10th Doctor x Reader: you Don't have to be alone parts 1

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You were taking a late-night walk to clear your mind and escape the madness that surrounded your house; you walked for such a long time finally you walked into a grassy field it seems to be clear except for some sort of blue box standing in the middle.
you walk towards it feeling both scared and excited at the same time, It was a police box from the 1950's. you knew a bit about them in history class a police man could lock a criminal inside and then dial for a cab to come pick him/her up, you thought it was a pretty clever idea.
You knocked on the door three times, not expecting any one to answer; you then sat down on the grassy ground and leaned your head on the strange blue box.

"wait a minute." you thought "It's 2014,police boxes aren't even supposed to exist anymore, so what's was one doing out in the middle of a field?" you said out loud,
"That's a pretty good question,is'nt it?" a man replied you looked up and saw him he had wild hair and brown eyes and wore a long  brown coat, he seemed to have stepped out of the police box while you weren't looking .

"by the way, what are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"

"I guess I kind of ran away. You say getting up off the grass.
"why?" he asked empathetically, even though you just met this man ,you began to trust did, you told him everything that upset you and how you wish you were alone ,you started to cry, talking about all those painful memories no matter how long ago they happened, they still seemed to hurt you inside both mentally and physically. The man must have felt sorry for you because seconds later he pulled you into a comforting hug, no one had ever held you so close before, not even your own father, you wished this man would hug you forever......or at least 3 minutes
.  ;) ^ ^

"oh, you poor girl, you've been hurt so bad, no wonder you wish to be alone, but you really shouldn't want something like that." he said  releasing you.


"moving on, moving on,ah..Introductions!, I'm the Doctor, and you are?" he asked ,completely ignoring your question.

"I'm F/N, you said smiling.

"nice to meet you F/N, now I'll be off  then." he said starting to walk back into the police box.

"Where exactly are you going?"

"through time and space."

"in a police box?"


"Your some kind of madman aren't you? Some kind of mad man with a box!"

"perhaps I am, but F/N may I ask you this, if this old box were to actually travel through time and space and let's say if I asked you to come with me....would you?"

"Well...yeah! Sounds a lot better than sticking around down here." you said as the Doctor took ahold of your hand and smiled .

"Allons-y,F/N Allons-y!"

"Allons-what? What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means "let's go." He said pulling you into the police box and that was just the start of your new bizarre yet wonderful new life with the Doctor.

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