I was staring at my brother anxiously as he was processing the information. I am waiting for his reaction. This is not easy for me, but I had to do it. I just told my brother a life changing decision.
"I-I... am going to take business as my major." I said again.
"But why? You always wanted to take music as your major. You wanted to learn it and you are good at it."
He was trying his best to understand me. Because from young age, I used to annoy him by babbling nonstop about music and the artists, I admire. And how I want to be an artist someday.
"Yes, but I don't want to study it anymore."
"Give me a reason Chay. Did someone say anything to you? Tell me. I will break that bastard's leg." His expression changes from calm to livid in matter of seconds.
"It's nothing like that Hia. I feel like, if I learn music, I won't be able to enjoy it as much as I do right now. I might start to hate it and I don't want that."
I wasn't lying. When I decided to learn music, this was one of my concerns. When I was taking classes from P' Kim, I loved it. More like I loved P' Kim.
He took deep breath.
"Alright. Whatever you want. I just want you to know that if you have anything that is bothering you, you can always tell me. All I care about is your happiness." He said placing his hand on my cheek and cares it softly.
It hurts me to lie to him like this. But this is necessary for good of all.
"Yes Hia. I know." I gave him assuring smile.
"We should celebrate tonight. I will come earlier today."
"Ok. But not anything extravagant."
"I can't promise that Chay. Khun Nu won't listen." He stood up and fixed his blazer.
I whined as he walks away.
Honestly, I was feeling kind of excited. I am going to study business. Something, I never expected. I am looking forward to this new beginning.
It was early afternoon. I was in my room playing game on my phone. Someone knocked on my door. I opened it. It was P' Pol.
"Hello P' Pol." I said and smiled.
"Hello Chay. I am here to take you to Khun Nu's room."
"I-I don't know." He stuttered.
Is he hiding something from me?
I didn't ask him anything further and went to P' Tan's room.
I knocked on the door before entering.
"Chay!!! Come in. I was waiting for you." He said walking towards me excited.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me further inside his room. I saw racks of designer cloths. They look quite expensive.
"Porsche told me about the party we are having tonight. So, I called a really famous stylist for you." He said looking excited.
"Yes. You are going to start your college life. It calls for celebration."
"P' Tan, this is too much. You don't need to do all this. It's a simple dinner with family."
"Nonsense. We are going to have fancy dinner and for that we need to dress up."
He started to show me outfits. They are weird and over the top just like him. He handed me an outfit and asked me to try it. I was too stunned to talk or say no to him. So, I went inside to change.
I held the outfit in front of me. It was shirt and pants made from net. It was silver and bedazzled with stones. I don't want to wear it. But I have no choice. So, changed quickly and came out.
P' Tan looked at me up and down. I was feeling uncomfortable.
"No. This doesn't suit you. Try this one." He handed me another outfit.
I went inside again and start to change. I didn't pay attention to outfit this time and just wore it.
"This one is nice, but too simple. Nothing special." He said.
I turned and looked in the mirror. It was grayish blue suit. Suddenly, I felt cold air on my back. I turned my body slightly to take look at my back side. It was open. My eyes came out of socket.
"Oh my god. I love it." P' Tan said as soon as he saw the backside of my outfit.
"No! Are you crazy? My butt is on display in this." I said covering myself.
"It's perfect. Business in front and party in back." He said clapping his hand.
P' Arm and P' Pol was covering mouth to hold back their laughs. They were teasing me and signing at me that, I was looking good.
"No, P' Tan. I am not wearing this."
"Arghhh.... Fine."
I tried many outfits after that. Some of them were too glittery and too revealing.
Then finally, I tried something decent and simple. It was white shirt with printed image of ancient emperor or God on it and plain white pants with cream color belt. It looked more like rope.
"This looks fantastic on you Chay. Now, it's time to do your makeup and hair."
"What! There is more?"
"Yes. We are just getting started." He said giving me smirk.
P' Tan took me to have facial, manicure, pedicure, etc. I tried to say no to him many times, but he didn't listen to me. So, I gave up and let him do whatever he wants.
It was time for our dinner party. I felt like a groom, who is about to get married. As we entered in room, I saw my brother and P' Kinn waiting for us. P' Tan also invited P' Kinn's friends Tay and Time. They congratulated me.
"Chay, you are looking good." Hia said.
"Thank you."
"Hia. There was no need do all this."
"Chay, you are going to college. It's a big deal. And It's been long since, we had dinner together."
"Your brother is right. It will be fun. Don't think too much." P' Kinn said.
"Thank you" I smiled and nodded at them.
P' Tan called everyone to take a seat and him being extra, he gave a speech. Then it was my turn. I didn't know what to say. So, I kept it short and sweet.
"Khun Nu, is Pete coming?" Hia asked.
"I called him. He said, he might get late."
We heard someone walk in. It was P' Pete. He was carrying Vince in his arms.
"I am sorry. I got late. I have to take care of not one, but three babies." P' Pete said out of breath. He put Vince in baby seat.
"It's not late to come back Pete. We are always ready to take you back." P' Tan said.
"Khun Nu..."
"Ok ok. Come and join us."
"I just don't understand, what you see in him?" P'Tan mumbled under his breath.
Everyone was chatting around, but mostly P' Tan. P' Pete congratulates me and told me Macau also choose business as his major. I asked him, why didn't Macau and P' Vegas came? He said, P' Vegas had meeting and Macau was not feeling well. I know P' Pete made excuse for them. They didn't want to come. I don't blame them. I mean, it's difficult to let go after, what happened with them. We are not close anyways. Last time, I saw both of them in their father's funeral.
All of a sudden, we heard another pair of footsteps approach us. I turned to see, who it was?
It was P' Kim.

All I Need Is Love (Macau & Porschay)
FanfictionThis is a fanfiction of Macau and Porschay. They are characters from Kinnporsche series. After the betrayal from Kim, it was tough for Porschay to move on. The person he loved and trusted gave him so much pain. He is going through a heartbreak. He c...