𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑿𝑿, 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕

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January 03, 2023

The Christmas holidays were over and Victoria had to go back to boarding school, so she was quite happy to be able to see her friends again.

—I love you— said Kate hugging her daughter before she made her way back to the boarding school. She couldn't go with her this time, so she would be driven by the driver along with her security guard, who was at the boarding school all the time.

It was always hard to say goodbye to her firstborn, so it didn't take long for the duchess's tears to come —I'll be here in less than a week for your birthday— said Victoria, making her mother nod and wipe away her tears.

The hour-long walk to the boarding school was very relaxing for the princess, who had a big smile on her face. She talked to Maya all the way, as she was anxious to see her again. The blonde had spent all her holidays in Australia, so seeing each other one afternoon was impossible. Victoria arrived a few minutes early, so she decided to wait for her in the room.

—The life of the party is here!— Maya exclaimed, stretching out her arms and making the princess's eyes sparkle, and they melted into a big hug. They didn't have much time to talk as they had classes in 20 minutes.

—Can we stay and talk after athletics?— asked Andrew when he saw the princess, who nodded with a smile. She couldn't deny that she liked the blond as whenever he spoke to her she felt millions of butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

—Where are we going?— asked Victoria as she saw the boy open a door that had a giant "No Entry" sign on it.

—Your Royal Highness— said her bodyguard, Rob, making them stop in their tracks, —I have to go and check first— he explained, making her nod, she knew he had to do it for her safety.

—Is it always like this?— asked Andrew —I'm used to it now— she shrugged and before they could say anything else, Rob arrived to say that everything was in order.

They climbed narrow stone stairs that were shaped like a spiral, making it very difficult to climb and the dim light didn't help. But when they reached the small rooftop where they could see the whole city.

—Wow— announced the princess in amazement —How did you discover this?— she asked intrigued.

—One day I couldn't sleep— said Andrew, looking at the horizon. They both stood in silence for a few minutes just enjoying the view.

—I've missed you— confessed the blond, turning to look at Victoria, who smiled embarrassedly at him. —I bought you a Christmas present— he announced before the chestnut could say anything.

—Oh Andrew you didn't have to do that— she replied as the boy pulled a small wrapped box out of his backpack to hand it to her. Victoria opened it eagerly to find a necklace with her initial on it —Thank you. I love it— she said taking it out of the box and turning around so the blond could tie it on.

—I know it's not the fancy jewellery you usually wear...— the boy apologised but the princess stopped him before he could say anything else.

—It's perfect— she smiled. They continued talking until it was time to return to their respective rooms.

—You just had a date with him— exclaimed the Australian when her best friend told her everything.

—Of course not! It was just a friends' date— she tried to play it down, but her heart was beating fast as she remembered the last few minutes.

—Of course, because friends give each other jewellery— Maya rolled her eyes which caused Victoria to throw a pillow at her.

—We're just friends Maya, let it go— said the princess trying to sound convincing but they both knew there was more than friendship between them.

—If you say so— she shrugged and they changed the subject, making Victoria gasp again as she didn't want to talk about it. —I have a present too— Maya announced, pulling out a packet of cigarettes hidden under her pillow.

—Have I told you already that I love you?— asked the princess with a big smile on her face.Maya listened to everything that had happened in those weeks and was quite surprised.

—Then you're going to write to your uncle— she said looking at her with a "that's not a good idea" look on her face.

—I have to do it! I need to talk some sense into him— she replied desperately with tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Maya understood her best friend's reasons but she wasn't convinced that her plan was going to work. She thought it was going to hurt her.

—Think about what you're going to say to him— the blonde advised rather worriedly.

—I will, everything will be fine— Victoria said so confidently that the australian had to nod and pray that everything would be fine.


The princess didn't take off the pendant at any time, which made Andrew sigh in relief, as he really liked it.

—Do you want to go to our place today?— the blond asked excitedly, making her nod with a smile. The rest of the morning she couldn't concentrate on anything else.

They both took a deep breath as they reached the rooftop. The sun was shining brightly but the gentle breeze running through the streets made for wonderful weather.

—This is my new favourite place— said Victoria looking at the boy who had a silly grin on his face —What's wrong with you?— asked the princess intrigued pulling him out of his trance.

—I love it here and even more with you— confessed Andrew making Victoria blush and her heart start pumping hard. She ducked her head and looked down at the ground in shame. —I'm sorry— muttered the blond, cursing a thousand times in his head for having said that.

—I feel the same way— Victoria said, staring into his blue eyes. They were both silent, taking in each other's words.

They ended up sitting together watching the sunset. In the sky, the stars are slowly beginning to appear, adding a bright light to the scene. From this height, you can see the city in all its magnitude, with its thousands of lights glittering and twinkling along its streets and avenues.

Victoria rested her head on the boy's shoulder, who began to stroke her hair. They just stayed like that, in silence, no words were needed. Andrew wanted to kiss her so badly, but he knew that the princess's situation was complicated and he understood that. He would wait until she was ready to take the next step.

I am sorry for this bad chapter. I promise the next ones will be better.

Thanks for the 30k!! 🥳

-𝑨. 𝑱 

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