was but you never really understood him when he spoke Time Lord.
"So, how long is this going to take?" You asked as you stepped aimlessly around the console.
"Not much longer, but then she's going to have to charge up for about 12 hours. So we'll have to find something to do in the meantime." His hands continued his work while he peered up at you and smirked as his left eyebrow peaked as high as it would go. Just then he was thrown back slightly when a bright spark popped out of the console and you heard a low whirring sound, "There she is! That's my girl!" He exclaimed as he reached over to flip a switch. You assumed that meant that he had fixed whatever he had broken in the first place.
"So, what's outside?" You asked, excited to have some time to explore whatever planet you were on while the TARDIS recharged.
"Nothing, actually." The Doctor replied, shoving one of his sleeves back up to his elbow, "We were in orbit when I- when, we had a slight malfunction. We're fine, I've set the safeguards to maximum so we're free to-" he stepped closer to you and placed his hands on your hips as he continued, "float around until she's charged up and then we can be on our way. But, in the meantime..." His words broke off as he leaned down to press his lips to your jaw and trail a few kisses down your neck.
"Can't we at least get to the bedroom first?" You sighed, "Or would you like to take me right here?"
"Hmm. As tempting as that sounds," he began as he took your hand and began leading you out of the console room, "I suppose you're right."
You followed behind him with a slight skip in your step as you anticipated what was about to occur. The adrenaline that shot through you gave you a quick boost of self confidence and upon entering The Doctor's bedroom, you spun him around and pulled him down to you by his tie and kissed him passionately. You caught him slightly off guard and he grunted against your lips as he adjusted to the kiss and slid his hands from your hips around your back and held you close as the two of you moved through the room and closer to the bed. You tore at each other's clothes until you were only in your bra and panties, and you dropped The Doctor's boxers to his ankles before pushing him down onto the bed. Seeing him sitting there, completely naked and vulnerable, looking up at you with his eyes clouded over with lust, gave you an idea.
He reached out to pull you down on top of him, but you hopped out of the way just before he could catch your wrist. The look of rejection on his face almost made you rethink your plan, but you thought he'd enjoy this much more.
"Don't worry," you said to reassure him, "we're just going to do things a little differently this time."
You bent down to fish his tie out of the pile of clothes on the floor. When you straightened up you looked from the tie in your fist, to your naked Doctor laying on the bed (who was now touching himself as he watched you), and back to the tie.
"Where do you keep your other ones?" You asked, turning toward the dresser and pulling open a few drawers. You spotted several ties neatly rolled up in the third drawer you opened, and quickly picked one up and moved to climb onto the bed and onto The Doctor.
"Just what do you think you're doing?" He asked, as if he had been too distracted and hadn't seen anything that just happened.
Without saying anything, you straddled his midsection and bent down to press your lips to his. He placed one hand on either of your hips and you quickly took his hands in yours and pressed them into the mattress on either side of him. The Doctor exhaled sharply and looked up at you with wide eyes as you took one of his ties and wrapped it around his left wrist. You tied a knot and let the silky fabric rest on his palm so he could take it in his fist while you tied another knot around one of the posts in the headboard. You did the same to his other wrist as he did a terrible job of protesting. You could tell he loved this and that was only giving you more confidence to continue.
Once he was properly tied up, you bent down to kiss him again. Rushed and ragged, you constantly pulled away to try a different angle or bite on one of his lips. He wanted to touch you so badly, and having him not touch you was a bit odd at first, but the noises he was making in response to your actions were more than enough to keep you going.
You trailed some kisses down his neck and chest as you shimmied down his body on your hands and knees. The thin fabric of your panties brushed against his hard length and you wanted to forget everything and fuck him right then, but you wanted to tease the living hell out of him even more.
You pressed your lips to his left hip bone and he visibly shuddered under you. You dragged your eyes up his body to meet his as you brought your mouth closer to his length and finally pressed a light kiss on the head.
"Unhh.." The Doctor sighed as he let his head fall back onto his pillow. You kissed down his length only to give him one long lick back up to the head before taking the base between your thumb and pointer finger and plunging as much as you could manage into your mouth and out again, making a nice smacking sound. You held his knees down as you bobbed your head, taking him in and out and in again until you could tell that he couldn't take it anymore.
