[Tenth Doctor/Reader] If There Was a Heaven

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You slowly opened your eyes and stretched, taking in your surroundings. 
It took you a moment to realize that you weren't in your bed.
It took you another moment to realize that you had no recollection of the past few days.
Rolling off of the comfortable mattress, your feet barely touched the floor.
"Who keeps their bed this high off the ground?" you think aloud sleepily. 
What time was it anyways? You scanned the room for a clock, but the only thing that looked remotely close to one was in Gallifreyan, and because of this, you couldn't read it.
Your mind cleared, and you recognized the room, though you had been in it only a few times - This was the Doctor's room.
Your eyes widened as memories started to hit you like a ton of bricks.
"Oh..." was the only thing you could manage. You got the chills, and you weren't sure if it was because you were cold, or the thought of your...intimate, to say the least...and newly established relationship with the Doctor. Probably a combination of both.
You grab a shirt, which was far too big for you and threw it on quickly. It was a white button-up shirt, so you could only assume it was the Doctor's, though it seemed to big for even him.
Your thoughts were confirmed after you put it on - it even smelled like him; Exotic fruits and expensive shampoo and alien flowers, together it seemed so surreal.

Walking barefoot through the TARDIS wasn't the best idea. The metal was very cold, and it didn't help that the only thing you wore besides the shirt was your undies.
By the time you reached the control room, you were almost shivering. As you expected, the Doctor was there, messing with wires and other things you didn't quite understand.
"Hey," your voice came out much more strained than you'd wished. He slowly averted his eyes to you and smiled.
"Hello, love." You almost shivered at the name. He called everyone love, but now it seemed to have such a different meaning. He got up and walked towards you, taking your hand.
"Sleep well?" he asks, brushing a stray hair off of your face.
"I suppose," you reply.
"Didn't sleep very much, though...And nice shirt," he mutters, taunting you, resting his forehead against yours.
"Oh, shut up," you say, taking hold of his tie and kissing him. You can feel his smirk as he kisses back. 
You can feel him press your back to the control panel itself, and you wrap your arms around his neck before pulling away.
"Save it for later," you whisper, looking him in the eyes, which seemed to glow with emotion, more-so than usual.
"Fine. But don't think I won't forget. Now go get dressed, I want to take you somewhere special today," he tells you, playfully pushing you towards one of the hallways.
Everything seemed so perfect, as if it was a dream, and any minute you would wake up in your own bed on the TARDIS, no Doctor holding you close, no Doctor that loved you as he did right here and now. You had to pinch yourself to make sure you wouldn't wake up.
If there was a heaven, you were damn sure this is was close to it as you could get.

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