Temporal Turbulence at Monaco

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The TARDIS landed with its usual groan and thud, fittingly behind the Verstappen family's private paddock at the Monaco Grand Prix. The Tenth Doctor emerged, adjusting his tie and straightening his pinstripe suit. The sun glinted off the sea of supercars, sleek yachts, and bustling crowds, but he was focused on finding you.

You were Y/N Verstappen, Max Verstappen's younger sister. Despite the family's racing legacy, you had always been the curious one, often found tinkering with gadgets rather than cars. Your knack for technology caught the Doctor's attention when you crossed paths at Silverstone, and since then, your adventures together have been nothing short of extraordinary.

"Y/N!" The Doctor's voice cut through the noise, and you turned, your face lighting up with a smile.

"Doctor!" you called, running over to him. "What are you doing here? I thought you said the TARDIS needed a break after that last adventure."

"She does," he replied, giving the TARDIS an affectionate pat. "But there's something strange going on here, and I thought you might like to help me figure it out."

"Something strange at a Formula 1 race? Imagine that," you teased, eyes twinkling.

The Doctor grinned, pulling out his sonic screwdriver. "Time anomalies, to be precise. And they seem to be centered around the race circuit."

You both made your way through the paddock, blending into the organized chaos of race day. The roar of engines, the scent of fuel, and the palpable excitement in the air were familiar to you, but the Doctor's presence added a new layer of anticipation.

As you reached the track, the Doctor pointed to a section of the pit lane. "There. The anomalies are strongest over there."

You followed his lead, weaving through mechanics and team members until you reached a seemingly unremarkable spot. The Doctor scanned the area with his sonic screwdriver, frowning at the readings.

"What is it?" you asked, peering over his shoulder.

"Temporal disturbance," he murmured. "Something—or someone—is manipulating time here."

Suddenly, a loud rumble shook the ground, and a shimmering portal appeared on the track. Through it, you glimpsed scenes from various historical eras: Roman soldiers, Victorian London, and futuristic cityscapes. The Doctor's expression turned grave.

"We need to close that portal before it wreaks havoc on the race—and the timeline," he said.

"How do we do that?" you asked, already bracing yourself for action.

"With this," the Doctor replied, handing you a small device. "It's a temporal stabilizer. I'll need you to attach it to the base of the portal while I adjust the settings from here."

You nodded, taking the device and rushing towards the portal. The air crackled with energy, and you could feel the pull of different times trying to draw you in. Steadying yourself, you crouched down and secured the stabilizer, glancing back at the Doctor for confirmation.

He gave you a thumbs-up, then focused on his sonic screwdriver. "Now, Y/N!"

You activated the stabilizer, and a beam of light shot out, enveloping the portal. The Doctor adjusted the frequency, and slowly, the portal began to shrink. With a final pulse, it vanished, leaving the track undisturbed.

Breathing a sigh of relief, you walked back to the Doctor. "That was close."

"Too close," he agreed, pocketing his screwdriver. "But we did it. The timeline is safe."

"Thanks to you," you said, smiling.

"Thanks to us," he corrected, his eyes twinkling with admiration. "You were brilliant, Y/N."

As the race continued without a hitch, you and the Doctor found a quiet spot to watch, sharing stories and laughter. The thrill of the adventure lingered, but so did the bond between you. With the Doctor by your side, every moment—whether racing through time or watching cars zoom by—felt extraordinary.


I hope you enjoyed this one-shot! Let me know if there's anything else you'd like.

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