"I can't take this anymore, __________!" He cried between heavy breaths, "Please!"
"Very well." You said as you came up for air and licked your lips. You leaned to one side so you could shimmy out of your panties and then climbed back on top of The Doctor. You sat up to unhitch your bra and tossed it to the side.
"But first you have to do something for me." You smirked as you let your hands hit the mattress on either side of his head and brought your breasts close to his mouth.
"Gladly." He grinned before taking a nipple between his teeth. You sighed as you pressed your shoulders closer to his mouth and he sucked and licked at your breasts while you ran your fingers through his hair and tugged gently. His muffled moan against your breast drove you crazy and you could swear you dripped on his stomach just a little. He confirmed your thoughts when his eyes locked on yours and his left eyebrow peaked and dragged the corner of his lips up into a smirk around your nipple. You bit your lip to stifle a smile as you let your shoulders press against his mouth once more before rocking back on your heels and backing up a little so you could position his cock at your entrance. You spent a moment massaging your clit with the head and thought you'd finish right then and there, but you managed to hold yourself off and gently lowered your hips onto his. The two of you let out matching guttural sounds at the feeling of his thick length sliding deep inside of you.
You waited a moment, savoring the feeling of complete control over the situation. The look on his face was pleading with you to move, but you knew if you did you'd cum instantly. You finally began to grind your hips against his after a moment. You went gently at first, but picked up speed as your breathing got heavier and The Doctor moaned loudly as he struggled to free his hands from their place tied to the headboard. He wanted to touch you so badly. He wanted to pull you down to him and kiss you, wrap his arms under yours and hold onto your shoulders and dig his heels into the mattress for leverage and fuck the absolute hell out of you. His long, slender fingers twisted in their bondage as he attempted to cope while he watched you rock back and forth on top of him.
You rested your hands on his chest and rode him with your entire body; your head bobbed and your breasts rose and fell and you practically screamed for him. You couldn't hold yourself off for much longer and you finally tossed your head back and instinctively placed a hand on each of your breasts. You kneaded them in your hands and pinched your nipples as you approached climax. Watching you touch yourself sent The Doctor over the edge and he shuddered beneath you and made a noise you were unaware he was capable of making as he rode out an orgasm he had no control over and came inside you. Your head thrust forward and your hands smacked against The Doctor's chest as you moaned and felt every muscle in your body contract as your eyes locked on his. His lips were swollen and parted and his hair was mussed in the hottest way possible and he raised his left eyebrow as you made eye contact with him. He had never seen this side of you, and while he was surprised, he absolutely loved it.
You lifted yourself off of him and collapsed next to him on the bed and tried to get your breathing back to normal.
"Mmmph, __________." The Doctor said, his voice dry and husky, "That was- new." His voice cracked on the last word as he relaxed into the mattress, "I liked it."
"I thought you might." You said with a smirk, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some things to do."
"Wha- you can't just leave me here!" He called after you as you started standing.
"I'm kidding!" You laughed as you spun around and began untying his wrists, "You don't think I'd actually leave you here, do you?"
"Well you're just full of surprises today," he replied, "I'm not sure I know what you'd do."
"Oh shush." You laughed as you slid the second tie off of his left wrist. He wrung them between his fingers for a moment before throwing his arms around your middle and pulling you as close as he could and nuzzling his face in your neck and sighing into it so you could feel his hot breath on your skin.
"As fun as that was," he began, muffled by your shoulder, "I do quite enjoy being able to touch you."
He let his hands wander all over you while he continued to nuzzle into your neck and you reveled in the feeling of his skin against yours. He finally came up for air only to press his lips against yours, gently and sweetly.
"So, how much longer until the TARDIS is charged up?" You asked.
"Oh, it's still going to be a while now." He said half sarcastically as he took one of your wrists in his hand, "Now what did you do with those ties again?"
You smirked and bent down to kiss him again before he tossed you onto your back and climbed on top of you as the two of you laughed together.

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