In life certain incidence are unavoidable. No matter what you do, you have to face it. If it's written in your faith then, it's going to happen. But in my case, it's person.
What kind of coincidence is this? Or is it destiny?
"First you accuse me of stalking and now stealing." I stated raised brows
"The way you are looking at that pack of cookies, anyone would say the same thing." He said putting a pack of cream cookies in his basket.
How can he eat junk food and maintain such good physique?
Even though, he is wearing loose t-shirt right now, it was obvious that he has great body. It's lean, but strong and attractive.
He moved to my left and picked up a pack of noodles.
"This one doesn't taste good. It's bland. Try that spicy one on your left. It's my favorite." I suggested.
He looked at me dumping that tasteless noodle pack in his basket and walked away. I made funny faces behind his back and raised pack of cookies to throw at him. He stopped and turned back. I stopped and pretended to look somewhere else. He came back to pick another cookie pack. For someone who look so bitter all the time eats lot of sweets.
I finished my shopping and went to a checkout counter. The lady was scanning my stuff and I was taking money out of my wallet. Meanwhile, I heard a loud thunderclap. It scared me and made me jump. The money in my hand fell down. I apologized and picked up my money and gave it to lady.
I looked out through the glass door. Looks like it's going to rain heavily. I have no problem with rain, but I can't say same thing about lightening. I am afraid of it.
When I was young, Hia had to stay out most of the time due to work. So, I had to stay at home all alone. It's scary situation for a child to be in, but we had no choice. And if it started raining with thunderstorm, I would hide under blanket and wait for Hia to come back.
I watched as rain started to pour. I walked outside the door and saw Macau waiting outside. I noticed he has no umbrella with him. Luckily, I brought one with me.
"I have umbrella with me. Let's go together. I will drop you. We live in same dorm anyway." I said opening my umbrella.
"No, thanks. I am good. I will wait for rain to stop."
As soon as he said that, rain started to pour heavier than before.
"It looks like rain is not going to stop anytime soon. I guess, you have to wait here for long time or maybe all night." I teased him a little.
I had no intention to leave him here, but I pretended to walk away. I had taken only one step forward and there was another thunder in the sky. It made me run right back to my place.
I heard Macau snicker.
"Oh! What happened? I thought you were going back to dorm." He mocked.
I ignored him. I was too scared to give him befitting reply. The fear was taking over my body and mind. It was difficult for me to control my racing heart and trembling body.
"Y-Y-e-es, of course. I-I--I was going to leave, but I came back for you. I thought you might get scared."
What a terrible attempt to save your face Chay!
He could clearly hear my voice shake.
"Oh really? I thought you were too scared to go alone."
"But don't worry about me. I am not afraid of anything. You can go ahead." He continued and extended his hand forward showing me the way.
"Ohk-k-kkkk. Here I gooo..." I said with forced smile.
Again, I took a step forward and this time the thunder was much louder than before. I jumped back and clutched Macau's arm tightly.
"A-A--Are you sure, you d-don't want to come with me? I am really worried about you Macau." I said swallowing and looking up in the sky.
I felt Macau's body shake.
I turned to look at him. He was laughing with his hand on his chest. I should be mad at him for laughing at me, but it shocked me. Because I never seen him laugh like this before. He looked handsome.
Usually, he has stern expression on his face. Right now, his eyes are shining brighter than stars. He looked happy and carefree. My eyes were stuck on him taking in his gorgeous face. And the horror I felt few seconds ago is long gone.
Slowly his laughter died down.
"Ok, I will come with you, but you have to request me nicely." He said still chuckling.
"Yes. Now repeat after me." He said facing me.
"P' Macau please walk Nong Chay back to his dorm. And Nong Chay is sorry for being rude to P' Macau. P' Macau is the most amazing guy." He continued.
"That's not happening. I am not going to call you P. We are the same age and I have never been rude to you. It's you, who is being mean to me. I am not saying anything like that. Keep on dreaming."
"Well, I guess you have to walk back alone."
He is clearly taking advantage of the situation. I don't even have any other choice. I clenched my jaw and said through gritting teeth.
"P' Macau, Nong Chay request you to walk him back to his dorm and Nong Chay apologize for being rude to P' Macau. And P' Macau is the most amazing guy." I glared at him.
He looked satisfied with big evil smile on his face.
We were walking side by side. We both couldn't fit under my umbrella. One side of my T-shirt was getting wet. And every now and then, I would get frightened due to loud thunder. I felt Macau's arm wrap around me. He pulled me closer to him and took the umbrella out of my hand. Our bodies were glued to each other. The heat was radiating through his body. It made me feel warm in cold icy rain.
I peaked at him, while he was looking straight. The gusting wind made him tighten his grip on umbrella. In this terrible situation, I felt comfort and calmness from him.
My heart started to pound in my chest.
We reached back to our dorm. Macau handed me back my umbrella. He thanked me quickly and walked away without saying another word.
I went to my room and I got call from Krit. He said something about going somewhere. I was not paying attention because my head was preoccupied.
I took quick shower and went to sleep.

All I Need Is Love (Macau & Porschay)
FanfictionThis is a fanfiction of Macau and Porschay. They are characters from Kinnporsche series. After the betrayal from Kim, it was tough for Porschay to move on. The person he loved and trusted gave him so much pain. He is going through a heartbreak. He c...