Chapter 28

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In morning our sleep was broken by someone slamming on the door. I didn't want to wake up, but the person was shouting and pounding on door loudly. He sounded kind of panicked

"Macau! Open the door!"

I stir in my sleep and moved my head from Macau's chest. I tried to open my eyes, but they felt heavy. I shake Macau to wake him up.

"Macau.... Someone is at the door." I said groggily.

"Ignore it..." Macau said and turn to hug me falling asleep again.

"Macau wake up! I can't find Chay! He is not in his room!"

At that statement my eyes open wide. Now my vision was clear. I sit up straight and shake Macau back and forth vigorously to wake him up.

"Macau! P'Pete is at the door! Wake up!" I whisper screamed.

He springs up immediately. I got out of the bed and picked up my clothes from the floor to get dressed. Macau wore his pants and went near the door. He turned back to check if I am fully dressed then he opened the door. I was fixing my hairs and nod at him.

"I can't find Chay. Have you seen him?" P'Pete said worried as soon as the door opened. My heart was racing. I hope he doesn't suspect us.

"Yes, he is here in my room." Macau said taking a step back to let him inside the room. I stood then nervously with my hands behind my back.

"Good morning P'Pete." I said smiling at him.

"Good... Morning." P'Pete said with his furrowed brows. He looked confused.

"What are you doing here?"

"I-I...." I stuttered not knowing what to say.

"He couldn't sleep last night and came to check if I was awake. So, I invited him to play video games with me" Macau chimed in answering for me.

"Yes, I couldn't sleep last night." I nervously repeated the same thing.

"Oh ok. But why did it take time for you to open the door and what is that?" P'Pete said looking behind us at the decoration.

Oh Sh*t!!!

I looked at Macau with wide eyes thinking how to cover up this mess.

Macau turned to P'Pete said "Do you remember what I told you last night? About that person?"


"Well, I wanted to do something like that for him. I was just checking how it looks."

"Aw... That's cute." P'Pete cooed. Macau was scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. That made P'Pete forget about his question. It looks like Macau has told him about me, but haven't told that person is me.

"Alright. You guys take shower and come down to have breakfast." He said and walked out of the room.

Macau closed the door and turn to look at me and relieved expression. He walked towards me and take me in his arms and hugged me.

"Fantastic Morning." He said.

"What? Isn't it supposed to be 'Good Morning'?" I said taking in his handsome face. How can he look this handsome in the morning.

"After last night, It's definitely fantastic morning...... for you." He said bit delayed.

I rolled my eyes.

It was true, but I won't admit.

"You are full of yourself."

"What? Last night wasn't enough? Let's go, I'll do it my way this time. You won't be able to even stand up." He said trying to drag me back to bed, but I stopped him.

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